Monday, March 9, 2009

How to handle Doubts...

"The greatest of ideas sometimes come in seemingly slimy doubtful forms...
- Olaotan Odunuga

Do you want to tell me that Joseph did not doubt his interpreted dream at least for once throughout the seven years of plenty and leadership in Egypt? He probably would have said to himself; what if there was no famine coming at all? What if all I interpreted to King Pharaoh was a lie? What if the famine never comes and the people figure out my interpretation was a scheme to get out of Portifar’s wife’s case and imprisonment? He probably would have thought to himself that he hopes the dream and the interpretations come true just as it was seen and interpreted.Real people in real situations will tell you how desperate it is to be waiting for something or someone. As the whole kingdom of Egypt wish for the year of abundance to continue forever, Joseph would have been waiting seriously, hoping like Jonah to see his interpretation and prophecy come to past just as he had seen and declared it.

You may think that folks in scripture times never had the kind of problems we have today. More often, previous loses teach us to retreat, quit and become more protective...Jacob wouldn’t want to release Benjamin to his brothers to travel to Egypt as the evidence that the ten of them were not spies. There was no need for proof if he would get killed like Joseph. It will be foolish trying to convince the noble Egyptian who wanted them to bring Benjamin before he could release Simeon. Reuben bet his two sons’ lives on him and Judah bet his own life on Benjamin’s life that they will bring him back to Jacob. Is it not astounding how much length people will try to go in order to prove a point, or correct a wrong, after realizing they have done something so terrible in the past to innocent people? Here was Reuben and Simeon who shared from the selling price of Joseph. They now wanted to set things straight at least on Benjamin the junior brother of the guy they sold. We will all love to clean our back trail if we are given the chance to redo some things all over again?
Patriarchs were ordinary men who after facing all odds of life stood with hope on God.Despite their doubts, they moved on. Jacob was one Patriarch who struggled over some decisions like we do today. It took him time to overcome his doubts and unbelief. He came to terms with the reality and believed when he saw the "made in Egypt" wagons, all loaded with gifts and foods from Joseph his son, who he thought was dead. He said “It must be true! Joseph my son is alive!” Jacob must have shouted here as if someone withdrawing himself from the grip of the doubts that was holding him back, all along. Then he could have probably whispered the rest of the words to himself or muttered it within his lips that: “I will go and see him [now determined] before I die [with probably a clenched of some incomplete teeth as a result of aging].

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