Redemption was the finished work of Christ on the cross. He paid with His precious blood. Today I am baffled by how some people still go back into the Old Testament to pick out of context some scriptural texts and just misapply them blindly. They misinterpret scriptures in every respect. Imagine you were told to redeem your life with/by money? Because you were a first born of your parent, you have to pay some amounts of money to redeem your life into prosperity when Jesus became poor that we might be rich through His poverty? Alas! I saw it. Out of ignorance people gave money for their own redemption in our day because they found themselves in temporary predicament of life. They doubted the light in them. They felt that by giving money in deed to a prophet, they would be delivered. I shudder. I wonder if they ever knew that their deliverance was already settled on the cross of Calvary over two thousand years ago. I see why Jesus said: You will know the truth and the Truth will set you free. It is not the truth known by somebody else. It has got to be the truth known, understood and embraced by you. It must be your personal experience of the Truth. So what is the Truth? The word of God; the son of God is the Truth. You have to become one with the truth to be free in deed. This personal understanding is what every one of us needs to chase after.
Today we have people profiteering out of other people’s ignorance. And the largest market to make money is the market of spirituality. That is why some prophets, psychics, and diviners are making fortunes out of most people. These people unfortunately are believers who don’t know the God of heaven personally and intimately. They have not had any personal encounter with Him which they can look back on. Hence, they had to be introduced to Him and He had to be portrayed to them with human sense knowledge. But Christ is coming for a church that is without blemish or wrinkle. If you have to be told what God is saying to you as a child of God, you really need help. Because the bible has in store every word you need. And the word of God is the fulfillment of all prophecies. There is no new prophecy. No prophecy should be able to blow you away. When a prophecy now begins to make you tremble or even get you excited; that means you need help. The same scripture that said: “Despise not prophesying.” Is the same scripture that said: “Test and judge all prophecies”…if you are living your life based on prophecies; you will soon crumble. If you are depending on human wisdom, diviner’s intention or inspiration. You are still walking in darkness and you really need help. And help is in the word of God. The word of truth will liberate any man who sincerely seek God.
I have seen this malady in our age. I have seen this madness in my generation. People scream and shout in ignorance but God is not fooled. We are not in a prophetic age that substitutes the bible. And if any prophecy should violate the biblical standard; I will have no respect for that very prophet who spoke! Friends, be careful of what you run after. When he was about to die; David lay on his sick bed instructing Solomon (his son) that: “Know the God of your Fathers”. Something tells me that it was because there are many gods in Israel in those days. There are idols that could perform wonders through magic. And it is easy to be carried away by such. But it was even sad to discover that even Solomon was carried away unto strange gods despites all his wisdom. There’s a thin line between Knowing God and losing God. Men of honour even fall for the fluke. Today, I can see preachers asking audience to bring money for the gift of God. They are asking people to pay before they can be blessed. Meanwhile in the earthly days of Jesus Christ; “He was anointed with Holy Ghost and power such that he went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed by the devil for God was with Him.” He did all for free. Then the bible said that: “The gift of God are irrevocable and without repentance”...and…“Every good gift and every perfect gift comes from above, from the Father of light, with whom there is neither shadow of turning nor any variableness”…Alas! God is merchandized in our day! The works of God are for sale. You can now buy the blessing of God with money. And you can even turn God to genie by commanding Him to do something even when it is not in His will. All you need is to give some money to a “prophet” and he will command God for you. Whatever, God will do are being predicted. All manner of wrong things are happening in the name of ignorance. And the representatives of God who should know better are the ones misleading the people. The best amongst us are blind. How can the blind lead the blind?