Showing posts with label How to have abundant life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label How to have abundant life. Show all posts

Sunday, September 4, 2011

The most dangerous person in the world.

The most dangerous creature in the whole wide world is not a terrorist who straps an explosive (bomb) unto his chest. (Although, such men are dangerous).  The most dangerous creature is that man or woman who has refused to die despite all that life has thrown his/her way! Are you going through unfavorable situations? Are you tempted to give up? Do not give up! I dare you to stay alive! The meaning of death is not limited to being nailed down in a coffin, or being lowered down six feet. Death could mean loss of one's soul...and there are several dead souls all around us today. At times when there is nothing to challenge the soul, it goes cold. Cold souls walk through life like zombies. When the spirit is quenched, there is nothing to live for anymore! 
That is why you must keep the fire of your soul aflame irrespective of whatever life throws at you! The center of your life is your spirit...the essence of your life is what the enemy is after. The enemy wants to crush you to the point of no return. He wants to steal the energy in your soul. The writer of proverbs said that the spirit of a man sustains him in infirmity, but a broken spirit, who can bear? Today, some people are walking corpse because they have lost the energy in their soul. There are people who have lost their passion to move on and they are ready to frustrate you from chasing your destiny as well. If the desire to make a difference is killed in someone, nothing is left but empty shells. There must be some thirst to succeed so that you can be of immense help to other people. 
At times, disappointments, broken dreams, adversities, etc; can weigh the spirit down. Irrespective of whatever you might have been through, you must stay alive! You have every reason to live! And the reason is because Jesus Christ died and rose again for your redemption. What is redemption? It is the process of buying back someone from doom! The fact that God killed his only Son for you is enough to stay alive for.  Always remember that the hunger to live for an extraordinary life is what the enemy is after. That is why he is hunting you.  This is why you are fighting some battles. The adversary wants to kill that spirit in you. The enemy wants to quench that vigor and vibrancy. He wants you to lose that essence that God has placed in your heart. The devil knew that God has placed eternity in the hearts of men. And he just wants to steal this treasure at all cost. That is why you must not allow him. The reason why the enemy wants to break you is simple. He is scared of you. He knew what you carry in your heart. He is not fighting you because of your skin color or your externalities. He is fighting against you because he could see the treasure that is hidden in you by God. All hell would not have broken lose on any man or woman who is carrying nothing. It is what you carry that the enemy is after. This is why he wanted an access to your heart. And he will attack everything closest to your heart just to get to that treasure in your heart. So brace up! Get ready! He knew that the treasure is locked up in your heart. And the only way to reach the treasure is to break your heart. That is why you must guard your hearts with all diligence, for out of your heart flows the issues of life. Always remember that your best days are ahead of you. They are not behind you. So, stay alive. Keep up hope. The moment you make up your mind to live, you will find reason to live. You will find favor and hope. You will find life and peace. 
Part of making up your mind to live, is by giving your heart to the greatest Security personnel who is able to protect that treasure for you.You will find breathe to push on with His help. You will find Peace. For this cause (that you might live) was the son of God crucified, that He might destroy every works of darkness. Death is a work of darkness. Theft is a work of darkness. This is why you need God. Why because strong will is not enough. Good intentions are not enough. All personal determinations are short-spanned. And vain is the help of any man...this is why the Son of God (Jesus Christ) died so that you might live.
And the life he intended for us to live is abundant life. This abundant life means the life without end. It is multi-faceted, multidimensional life. It is an enriched life that cut across every aspect of human endeavour. In points of fact, this abundant life has provision for your white collar jobs, as well as your boring, dreadful Monday morning routines!