"Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle."--Abraham Lincoln (16th president of United States of America)
I once told a friend that I am resolutely living my life today, in a deliberate manner such that if you are told to delete all the contacts on your phone, such that you are allowed to keep just twenty phone numbers. I will be one of those twenty people. My phone number will become difficult to delete among those top twenty friends you will keep. And the reason is because by the grace of God; I am adding value to my own life and to the life of others around me in such a way that it will be so difficult to close the eyes to me. I am deliberately adding value so that I can stay relevant.
Above all, I am anchored to the grace of Christ where significance flows through His blood constantly. I am praying for grace daily to be relevant in my generation. And I am certain that almost everyone I am befriending today will fall within the great people of the future. So I am conscious of who I call my friend. I am happy you are one of these few great folks I got.
There are certain laws with which people of old lived such that they got things done even before the discovery of money, credit card or cheque books. These are sensible principles with which prudent folks fulfilled their desire without appearing as beggars in their days. Almost any desires could be achieved through these laws. If you want to get things done without spending your own cash; then you must learn these laws. They are pretty simple laws.
Let me shoot straight at you. Do you know how to persuade people? Are you good at persuasion? Are you good at negotiation? Can you take extra time to bargain with silly people and rigid people such that life is almost sucked out of you? Do you know anything about intervention? Do you understand what it means to be a people person? Do you have people skill? Can you make friends even with strangers? Can you risk vulnerability? Are you ready to learn how to make friends? Can you make friends at the speed of light? Do you click with people easily? Can you make friends on the go, as you breathe air?
You might have read: “How to win friends and influence people.” by Dale Carnegie. A lot of people have read it. That’s a good book. However, you will have to go a step further. You will need this one by me: How to keep friends and maximize friendship. That is the whole essence of this writing. One of the things you were not taught in school. Yeah, I promised you to discuss How to get things done without spending cash. The truth is that you can never get things done without money. You will definitely spend cash to get things done. Remember the saying “Money answereth all things.” However, the fact is that you don’t always have to spend your own money.
There’s a leverage that uncommon friendship brings. That is what I am about unveiling to you. You will not have to spend your own money directly in getting things done if you can apply these principles, because you would have build a network of valuable friends who will be ready to pay for the things you want to get done joyfully. Do you need to pay for a service, a product, an item, or a project? Is there anything at all that you may want to do; which you feel can be done with money? Then they can be done for you free.
However, it depends on the kind of friends you keep. Let me ask if you make creative, rich, kind and supportive friends? If you do so, then you will not have a problem with what I am sharing here. I know friends come in various forms. Some are kind, some are not. Some are strict, while some are lenient. Some are disciplinarian and they act as if they are our parents in guise. Some are just peace-making. Yet all are important. Proverbs reads that: “There’s a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.”
You need to realize that if you are not constantly renewing your friendship, deliberately making new friends, renewing old relationships, mending the bridge and forgetting the past; you may wake up someday and discover that you are all alone. You will need to give time, money, resources, and gifts, to make and renew relationship. In order to have your requests or desire paid for; there’s need for you to invest in friendship. There’s emotional bank account from where you could withdraw from, after a long time. That is where you get to pay for whatever you may need to pay for without cash. That is where the money will come from.
Getting things done without spending cash will require some basic laws. If you are ready to break old habit of spending all you have to get things done, then these laws are for you. These are outstanding laws of action that I have studied, tried and proved:
1. You must be generous! You determine if people will give to you or not. There’s no drive for achieving success without you giving grace first. There’s no short cut to getting things done without spending your money if you aren’t giving to people first, if you aren’t serving, if you aren’t volunteering in any way, forget it.
2. You must have a vision, dream or a project and be able to communicate how that project benefits the other party. Once they can see themselves in your dream they can go with you and pay for your dreams and visions.
3. Be loyal…Getting things done without spending cash will require loyalty. People often want to see character in you. They want to be sure you love them and you are going to stand with them in their troubles. Before they will commit their cash to your project. It means you have to win their trust. You must have bought in first.
4. Be forbearing…Tolerance, perseverance, and patience are vital if you want to get things done through other people without spending cash. Some people sulk, some will try to frustrate you, some are so wicked and dubious. Yet you must get along with everyone.
5. Go an extra mile…You must be ready to go extra mile for people even when it’s not convenient. Even when you are hurting; you must put others first. Jesus often told parables surrounding this law. He once told his disciples concerning a shrewd servant who was about to be laid off from his work. He went to all his master’s debtors and cut their debts in favour of those debtors rather than his master. When his master got to know. He could not lay him off because it will be useless effort, since he already bonded with his entire debtor, he will definitely have someone to work for once he is laid off here. During one of His sermons, Jesus also said something profound to his disciples that: “if a man bids you to go with him on one mile, go with him on ten miles; If a man ask you for your coat, give him your tunic also; …that it is …by doing this, you will be called the children of your Father in heaven”…He also said that “I tell you, make for yourself friends with the unrighteous mammon…so that when material possessions fail they [ your new friends] will take to in”
6. Be diligent…believe that whatever you want, wants you. Go after what you want with doggedness. Sometimes, help, financial support comes when we are observed to be diligent. Sometimes, the thing you want will never come to you, if you don't pursue. The proof of desire is pursuit.
7. Search for your helper…Somehow, there’s someone else who is not in need of what you desperately want right now. Remember the saying: one man's waste is another man's wealth. Can you search for him/her and get what you need that he/she doesn’t need?
8. Prepare for the challenge…Someone else really need exactly what you want right now; are you ready for the competition that it entails to win? Some years ago, I advertised audition concerning my epic movie. When people came in multitude, some great talents got intimidated and left without being tested or screen out. They felt intimidated by the crowd. In their own mind, they already concluded that they can’t get any role in that movie. And they didn’t.
9. Synergise for success…There is someone, somewhere, who is ready to partner with you just to get what you want; can you synergise with him/her to get the goodies and share the profits in a win-win manner?
10. Identify covenant friends…Someone is ready to lead you to what you want. Can you identify him/her? Law of recognition?
11. Be flexible…If you are not patient you will not get things done freely. If you are not flexible, you will give away all you have, just to get some few things done. And you will sometimes pay more for things in a hurry, only to realize that they were not well done because you’ve hurried off. When you are flexible, you will adjust to suit into yourself other people’s schedule so that you can really benefit.
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