Showing posts with label President Hosni Murbarack. Show all posts
Showing posts with label President Hosni Murbarack. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Egyptians' struggle: history must not repeat itself!

Sad to say, my predictions concerning Egyptians’ crisis is quickly coming to pass? Protest eventually resulted into violence in Egypt. The weapon of confusion has been introduced. Pro-government camp now arose to divide the voice of unity? The fate of breaking of new dawn is now in a dangling balance? The spirits of some Egyptians in this struggle is now fainting? Will this historic momentum be allowed dead? Will the aggregates of energy in Egypt gradually dwindle? What will become of this matter?
President Barack Obama’s reputation is on the line for being referred to as an ally of Mubarak? How so true that our relationship can redefine our reputations so quickly? If Mr. President doesn’t come out defiantly against this impression, it will affect the history of African-American people of the State. Now a chain reaction is coming? What if another brother is gunning for presidency? Both precedents and antecedents will then count, either for or against?
As usual in most African protests, the Police force has masqueraded into pro-government camp? Yes! The Soldiers are still indifferent; but for how long will that be? They may side with this corrupt government of the day within hours? Gradually, a dismissal of historic gathering will occur? Will all these amount into nothing? Let it be written in history that the whole world is watching! We saw it all! We are reading, Tweeting, blogging…we all heard about it!  We saw the stance of each world leader? We saw the position of each country president in this matter. When the centre could no longer hold? When things fell apart? We knew those who influenced change! We can differentiate the enemies of peace in Africa! There shall be no mistaken the nomination of Noble Laureate for Peace!
We know this will go down in history as monuments. Posterity will never forget. Whatever happens after this? The Western world cannot be totally dissociated from the consequence. The case of Samuel Kanyon Doe the 21st President of Liberia still echoes in history. He was forcefully removed and assassinated in 1990. Foreign observers, international governmental bodies made it happen. According to Wikipedia 2011, “Doe attempted to legitimize his regime with a new constitution in 1984 and elections in 1985. As in the present case of Egypt, “…opposition to Doe’s rule increased…after the 1985 fraudulent election process a civil war began in December 1989. The rebels entered Liberia in bid to overthrow Doe. Doe's forces were defeated. In September 1990 Doe was captured, tortured, and killed.
Enforcing the impeachment of Mubarak should come now! It must happen now! Greater pressure must come from all corners! International governmental bodies must arise. Should the Egyptian protest result in a civil war? Innocent lives will go down the six feet with Hosni Mubarak? Let the whole world speak!

Wikipedia (2011). “Samuel Doe”. Last accessed on February 2, 2011 from:

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Did I just heard this President Hosni Murbarack has ruled the Egyptians for thirty years? The people are now resisting his reign? Leadership is all about people. The change should now come! The people now clamor for empowerment. They are taking responsibility for their childrens' future.
On watching the ongoing March of a Million on CBC, (The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) it got me thinking. This historical Egyptian march greatly inspired me. The people wanted a change in their government. I believe it all started from one connector calling out to another connector. Saying: let us rise up for change concerning the oppression in Egypt? This ongoing protest is an epitome of unity. The energy gathering one can call momentum. Such a momentum or ability to build a crtitcal mass is one crucial puzzle , missing in the third world. The voice of unity always prevails. The cries of the people always win. If it is sustained, the Egyptians will be heard. When all other third world nations can get to this point when the people can cry against their oppressors; there will be a break of new dawn. Our voices always count in the spirit of coherence.

The momentum may gradually die down in Egypt if the western worlds remain the silent onlookers of old. This is the time for international community to do something! There is need for response that is beyond mere evacuation of people. The most impressive to us all should be how the Egyptians despites their religious standards, piety culture, had stood against oppression. Resistance always become mandatory in the face of oppression. This is no time for delay. Let the world join them in their struggle. This is a stride towards freedom! Their protest has impact and meaning! You will assume that piety should stop the people's cry but no! The spirit of man was not shaped for oppression but for significance.

Again, this Egyptian march shows us all what the power of connectivity means. Everything is connected. The case study of March of a million once again has proven the interconnectedness of everyone. We cannot truly dissociate politics from business. Nestle, BP, Vodaphone and all other multinationals had to shut down business operations as a result of this historic protest. The protest has influenced the Airline’s industry. There are now factors influencing the decisions surrounding the flights going in and out of Egypt? The travel insurance had to be enforced for people to get out of Egypt. The insurance sector has become so powerful once again?

This protest will shape destinies. It will decide the fate of millions. Not just the people of Egypt but the entire world. How do I mean? Canadians who were working in Egypt has been affected and they are trying to return home. Some Egyptians refugees may join the Canadians in the ongoing evacuation. Some foreigners who went on vacation may become stranded forever, especially if travel documents got lost? Some Tourists may not return for a while. The agitations in Egypt will soon affect some other families outside of Egypt. The reaction of families of stranded foreigners may create a chain reaction outside Egypt. This may translate into something bigger. If this protest and evacuation continue, before long, more immigrants will end up in the western world. The policy surrounding Refugees may be revisited in these host countries. The western culture will shape the life of these Egyptian refugees. There will be cultural adulteration whereby the destiny of more people will be influenced and redefined. Eastern culture will mix up with the Western culture. Over time, something will happen. It is called: cultural revolution.

It doesn't get greener than this! The Egyptians have to stand. And after they have done everything they can. They must just stand against the status quo. The effect of their critical mass will work in the end. Justice will prevail. Now is the time. At the end of this march of a million, there will be gains and loses. Both will be relative. If the protest ends up in violence, there will be some casualties. That is a loss. If there was devastation of structures, then there will be employment opportunities for construction companies. Gains are also evident. Project management experts will get hired. Some medical practitioners may get busier. Above all, the greatest of all gains will be in the stepping down of President Hosni Murbarack.The grand beauty will be in the fact that change has been brought to fore. That is, the people have finally been empowered! Once one of us in Africa is empowered, the spirit of empowerment will flow across to the rest. All across Africa, there will be freedom. There will be empowerment. This is a cry of freedom. This is a noble cause. It is for empowerment!