If we are sensitive and open, God speaks to us. He speaks volume even when we think He is silent. He speaks in guise of visitor from afar off, in form of an asylum seeker; in a distant voice from a strange country. Through valleys and plains, through the tongue of total foreigner; God sometimes speak in unexpected, unusual ways. He can speak through unfamiliar person. He can speak through a passenger on bus. It is very likely to see God gaze at us through the eyes of a lover. He can also peer at us during an unusual conversation with a guest. He could speak volumes through a paraplegic who sits close by on bus. He can reach out for our hands on an Airplane. In noblest thoughts, actions, idea, suggestion, information, at any point, at any where. He can speak through the old lady we met at the bus stop on a breezy evening. God can speak through a fisher “buddy” at the beach. He echoes at the train station. He can speak at the subway, on the bench with a little child.
God still speaks to us today. He is never silent. He is willing to speak of His will, desire, and purpose to mankind. He has revealed His will in His word. He is willing to reach out to us. He is ready to quench the thirst of that sincere heart. He is longing to touch that very open heart. He will put a right spirit in you. And make a right Woman/man out of you. He is willing to touch every hungry soul that search desperately for Him. And those who seek Him will find Him. This search is an individual search. It is like a voyage. It’s a journey of the heart. It’s a life journey. We don’t arrive there in one day. But like an adventure, we will experience several things as we pursue God. We seek the un-lost God but we will find not only God. We will see the depravity of our self. We will find purpose and destiny. At the end of our search, we will be finding the un-missing Captain turning the ship of our life. We will be realizing the power of His will over our wishes. For in Him we live, we move and we have our being. For it is in that Christ everything holds together, having their form.
The Angel by the tomb of Jesus on the resurrection morning said to Mary the Magdalene: “why are you seeking the living amongst the dead? He is not here. He is risen.” The point is: God is not lost and He is not missing. You are not trying to find Him. He knows your address. He is coming for you. You may not understand. You may not understand Him. You may not understand why you can not understand God. He may seem so magically missing. He may even seem so mysterious. He may seem miraculous. Missing and misplaced to you. But He is God. He can not be lost. We are the one who must intensify our desire for Him. Although, He is the one who has actually put that very desire in us, in the first place. He was the one placed that very search in us. He is the one who feeds our hungry heart by the search of Him; which He has placed in us. The writer of the book sent to Rome said in Romans chapter 8. “Nothing shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus. This means that this very love of God is in Jesus. It is not dependent on us. It is the love through which God loves us in Christ. It is not the human love which we seem to have for God. It is the actual divine love of God with which God loves us. It is the love of God for the world. It is the loving-kindness of God for us in Christ Jesus. Nothing can separate us from that love. It is so potent and unquenchable. That was why His word said: “He [God] will never leave us nor forsake us. He said He will not leave us as orphans. He said He will come to us. The point is this: He did not state exactly when He will come to you. But He will surely come. He will not lie. He will come to you. He will reveal Himself to you even if you give up the search out of frustration. So long you have the sincere heart to see Him. For someone else, while you are still searching for Him, He will appear to you. In the midst of your questionings, amidst your doubts and dissatisfactions, God will come to you.
That one day will dawn when you are going to look back and everything will suddenly makes sense to you. The dots will suddenly connect. You will look at yourself and pinch your flesh. You will discover that you have found God. You will be able to shout: eureka! You will find Him in your heart… you will find Him in your thoughts. You will find Him beyond any goose pimples or emotional feelings. He will be relevant in your entire goings. Your past and present will connect. Your life experiences will suddenly make a meaning. You will not “find” him as you were thinking He would appear. No! Sorry. He will find you. He will come to you. And you will experience that “Ah!” Moment wherein everything will suddenly makes a meaning. And at such moment, all the confusions will vanish away. It will take a lifetime for some. It will take a season for others. For some it will never come until they embark on that lonely journey through their soul with the scripture and prayer. Until some people face their fears and confront what they have dreaded most. Until they begin to deal with themselves and conquer their limitations, fear, excuses. That may be when they will begin their journey unto getting lost in the un-lost God. This may be when we can truly begin to seek and find this un-lost God!
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