Friday, August 31, 2012

Diary of a Dairy Doctor...

6:00am -Woke up.Stretched in bed.Said a quick morning prayer!
6:30am -Ran into the barn. Milked the cow. Close the barn.
7:30am -Made some Oatmeal mixed with cow-milk
8:30 am -Phone rang. Received call from a bidder on the dairy farm
8:30am -Placed a call. Booked an appointment. Made hotel reservation for dairy farmers meeting
9:30am -Log on to computer. Overflowing emails. Replied some. Ignored some. Blindly deleted others!
10:30am - A random quick cleaning. Swept the cow-dung.Take out the garbage.
11:30am -Drove out to catch an appointment. Running late. Ran through the red light.
12:30pm-Pulled over by Cop. Waited in the car. Ticketed by the Cop!
14:00pm -Picked up the butcher. Stop over at the neighborhood store. Purchased a knife for Butcher?!
15:00pm -Drove into a gas station. Refill gas-tank. Drove home.
16:00pm- Assist butcher?! Slaughtered cow. Phone ringing. Ignored incoming calls.
17:00pm-Ran into bathtub for a quick shower. Broken faucet?
18:00pm- Ate a quick junk meal. Butcher leaving? Chef waiting at the door!
19:00pm- Responded to Facebook greetings. Oh it was my birthday?! Totally  forgotten!
20:00pm- Chat with an old friends. Received additional long distance call
21:00pm -Mediate between disagreeing friends.
22:00pm -Kids snoring! Wife nagging? Where were you all day?
23:00pm - Oh what a crazy day! Where did my day go? When is my next birthday?
24:40am -  Its already another day?! Opened a gift by bed side. Found a greeting card with inscription: "...misplaced priorities: twas our anniversary.Yet you've been far too busy to remember! Too busy to stop and smell the roses. Too busy for self assessment.Too busy to wait and celebrate your birthday. Now you will have to wait for another 365days to see another birthday that will never be like this one! What time is it on your reflection clock?"

How much of this Dairy Doctor's diary is reflecting in your world?

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