Friday, January 2, 2009

Social networking site abuse

Let me tell you a joke. There is nothing people cannot do to get money in this life. Since, the advent of social networking sites, a lot of sad, lonely and depressed people are finding solace. There is a place [website] to while away time. But is time supposed to be wasted? There are various forms of abuse of time and chance. Some abuses are in guise of pasting indecent pictures, videos, articles, links and more. The abuse is becoming more and more rampant by the day. One of these abuses is in guise of people wanting to create a group or the other for the purpose of just starting one.

Recently, some folks were planning to start a forum on a social networking site like “Facebook”. They thought of what they could call their new group. When they could not arrive at a reasonable conclusion, since it was a purposeless group they resulted to call it anything. At their wits end, they had a funny idea. It was with an ulterior motive of raising funds for personal purpose. So they created their social networking site group. It was such that were on “Facebook”. This group was named: “More money”. Their new group is for those who need some money. I couldn’t stop laughing when I heard their story. “Hurry! Join this new group on “Facebook” for those who want some more money?”

Alas! That is ridiculous! Who doesn’t want money for Christ sake?! And the funniest aspect of it was that if you are interested, all you need do is just click on join this group icon. And then you are a member and you can share the money also. But then, you must invite more people to that group. And then the money will not go round the group members any more since a lot of people are involved. In order to solve the problem; everyone who joined had to pay for membership and registration identity .And then, some money was raised again. And the Admin of the group got “richer”! They duped poor people!

Actually, this sound too exaggerated to be true. The fact is that some groups are not necessary at all on social networking sites. There are some irrelevant causes whose activities don’t transcend the internet. So why waste precious time on such? Here is the moral lesson: Don’t just join groups without participating in it. It’s a waste of time and an abuse of Social networking sites. Don’t start a fabricated fund raising group. You will soon be caught up with! And don’t give your money to causes you are not sure, which you have not thoroughly investigated

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