Does the blurry dotted lines of right and wrong equal
blurriness of justice? How do we really tell the right from the wrong? How do
we decide who was wrong and who was right in a world of plethora biases. The rightest
and most wrong of all motives may be difficult to determine by the human order.
The Homo sapiens’s court of law may be mistaken at hammering justice but obviously
that will not be difficult with whom we have to give account of all our deeds. Differentiating
the evil and good will be based on precision by the court of heaven.
When I look back on how justice has been meted out, I feel
deeply sorry for the sufferers of injustice. Where I may have been licking my
wounds of injustice sufferings, I would quickly hide my sufferings under the brutal
relics of concentration camps like Auschwitz, Sobibor, Treblinka, etc. Despite
the huge depravity those Jews and many prisoners of wars went through, justice
was not meted out appropriately. So, you are tempted to question God about the
very reason He claimed the title of Just God? Nevertheless, the greatest judge
of all cannot be sleepy. He can’t afford to slumber over justice when eternity
awaits the last verdict from Him. The unveiling of Truth cannot be hidden from
the TRUTH Himself. Every action will have recompense.
We were taught that our motives will be judge and not mere actions. Yet in order to understand
actions, something else must be considered. Most important is that thing which is behind
the actions themselves. What are the factors that drive our actions? We know
that actions are driven by thoughts, imaginations, beliefs, upbringings, and more. It is vital to give more considerations to how we think what we think.
we think of how thoughts originate, we might further look beyond such things
like our culture, upbringing, family history, national heritage, environment, etc.
We might just bundle all the aforementioned
into: information sources. That is where many reasons for our thoughts came
from. Now, variables that drive our thoughts originate from one or more sources.
Such source that drives the information
which determined actions are worth considering. As we move deeper and further, we
will see why we may have to study the origin of the sources…of what drives the information
that drives the thoughts that drives the actions? So, source of sources…of information
becomes our subject. We will forever travel back in history to determine that. In
digging out many unimaginable things like these, the root cause of events,
actions and reactions will not only be known; forgiveness will be easy for the unforgiving.
In other to avert the tendency for excessive digression, I will
say that most of the teachings that will rescue the next generations in the years
to come will have to look deeper than the present generation’s teachings.
The frontiers
of knowledge will have to extend into areas such as the root cause of thoughts
and actions. Beyond the present day’s teachings on such subjects like management,
leadership, strategy and more; teachings that will rescue people will be those
teachings that help them confront their thoughts and motives.
Certainly training people how to be more effective and proactive
are great. Greater than that will be trainings that are able to flip motives
like someone frying eggs or roasting turkeys. In other to have an even roast,
all sides must be thoroughly cooked. We will have to seriously give more attention
to things of deeper meaning like: “what is the end result of all our teachings?
For I think that these teachings are like tools with which we really need to
achieve a purpose. But humanity is becoming overtly carried away by the end
rather than the process to the end itself. In other for humanity to endure and progress,
we must give attention to that origin of motives and the rightness of motive. Am
I saying that we have not been doing that at all? No. Am I assuming that we
have not been using management wisdom rightly? No. I will forever be grateful
to management discipline. I will continue to advocate for the need of
leadership wisdom. But the question is: to what end are we teaching management
and leadership?
So, why are we advocating for effectiveness and efficiency? Why
do we want our people to be proactive? Because these skills are not enough in
themselves. All they need to be perverted skills are one bill that gets passed
in the house, then politically correctness will no longer be what it used to
My humble submission is that we cannot afford to assume that skills
acquisitions and trainings are the solution to the world’s problem. Why because
the Nazi’s were obviously effective group. Adolf Hitler led a German army that were
certainly efficient. They were dignified and disciplined in their cause. They
had a singleness of purpose, which was extermination of the Jews. So the
question is not about training people because that army went through actual
military drilling. The question that differentiated them was the motive behind
it all. The question of: 'was the cause noble indeed as they were led or misled
to believe?' (Depending on where you pitch your tent). It was all about the rightness
of motive. This is why the whole question does not lie merely at the door of
management books and leadership trainings. It bores down to questioning of
motives and weighing of driving force behind actions.
When we have a vision or
a purpose, it is not enough to stop there. There is more reason to ask and
confront the motives behind that. How are we sure that our motive is right,
pure as crystal, undiluted and faultless? How are we sure that we are right in
our causes? Is it by hindsight? Is it by teaching people that their choices will
definitely have consequence(s) or there are better ways to determine that so
that people don’t wreck their lives and even go further in destroying other
people’s lives?
Till date, many of the ninety percent unprosecuted offenders
of genocides walk freely.
Those who served in the Nazi’s army believed that
they were right. They were more convinced that they were doing the right thing
by exterminating the Jews. Similarly, the Hutu tribes of Rwanda were not acting
under assumptions when they were killing the Tutsi tribes because they
considered them as snakes and cockroaches. When a different tribe are considered sub-humans
in terms of ethnicity, it was not assumption. That genocide claimed over a million lives in Rwanda. Yet
those who started it felt they were right. The deception of human hearts could
be traced back in history to the time of crucifixion of Jesus. Those who
crucified Jesus felt that they were doing God a favor by killing Jesus. Why
because this "Joker" from Nazareth is claiming to be God. And that was the
highest form of blasphemy in history. So they killed the Messiah of the world. The
question is how can we truly tell when motives are right or wrong? I strongly
believe that one of the utmost teachings which the world is yet to seriously
unravel is this teaching on the rightness of motive, the power behind motivations. Could this be a teaching the ancients missed till date?