Showing posts with label The study of Satan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The study of Satan. Show all posts

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Satan needs Roommates! (Book excerpt).

The Title of Satan and the Lordship of Jesus over him!
Let me quickly state here that this study is one of the rare topics you may never get applauded for. It is because teachings like this one are what the devil hates to hear about most. Satan will numb people by every palatable teachings except this one. Why because he does not want you to talk about his defeats.  When you start spreading detailed information like this one; some strange things are bound to happen! Some of those strange things are: persecution and breakthrough. How do i mean? The light (understanding) that comes through this teachings will liberate people from the stronghold (entrapment) of Satan. People who receive and embrace these kind of teachings will run with it. As they enforce it in their lives, they will realize the Kingdom. There is a Kingdom life despite the ordinary, normal life of 9 to 5. In this kingdom life, men and women who live maximize their identity in Christ. They do run towards the mark of the high calling of God in Christ. "I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 3:14). They push back the frontiers of hell. They do exploits. They achieve great things. They breakthrough on all sides. They enter into their inheritance.
However, these things come with a price! And the price is persecution. So, expect persecution! This is not a threat. In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted,(2 Timothy 3:12). Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.(Matthew 5:10). Those that will live a life of meaning must brace up for persecution. The price of victory is tied to the process of the struggle. As persecution arise, it is to threaten the expansion of the kingdom. This kind of teaching expands the understanding of people. It brings a paradigm shift that expands the Kingdom of God in the earth realm. That is why persecution will arise. Those who embrace and spread information like this one will be tried  and tested. The test is to determine whether they are confident in what they are teaching or not. However, if we will not stop teaching this (which in this case, by God's grace, we will not); then, the frontiers of darkness will be pushed back. Spells will be broken from the lives of many. Hell (darkness) will be subdued! Dominion will be attained, realized and enjoyed! Our inheritance in Christ will be evident and achieved.  In turn, our God will be glorified!
Now, let me state categorically that Satan hates this teachings because of the compotents thereof. This teaching contains the Truth. And any teaching on Truth is what satan hates to see spreading. Subset of these teachings (doctrines) are:
 such teachings on the Sonship of Jesus Christ, 
such teaching on our relationship with Jesus and our identity in Christ,
 such teaching on Trinity, (that we must serve the three in one God and only Him must be worshiped), 
such teaching that Jesus is God revealed in the human flesh,
such teachings that Jesus died and rose again from dead for man's redemption.
such teaching that we human beings now carry the eternal God on the inside of us, in the form of the Holy Spirit.
such teaching about eternity that there is a place called heaven and there is a place called hell.
such teachings that the end of Satan is hell, etc.
As we continue in this study of Satan, i will be touching on all the subsets listed above and more. So brace up! And as the Lord liveth, before whom i stand; we shall complete this teaching in Jesus name. The advantage in the completion is that it leaves no room for doubts. We will understand who we are. We will break through. We will break barriers. We will be line-crossers. We will achieve dominion. We will discover our inheritance in Christ. Hell will be plundered. Fogs of darkness and ignorance will be dispelled. We will posses our possession in Christ Jesus. We will take all what belongs to us in God.We will achieve victory because we are more than conqueror! 

Friend, I want you to understand that Satan is not happy with you. That is why he brings you discouragement, depression, hindrances, setbacks, attacks, loses, etc. Every works of evil comes from Satan. A friend of mine loves to say this statement: Satan does not like us.  My friend is right. Satan hates you and myself. Why because God loves us. Satan does not love anything that God loves. The fact that Satan knows that his final end is hell; made him to hate us most. And he would try everything to bring people with him into hell. Why because he does not want to go there alone. Satan knows that he is just cohabiting with us in the planet earth for now. He knows that in eternity, he will be driven to hell. Satan would burn in hell while we who believe in Jesus Christ (as the Son of God who died and rose for our sins, for our justification) will go into heaven. So, how did i know that Satan is merely cohabiting in the earth for now? -"Jesus told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared. “The owner’s servants came to him and said, ‘Sir, didn’t you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?’ “‘An enemy did this,’ he replied.“The servants asked him, ‘Do you want us to go and pull them up?’ “‘No,’ he answered, ‘because while you are pulling the weeds, you may root up the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.’” (Matthew 13:24-30). That parable of Jesus was concerning what will happen in the end. Satan and his hosts with all his agents will be burned in hell (fire). And the people who submit their lives to God through Jesus Christ will be saved in heaven.
So, why must I submit my life to Jesus Christ. It is because Jesus is the way to the Father. 
Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6).  The Son of God rules over all the universe both in heaven and on earth. The sonship of Christ was revealed throughout the scripture.

"And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church," (Ephesians 1:22).
"For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy. For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross." (Colossians 1:16-20).

"The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven."(Hebrews 1:3).
"...and put everything under his feet." In putting everything under him, God left nothing that is not subject to him. Yet at present we do not see everything subject to him." (Hebrews 2:8).

"You made him ruler over the works of your hands; you put everything under his feet" (Psalm 8:6).
 "For to which of the angels did [God] ever say, You are My Son, today I have begotten You [established You in an official Sonship relation, with kingly dignity]? And again, I will be to Him a Father, and He will be to Me a Son? " (Hebrews 1:5 Amplified Bible). 

"I will be his father, and he will be my son. When he does wrong, I will punish him with the rod of men, with floggings inflicted by men." (2 Samuel 7:14). 
The Psalmist said: "I will proclaim the decree of the LORD: He said to me, "You are my Son; today I have become your Father."( Psalm 2:7).

Now, why is the Sonship and the Lordship of Christ so important in the study of Satan? It is because, in the Christ we have the victory over darkness. It is this Lordship and the Sonship of Christ that sets us far above the power of Satan. "I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints,and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of his mighty strength, which he exerted in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms, far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every title that can be given, not only in the present age but also in the one to come."(Ephesians 1:18-21).
The reason is because that title of prince of this world which Satan carry by hijacking the dominion over the earth from the first man (Adam); can become intimidating. This title of  prince of this world can be so threatening. Most especially to those who do not know God, the word prince will bring fear. The people who do not know who they are in Christ, will be afraid of Satan. But those who know their God shall be strong and do exploits. "...With flattery he will corrupt those who have violated the covenant, but the people who know their God will firmly resist him."(Daniel 11:32).That is why teaching on our identify in Christ is valuable in this study. What Christ did for us on the cross and His work after resurrection from the dead is very important. It is so valuable to a study like this one. Reason is: Jesus Christ was the Joker! That means Christ was the final card that God dealt out in finishing the game! Every hanky-panky of the evil one was destroyed in the Christ. Since, everything was already completed in the Christ on the Cross, there is no longer remission for sins outside of Christ. "And where these have been forgiven, there is no longer any sacrifice for sin." (Hebrews 10:18). This is why sin has been dealt with through the death and resurrection of Jesus from the dead. "For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more."(Hebrews 8:12). "And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross." (Colossians 2:15).

The prince of this world 
The prince of this world was the title that Satan got when he hijacked the earth from man. He set up his throne as a prince in this world. He assigned his demons to territories as principalities and powers. That was why we were warned that "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."(Ephesians 6:12). Even, Jesus the Nazarene said: "...I will not speak with you much longer, for the prince of this world is coming. He has no hold on me," (John 14:30). If Satan has no hold on Jesus. How can we who are in Christ be afraid of Satan. He has no hold on us too!
Jesus said that statement He has no hold on me, for a reason.
It is because Jesus does not want you to be scared of the devil. Jesus does not want you to give Satan undue audience. Jesus does not want you to give unnecessary respect and accolades to Satan.
That was why Jesus told us that "...and in regard to judgment, because the prince of this world now stands condemned."(John 16:11). 
Now, in the court of law, if a person is condemned; that is the end of such person. He or she stands no legal chance except by a form of appeal. And an appeal can only go so far. Once, the supreme court condemned a person, that is the end. Now, it is important to know that the most supreme judge of all is God. And God himself has already condemned Satan. So, there is nothing like appeal for Satan. 
As a result, he is a condemned person! And being a convict, he is bound to destruction! A condemned person may be hang, he could be electrocuted! But in the case of Satan, he is going to be burnt in hell.
That was why Jesus said that Satan stands condemned. If Jesus said that Satan has been condemned, what He was trying to tell us, is that we should no longer worry ourselves about him. The case of Satan is closed! 

Satan needs Roommates!

"Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." (1 Peter 5:8).
"Now is the time for judgment on this world; now the prince of this world will be driven out." (John 12:31). Now, it is important to know that while we are not to worry about Satan, he is still around cohabiting in the earth. For, if Satan is not in this world, there will not be a need to drive him out in the first place. As a result, we must be vigilant! We must remain watchful and be sober. When Jesus said that we must be sober, he did not mean that we should walk around looking helpless and hopeless. What that means is that we are to be alert, to be self-controlled, to remain humble in the spirit. In our inner man, we are to center our thoughts on God. We should not become lose such that Satan can take advantage of our liberty to draw us away from the way of God.
Since, we have read that the prince of this world will be driven out. Where is he going to be driven to? He will be driven into Hell. So, what is Hell? Hell is the final destination and the end of Satan. (I will discuss in details about hell in the course of this study).
 Now, it is important to note that the prince of this world (satan) does not want to be driven out alone! He is looking for companions to share hell with him. He is looking for room-mates, flat-mates in hell. The space is just too big for him to live alone. So, how is Satan searching for roommates in hell. Satan is presently in this world drawing people far from God! He is drawing people towards inclinations to sin. Satan is deceiving people to continue in sin and make excuses for sin."What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase?By no means! We died to sin; how can we live in it any longer?"(Romans 6:1-2).   

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Church of Satan and the Prophets of Satan .

It is important to know that Satan has a church, and he has prophets. A church can be more than a mere gathering of some people. A church can be a physical building in a geographical location. It can also mean association of people, a community, a fraternity, an institution. In another situations, a church may be a culture. The actual meaning of church is Ecclesia. It means the called out ones. These are those who were called out of darkness into light. "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light." (1 Peter 2:9). However, in the case of the church of Satan, they are the left behind ones, the not sent ones, the uncalled ones, and those who refused to heed the call.

The church of Satan.

"I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars--I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you." (Revelation 3:9).
"I know your afflictions and your poverty--yet you are rich! I know the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan."(Revelation 2:9).

If Satan has a church, that means that he must have prophets who prophesy in his church. This means that there must be people who attend that church. Then there must be doctrines (teachings) which will be taught in that church. It means that Satan's church will have a mission statement. It means that the church will want to spread out worldwide. The fact that Satan has several demons in the earth means that his church must be led by his demons. That means that for Satan's church to grow, his church must have church growth mechanisms.  As the church grow, there must be plan for parishes , dioceses, branches to spread out. 
As the church spreads out, there will be politics concerning who takes which district of the church and who does not.  There will be arguments and quarreling over the positions in that church. The headquarter of church of Satan will have people who wants Satan to notice them that they are regular attendants and participants in all the programs. 
The people who attends Satan's church will not love to read the Bible. They will be regular late comers who comes in for the after-church associations instead of the sermon. At the church of Satan, there will be show offs. The members will prefer ceremonies and regular celebrations. There will be emphasis on what you have materially than who you are in God.  Those who attend the church of Satan will prefer their own kind of sermons. They will have itching ear to the word of Truth.The congregation of Satan will  be those who love to hear what seems comfortable sermons. They will not want to be reprove. As a result, when Satan's prophets prophesy in his churches, they will prophesy what makes the people happy. They would not want to rebuke the congregation. 
"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness," (2 Timothy 3:16).
Needless to add, at the church of Satan, the congregation will be blind to the word of Truth. 
There will be no dividing of the word of Truth. Instead of thorough indept teaching of the scriptures, there will be junk messages. Mere enticing talks will be delivered on regular basis! In the church of Satan, there will be more empty stories about the personal achievements of the speakers much more than what Christ achieved on the cross! Why because the prophets who prophesy in the church of Satan will not want the masses to leave the church. So, the prophets of Satan will be afraid of teaching raw scripture in an undiluted form!
"Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth." (2 Timothy 2:15).

The major attributes of the church of Satan
There are two basic attributes of the church of Satan. These are: envy and self ambition.
 "For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice." (James 3:16).
All manners of evil practice such as witchcraft, will be in the church of Satan. All manners of iniquity such as pride, self-promotion, boasting, false prophesy, will be found in the church of Satan. Disorderliness will be seen in the church of Satan.
"Do not offer the parts of your body to sin, as instruments of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God, as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer the parts of your body to him as instruments of righteousness." (Romans 6:13).

The Prophets of Satan.
"For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform signs and miracles to deceive the elect--if that were possible." (Mark 13:22).
Satan has prophets! The prophets of Satan prophesy falsehood, they perform signs and wonders! It is important to know that miracles even happen in the church of Satan too! That is why it is important to know how to distinguish the prophets of Satan from the prophets of God.
"Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world." (1 John 4:1).
"The great dragon was hurled down--that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him." (Revelation 12:9).
What the prophets of Satan do is that they mimic Satan their master. They do and say all what they watch Satan do. Since, Satan deceive and lead people astray; his prophets also do the same thing. Just like Satan, they keep people from the knowledge of truth. They mislead people and keep them ignorant. They prophesy doom in his churches. The reason is because the Truth is what will set the people free. So, the prophets of Satan will do everything to keep the people from the truth. 
"Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." (John 8:32).
The prophets of Satan will not encourage their audience to read books. It is because the truth that the readers will discover from reading will expose the evil works of Satan and his host. 
One of the attributes of those who attend the church of Satan is that they do not go home to study their Bible for themselves. They just take whatsoever was taught by their false prophets, hook line and sinker.
"Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true." (Acts 17:11).

Who is a prophet?
"It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers," (Ephesians 4:11).
"This is he who was spoken of through the prophet Isaiah: "A voice of one calling in the desert, 'Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him." (Matthew 3:3). 
It is important to note that what prophet Isaiah prophesided came to pass. Men and women saw the evidence of Isaiah's prophesy. That was why we read: This is he who was spoken of through the prophet Isaiah. That prophecy came to pass!

How to distinguish false prophets from prophets of God.
What makes us identify the prophet of God is that whatever they prophesy comes to pass.
That is why we were told to judge all prophecies so that we can know which prophecy is from God.
"Despise not prophesyings. Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Abstain from all appearance of evil.And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it."(1 Thessalonians 5).
"a voice of one calling in the desert, 'Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him."(Mark 1:3).
"...So the king of Israel brought together the prophets—about four hundred men—and asked them, “Shall I go to war against Ramoth Gilead, or shall I refrain?” “Go,” they answered, “for the Lord will give it into the king’s hand.”But Jehoshaphat asked, “Is there not a prophet of the LORD here whom we can inquire of?” (1 Kings 22:6-7).

In the days of  Micaiah son of Imlah, we saw how prophets of God operated. His story taught us that it is possible to be a minority and still be accurate in terms of prophetic. Majority does not matter in the school of the prophets! Those who prophesied for the King of Israel concerning the war were false prophets. There was only one prophet who stood out of the crowd. It means that one percent might mean a lot to God. Actually in the school of prophets of God; the principle of one percent still rules till date! The voice of the people is not the voice of God! And what differentiates the prophets of God from the prophets of Satan is that they are never afraid, never intimidated by majority. The true prophets of God can  stand alone! They may not be popular. They may not have great following. Yet they will stand and declare God's word. 
They may not have crowd as their congregation. Yet, they will prophesy without fear. Prophets of God understand time and seasons. They move base on timing.  "men of Issachar, who understood the times and knew what Israel should do--200 chiefs, with all their relatives under their command" (1 Chronicles 12:32). They do not appear everywhere. They do not wait for men's approval. They do not hang out excessively with people; because they do not have group herding mentality. They do not depend on the accolades of men. They do not wait for men's approval before moving. They understand that the accolades of men usually wane off. They understand that men are driven by their unstable emotions.

Another way to distinguish a prophet sent from God from the one sent by Satan; is whether or not their prophesies come to pass. Another way is by examining the central core of their prophesy. If the prophecy is not pointing to God, that prophet is not from God. If the prophecy calls for repentance, and make the people turn towards God; then that prophecy is from God. If the prophecy brings fear instead of faith, it is not from God.  The prophecy must bring light. The prophecy must remove doubts. "For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," made his light shine in our hearts to give us the  light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ." (2 Corinthians 4:6).
"Some of the elders of Israel came to me and sat down in front of me. Then the word of the LORD came to me: “Son of man, these men have set up idols in their hearts and put wicked stumbling blocks before their faces. Should I let them inquire of me at all? Therefore speak to them and tell them, ‘This is what the Sovereign LORD says: When any Israelite sets up idols in his heart and puts a wicked stumbling block before his face and then goes to a prophet, I the LORD will answer him myself in keeping with his great idolatry. I will do this to recapture the hearts of the people of Israel, who have all deserted me for their idols.’ “Therefore say to the house of Israel, ‘This is what the Sovereign LORD says: Repent! Turn from your idols and renounce all your detestable practices!“‘When any Israelite or any alien living in Israel separates himself from me and sets up idols in his heart and puts a wicked stumbling block before his face and then goes to a prophet to inquire of me, I the LORD will answer him myself. I will set my face against that man and make him an example and a byword. I will cut him off from my people. Then you will know that I am the LORD.“‘And if the prophet is enticed to utter a prophecy, I the LORD have enticed that prophet, and I will stretch out my hand against him and destroy him from among my people Israel. They will bear their guilt—the prophet will be as guilty as the one who consults him. Then the people of Israel will no longer stray from me, nor will they defile themselves anymore with all their sins. They will be my people, and I will be their God, declares the Sovereign LORD.”( Ezekiel 14:1-11).

We are told in the scripture above that what is in the minds of the people matter to the  kind of prophecy they receive from the prophet.  Is the love of God in the hearts of the people before they came to the prophet or not. The prophecy that points man or elevate idols or  the achievements of man, is not from God.

"If a prophet, or one who foretells by dreams, appears among you and announces to you a miraculous sign or wonder, and if the sign or wonder of which he has spoken takes place, and he says, “Let us follow other gods” (gods you have not known) “and let us worship them,” you must not listen to the words of that prophet or dreamer. The LORD your God is testing you to find out whether you love him with all your heart and with all your soul. It is the LORD your God you must follow, and him you must revere. Keep his commands and obey him; serve him and hold fast to him. That prophet or dreamer must be put to death, because he preached rebellion against the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt and redeemed you from the land of slavery; he has tried to turn you from the way the LORD your God commanded you to follow. You must purge the evil from among you". (Deuteronomy 13:1-5).

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

How Satan got free residence on earth without rental fee!

"And there was war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back.But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven." (Revelation 12:7-8). 
Upon his eviction from heaven, Satan came down to earth in anger. 
"Therefore rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short." (Revelation 12:12). Satan was filled with anger such that he started a massive destruction. He destroyed all what God created. He was mad that he lost the privilege of standing in God's presence. So, he madly destroyed the earth by disorganizing everything! After Satan destroyed the earth, God fixed it up. Remember that Satan is a destroyer. (John 10:10). What Satan actually did was to create a state of disorder in the earth. That was why we read that the earth was without form. Satan destroyed what was meant to be a home for mankind. 
So, God stepped down from heaven, created a state of order in the earth and put man in charge of the earth. Assuming someone came into your home and broke your properties, scatter your interior decorations, furniture, and so. When the person leaves, will you just stand there and let everything remain in that disorganized state? No. You will put your house back in order. You will even put a Rotwiller dog at your gate! Just in case of another time. You will want to watch the house against another invasion. That was what God did. He separated everything that got mixed up and put man in charge! Let's read the account in the book of Genesis 1:
"And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so. And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good. And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so. And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good. And the evening and the morning were the third day.And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so. And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good. And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven. And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good. And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth. And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so. And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good." (Genesis 2:2-25).

 So, the earth became a conducive place. God created man and put him in charge.
"And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so."(Genesis 1:26-30).
"The highest heavens belong to the LORD, but the earth he has given to man." (Psalm 115:16).
"The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it." (Genesis 2:15).
Based on the scriptures above, we can see that God has already made man the landlord of the earth. So, how did Satan got a free residence in the earth realm without paying any rental fee? What happened? How did the earth got transferred into the hands of Satan? 
Satan stole the dominion of the earth from man. He (Satan) stole the authority over the earth realm from Adam. The first man lost his place. He (Adam) was displaced. The man and his wife were locked out of the garden of Eden.
"To Adam he (God) said, “Because you listened to your wife and ate from the tree about which I commanded you, ‘You must not eat of it,’ “Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat of it all the days of your life.It will produce thorns and thistles for you,and you will eat the plants of the field.By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are
and to dust you will return.” (Gensis 3:17-19).
 That eviction from God's presence symbolized a displacement. The actual place where the man was displaced was Eden. Much more, man was displaced from God's presence. Why because it was in Eden man met with God. Therefore, Eden is the secret-place. "He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty." (Psalm 91:1). Eden is the presence of God. God often comes down to fellowship with man there in the garden. We read: "And the LORD God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou? And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself." (Genesis 3:9-10). If the voice of God was heard in the garden, that means that God was present in that garden. For there can be no voice without a person.

How Satan influences, involves, inhabits, engages, assigns, and dispatches people!

There are levels in how Satan use people. He influences, involves, inhabits, engages, assigns, and dispatches people for evil purposes. These process is real. And they are very subtle.
It is important to know that Lucifer rebelled in heaven and was cast out of heaven into earth. 
"And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceives the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him" (Revelation 12:9). Lucifer (Satan) was evicted from heaven with all his followers. These are fallen angels. They are also called demons. 
"And the angels who did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their own home--these he has kept in darkness, bound with everlasting chains for judgment on the great Day."(Jude 1:6).
"For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but sent them to hell, putting them into gloomy dungeons to be held for judgment;" (2 Peter 2:4).
It was a small proportion of God's angels who rebelled and constitute the demonic population. So, it is not all the angels of God that rebelled. If those who rebelled with Lucifer are few , how come they are all over the earth? How did Lucifer populate earth with very many demons? How come his few population of demons are increasing in the earth? What is going on? I will give you the answer here. If we examine this mathematically, the devil cannot cover the expanse of earth with few number of fallen angels. As a result, he has to do something quick in order to ensure that he covers almost all the lands of mankind. Since, he is not God. He (Satan) is NOT omnipresent (he is not everywhere at the same time), so he had to devise anything, whatsoever to represent him in most places on earth! Since, he could not create human being or make anything as God would do, he (Satan) had to devise tactics to inhabit human beings, animals, or plants. Please note that Satan and his demons can inhabit any living creature! How did i know that? because he entered into Judas. "As soon as Judas took the bread, Satan entered into him. "What you are about to do, do quickly," Jesus told him,"(John 13:27).
We also read how the legions of demons posesed a man who Jesus healed. The demons did not want to leave that region because that was where they live. They begged Jesus to allow them stay in thesame region by sending them into the Swine.  "The demons begged Jesus, "If you drive us out, send us into the herd of pigs.He said to them, "Go!" So they came out and went into the pigs, and the whole herd rushed down the steep bank into the lake and died in the water." (Matthew 8:31-32). I have often asked God why He listened to demons' prayers? Why would Jesus allow the demons remain in that region? It is because there is a place for everyone. "And the angels who did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their own home--these he has kept in darkness, bound with everlasting chains for judgment on the great Day."(Jude 1:6). There is a particular place, location where every created being must be. Have you found your own place? God designed it that way. Anything that is out of place cease to exist! The reason why some people struggle in life may be because they are out of place! The first reason why these heavenly beings became fallen angels;(who became demons), was because they did not keep their place in heaven, which was assigned to them by God! Jesus understood that principle of place! These fallen angels must remain in their place now that they have been cast down into the earth. That was why he granted them permission to remain in that region, even if it will cost an entire herd of swine! Now if Jesus would listen to demons' requests (prayer of some fallen angels); what makes you think that he would not answer your own prayers? Are you praying to Jesus or you have stopped praying because of some reasons? 
Immediately Jesus gave the demons permission to go into the swine, the swine perished into the sea. Needless to say that the legions of demons that left the human body into the Swine, went straight from the swine into the sea creatures! Since, spirits do not die. And we know that the demons must inhabit something with life. We know that at the death and destruction of the herd of swine, the immediate living body to the swine must be possessed! And these happened to be the sea creatures. So, those demons went into sea fishes, sea crabs, sea shrimps, etc.  That is why we pray over our foods before we eat! We also pray to thank God for the provision of the food. We also pray over our food because Jesus did so."When he was at the table with them, he took bread, gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them." (Luke 24:30). 
For begging Jesus not to send them out of that region, we know that each demon has an assigned location. And each demon must have geographical address in the region where they are assigned. Just as we have established that the devil himself has an address. (I have written extensively about these earlier). 

Since, we know that Satan cannot create but perverts what God has already created. Then we can conclude that in order to grow a large followership, Satan needs to send his demons into more people.
"When an evil spirit comes out of a man, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says, 'I will return to the house I left." (Luke 11:24). When these demons are in operation in human lives, all they need to do is change the mindset of the possessed person. A possessed person then becomes a convert, who in turn convert another human being into satanic fold. As such, evil communications can corrupt good people. "Do not be misled: "Bad company corrupts good character." (1 Corinthians 15:33). As a result, a corrupted manner is a corrupt person! And a corrupt person is a valuable tool in the hand of the devil. This is a chain reaction. This is the process through which Satan gathers his followers!
In order to grow his followership in numbers, he will need to recruit more people on daily basis. For more people to join his camp, Satan needs to lure them. He baits them with fringe benefits, immediate satisfactions, etc. He will entice them with riches of this world, with comforts, with gold, money, treasures, with "success". How did i know? Because Satan tried it with Jesus and failed. "Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor.All this I will give you," he said, "if you will bow down and worship me." (Matthew 4:8).

So, where is the followers of Satan coming from? From this same earth! For Satan's army to increase, he would need to recruit more people from earth. These are the people Satan tries to recruit: the indifferent, the atheist, and those who sits on the fence in their beliefs, those who do not know their identity in Christ, those who walk, stand, and sit in the counsels of the ungodly, those without any conviction, those who do not believe that God exists, those who disprove the supernatural, those who doubts the Bible as the word of God, etc. Satan will use vain imaginations, science, and philosophies of men to draw men and women into his camp.
"See to it that no one carries you off as spoil or makes you yourselves captive by his so-called philosophy and intellectualism and vain deceit (idle fancies and plain nonsense), following human tradition (men's ideas of the material rather than the spiritual world), just crude notions following the rudimentary and elemental teachings of the universe and disregarding [the teachings of] Christ (the Messiah)." (Colossians 2:8). Satan knows that people could be gullible, he would use the successful and famous people of the world to draw away the naive and the unskilled in the word of eternal life.
That is why we were told to work out our salvation with trembling. 
"Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling"(Philippians 2:12). Why because it is not enough to claim that you have been saved. It is not enough to have confessed Jesus as your Lord and personal savior. Once, you are saved, you are to continue to grow in Grace through the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. "But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen." (2 Peter 3:18).

 Now, how does Satan influence good people despite their good intentions? It is through philosophies and the ideologies of men! It is by influencing naive people through their heroes, idols, and legends! Satan will use the influential people to influence the majority of men and women! This is the way through which Satan spread his own evil"gospel" . He would come on air, and pervert well intentioned people via pervert radio shows, pervert reality shows, pervert television programs, pervert movies, pervert music, etc; It is for promoting his evil purpose. This is why we must be watchful. All that the devil needs to do to change you is position his agent around you. With time, if you are not watchful, if your are not on fire for God, if you are not letting your light shine for the world to see, if you let your salt go tasteless, you will be hidden. "In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven."(Matthew 5:16). Do not be a hidden city! You are meant to set on the hill. "You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden."(Matthew 5:14). You must be shinning for all the world to see! If you are not shinning; then the agent of the devil who has been assigned to your region will come after you. These demons will work through people to influence you. And they will recruit you to be used for the devil This is how the devil pulls down great men and women with potentials. Some of them were those who followed God at one point or the other in their life journeys. Before they knew it, they were making excuses for evil. If you are not shinning, you will be negotiating with the devil. You will be tolerating evil. You will be comfortable around evil. And what you once hated with your whole being will be tolerated with passion. Those things you used to cry out against, you will begin to become indifferent about them. You will be speechless about evil! 
This is how you know when the devil is already dominating any life. Its through a subtle process. He would not take you suddenly. It is gradually. You will begin to forsake the gathering of the saints. "Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching."(Hebrews 10:25). If you began feeling comfortable around those who does not love God; then that is a signal. At first, you may even convince yourself that you are on a mission to change the mind of ungodly people. That is why you are hanging out with them. But before you know it; instead of you converting them, they are the ones who will convert you. And the end shall be worst than the beginning for such person. This is why Satan does not need to appear to you physically or be where you are in person. All he needs to do in order to convert you is bring wrong people into your life. The wrong people carry wrong ideologies around with them. And they use their ideologies to influence you. That is why scripture warned us to cast down vain imaginations that tends to lift itself above the knowledge of Christ! 
"For though we walk (live) in the flesh, we are not carrying on our warfare according to the flesh and using mere human weapons. For the weapons of our warfare are not physical [weapons of flesh and blood], but they are mighty before God for the overthrow and destruction of strongholds, [Inasmuch as we] refute arguments and theories and reasonings and every proud and lofty thing that sets itself up against the [true] knowledge of God; and we lead every thought and purpose away captive into the obedience of Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One)." (2 Corinthians 10:3-5 Amplified Bible).
It is because those thoughts and imaginations are the things that gradually form strongholds that Satan inhabits in people. The Greek word for stronghold is okuroma. It is translated as "fortress." The word "fortress" is from the word "fort". A fort is designed as fortifications for defense in warfare. They are today's military bases. They are designed and constructed by the military to prevent someone (usually their opponents) from entering and taking something away.  A stronghold or fortress keeps the enemy from coming inside the fort. This place is usually guarded by soldiers. There are sentries who stays awake day in and out to watch over the fort. They walk on the fence, around the fence, to keep the enemy off. The fence is usually tall.  Very high walls are designed to surround the fort. There are vigilant sentries  who are quick in communication on those walls. From their vantage point over the high walls, they can see afar off.  As the fortress keeps people inside, it also keeps people outside. Certain people must be kept out. And those are the enemy soldiers. As such a fort could be a captivity, as well as a safety zone. Depending on whose side an individual falls into. A stronghold designed to shut people inside is a captivity. It will be the target in time of war.
When people are shut in a fort; it often shut out their deliverers from reaching them. Lest the prisoners escape captivity and find freedom outside the fort or stronghold.
The analogy here is that the devil shut people inside his territory through thoughts and imaginations. And the word of Truth is the only thing that can deliver them . That is why Jesus said, you shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall set you free. It shows how thoughts and imagination can serve as captive fortress, where those who have bought into that school of thought will not be able to escape!  "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."(John 8:32).
 The word argument in Greek is Logismos, meaning logic or understanding. Argument can be a rope with which people are tied. A chain with which they are bound and thrown into captivity. This can be a point of engagement at first. In the process of time, it becomes a recruitment with which the enemy ensnare and entraps! Satan's delegated agents will use arguments to prove falsity, falsehood through arguments. They would use countless books to prove their arguments. That is why we were warned: 
"But avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and arguments and quarrels about the law, because these are unprofitable and useless."(Titus 3:9). We are to continuously pull down strongholds. Every false reasoning that does not acknowledge Christ as the Son of God must be shunned! All arguments that does not glorify the Son of God must be shut down!
"We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."(2 Corinthians 10:5).

Monday, September 26, 2011

Why the devil wants to steal from you....

There is a million "things" that the Devil wants to steal from you! Why because he is a thief!
Many of you who are reading this book will not believe that you are Millionaires. You may be considering your present circumstances and say that you will never amount to anything near that. The actual value of an average human being is more than money or some million of dollars. A living being is un-quantifiable in material form. Jesus said that the life of a man does not consists in the abundance of things that he possess.
A man or a woman is worth more than several millions of dollars. Since you are worth more than money, then; you are rich.
It is because you are very rich above the level of money that the devil wants to steal from you. And there are million of things that the devil wants to steal from you. The reason you have been facing attacks and evil times should prove to you that something much more is at stake. There must be something behind all these experience that you are going through. Just on the other side of your pain, there is gain. After this mountain of affliction is a huge level of glory! And there is favor, victory, and greatness waiting for you on the other side. That is why the devil wants to steal from you. He wants to kill you and destroy you. It is because you have more than what money can buy. You are richer than you thought. You have more value than all gold of this world! You are the crown of God's creation. Nobody can replicate another you that will look exactly like you. The best imitation of you cannot act exactly like this individual. Cloning you will go wrong! That is why the devil wants to steal so many things from you. This is why you have many reasons in this world to be thankful to God for.

The Doorways of Satan (Book Excerpt).

There are several subtle ways through which Satan can penetrate into people's life. One of these doorways was discussed earlier as covetousness. Besides, there are other ways Satan can enlist you into his army unconsciously. Am i saying that Satan can use someone as his agent? Yes! In points of fact he entered into Judas Iscariot an apostle of Jesus! Then Satan entered Judas, called Iscariot, one of the Twelve.(Luke 22:3). You can see that it is very possible to be used by Satan. If you are not watchful, you can become his agent unconsciously.
Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.(1 Peter 5:8).
"Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak."(Matthew 26:41).

 So, let us study how someone can be used by Satan. You borrow yourself unto Satan through the love of this world.
Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.(1 John 2:15). 
"...for Demas, because he loved this world, has deserted me and has gone to Thessalonica. Crescens has gone to Galatia, and Titus to Dalmatia" (2 Timothy 4:10). Just like Mr. Demas, it is possible to love this world and forget God. You can be lost in this world. That is why we were warned not to love the world. If we do not take time to abide in God, we will be susceptible to love the world. If you love the world, you will become an instrument in the hands of the devil. And there is no sitting on the fence, you either God's instruments or Satan's instrument. "Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me." (John 15:4). 

Besides covetousness, and the love of this world, another doorway through which Satan can enter your heart and turn you into his agent is through the love of money. "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs."(1 Timothy 6:10).The Bible called the love of money, root of all evil. I tried to understand that phrase: "the root of all evil". My knowledge of Agriculture/Agrology, taught me that the root is that part of the green-plant which anchors all other parts of the plant firmly secured into the soil. All other parts of the green-plant (such as stem, leaves, branches,etc.) derive their sustenance and nourishment from the root. The entire plant system feed off the root system. The tree depends on the root just as men depend on air to breathe. Therefore, if you will agree with me. When the bible called the love of money as the root of all evil. It means that once there is a love of money in your heart, all evil will feed off your heart! Your heart will become like the root system that supply nourishment for all evildoing. And if you happen to love money, you will likely be susceptible to feed all forms of evil. Please be informed that having money is not evil. Loving money is the problem. Possessing money is not evil. Allowing money possess you is evil. Doing legitimate business to make money is not evil. Delving desperately into anything whatsoever just to make money is the problem! 
I am sure that by the end of this piece, you are no longer going to be in the dark concerning how men and women can be susceptible instruments in Satan's hands. You are not going to be Satan's easy prey. 

Everything we are, everything we have are to be used as instruments for God. If we are not using them for God, Satan will borrow them! It will surprise you how subtle this could happen. Your properties, your name, your status, and all that you have belongs to God. They were meant to serve God's purpose in the earth. Including your  New Social Media! Your online community and presence must serve His purpose. You have been given a privilege that most of the generations ahead of us did not have. That is why it is a privilege. And you are to use this privilege for God's glory. It is you who will determine what purpose all what you are and all what you have must serve. Whether you like it or not, your things will serve a purpose. Your Facebook account, your Twitter account, your Blackberry Messenger, your car, your house, your business, and all you have will serve a purpose!
There was a man called Joshua who understood this principle. He said: as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD! "...But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your forefathers served beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD." (Joshua 24:15).

If you will not use your things for God, they will be borrowed for a quick use by Satan. If you remember that saying: there is no vacuum in nature. You are either using everything you are and have for God deliberately; or Satan will borrow them! If your ship is not in use, Satan will put it to use. Jesus borrowed the boat of Peter. We read how Peter got a multitude of fish for borrowing Jesus his boat. "He got into one of the boats, the one belonging to Simon, and asked him to put out a little from shore. Then he sat down and taught the people from the boat.When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, "Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch." (Luke 5:3-4). This is very interesting. And it is so true with us today that if we are not using our internet access, our online presence, our website appearances, our chat-room opportunities, our social networks for Jesus; then Satan will make a quick use of them! 

Guarding Your Treasures from Satan! (Book Excerpt).

 If you have been following my discourse on THE STUDY OF SATAN, you will remember how I said earlier that I once disregarded that Satan could come after me. I assumed that Satan does not have my time. That Satan was running after the great and noble only. This was my opinion within year 2000 and year 2002 thereabout.  Now, ten years went by since I spoke with my friend about that perspective I had concerning Satan. However, I had the greatest hit (attack) from Satan which came unexpectedly. It was a plot that time would fail me to explain here. I lost everything I had. I was left alone with God. Since, I have learnt right from my childhood that if all you had left is only God; then God will be enough for you. I did not let it bother me.
Since that time, I started taking myself more seriously. I stopped unnecessary argument with fools. I will not allow anybody to waste my time because all I had left is time. I started thinking, talking to myself that I must be very special. Come to think of it, if I was not important in the grand scheme of things, how come Satan had attacked me so much? For him (the devil) to attack me, it means that I am someone special. If I was nobody, he would not have bothered coming after me. If I was carrying nothing within me, he would not have come so much against me the way he had done. The fact that he attacked me when I least expect it was a sign that he (Satan) was scared of me. This is an indication that there is something more, something bigger ahead of me. There is a huge treasure locked up on my inside. And there is something within me that must be taken seriously. This thing called the hidden treasure.  
“But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us” (2 Corinthians 4:7).
It must mean that Satan wanted to steal this very treasure from me. But he could not. And because he was not able to rob me of my treasures (the gospel of grace, the eternity in my heart, the joy of God in my heart which is my strengths, my anointing, and many more!). He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end. (Ecclesiastes 3:11). Satan got frustrated and attacked everything he could see on the outside. But the blood of the Lamb of God was the garrison around my heart. 
And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:7).
And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as members of one body you are called to live in peace. And always be thankful. (Colossians 3:15)

Satan knew that he could not cross the bloodline. Since he was unable to cross that boarder that the Blood of Jesus had created, he launched his worst attack. Now, I know too well that his intention was to get me out of that comfort zone of grace so that he can launch more attack on me. But I refused to lose my peace over everything that Satan stole and destroyed.  I am wiser than Satan. He has a strategy which he uses to get people. He almost always aims at their material things. All they have, who they have grown up to become, what status they have achieved. Satan knows the nature of men that; they will almost always want to protect these things. So, he will use that very thing to lure them out of their secret place. And he would launch his worst attack; which is killing! (John 10:10). Satan always kills those who leave their secret-place (their relationship with God) to protect material things! But because the wisdom of God is on my inside, I did not fall for his trap. So, I laughed at Satan’s plots. I scorned his attacks. I fled to the secret place of the most high. I hid myself under the shadow of His wings!
“He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” (Psalm 91:1).
I have learnt to take the world of the spirit more serious since that time. Of course I knew the supernatural exists right from my childhood. But more than ever before; I became more intentional in that regard.
Truth be told, Satan wants to get rid of you! You may not know this. Satan is after your life. He wants to steal all what God has put on your inside. He wants your inner chamber, vault, bank to become empty. Because Satan is a thief, he wants to rob you! He wants to leave you hollow and empty. He wants to steal your joy. You may not even realize that yet. You may not see yourself as someone very important to God and the devil. You may not even realize it that you are carrying something precious. You may not know because the treasure is hidden from ordinary eyes. And only God knows what He has hidden on your inside.
You may have fallen upon hard times. You may have lost your virtue, energies, and vibrancy. You may have lost “your anointing”, your drive to do exploits. But you may also be wrong that it is all over. How do I know? It is because you may have come into new season without knowing it. Just like ten years went by since I viewed Satan at too long, a distance from me. And he came after me because I had joined the league of men and women on his hit-list. Sometimes, you can never tell where you have attained in the spiritual realm. You may not realize that your hair has been growing throughout those years of your afflictions just like Samson. You remember that warrior who was shaven? He lost his eyes. He was made to grind grains in the Mill of the philistines. But while he was in that cave of depression, his hair had been growing slowly.
"..But the hair on his head began to grow again after it had been shaved." (Judges 16:22).
 Not rapidly. But slowly, his hair grew again. And the moment his hair grew again, the anointing returned into his life.
Friend! There is a life which you are called to lead. It is a life full of power! It is a life of purpose! It is a life so full of treasures. I do not need to prove it to you because once in a while, you feel it too! You feel that there is something more? You sense that there must be more to your life than mere existence? What you sense is true! What you are feeling is tangible. Do not give it up! Do not waste your afflictions. Do not let the devil steal your joy. Do not allow him to rob you of your treasure!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

The disguised mechanisms of Satan.

Satan disguises to commit evil and make ignorant people blame God for every wicked deed he (Satan) did. In the movie: “TROY”, the cousin of Achilles dressed up like the warrior himself. He even fought and moved like Achilles. He looked so much like the veteran that every brave warrior looks up to. The young lad raised some dust and uproars in the Grecian army. Immediately he appeared on the scene, the discouraged army of Greece was motivated.  Fear ran through the Trojan army. On disguising as though he was Achilles, the atmosphere changed. The battlefront felt an entrance.  Although, he was wearing the amour of the veteran, he was not the brutal Achilles. Needless to add, he combated Hector, the captain of Trojan's army and died! Satan is like that boy. Satan tries to imitate God. But  he is not God. And he cannot be God. The disguised mechanism are forms of deceptions that are traceable to all operations of the devil since the world began. His activities are evil from the beginning of time. 
"If I fought wild beasts in Ephesus for merely human reasons, what have I gained? If the dead are not raised, "Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die." (1 Corinthians 15:32).
When the Apostle Paul wrote about how he fought a beast in the city of Ephesus. He was not referring to an ordinary situation. He was not trying to show us his macho. He did not fight a literal beast. He fought Satan! He was talking about the spirit of animal attacking him. He was trying to show us how certainly human beings can operate in the form of animal. Some will attack you like a beast! Some will hate your mission and vision. Some will fight your ministry. Some will fight your noble cause. They will try to destroy you. The brute and crude forms in which they fight against you, attacking your calling is what Paul described as fighting a beast. "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."(Ephesians 6:12). It is because we do not wrestle against flesh and blood that we were warned that Satan has transformed himself into an Angel of light. Satan disguise is to get even the very elects deceived! "And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light."(2 Corinthians 11:14).
Alas! Satan is amongst us!
Whenever the children of God gathers, the devil often have a way of showing up there… Why because he claims to be one of God’s creature. And indeed he was shaped and created by God. He was an archangel until iniquity was found in him. So, he has privilege to appear before God (his maker) as one of the creatures of God. You will remember that when the sons of God gathered during the days of Job, Satan appeared there. 
"One day the angels came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came with them. The LORD said to Satan, “Where have you come from?” Satan answered the LORD, “From roaming through the earth and going back and forth in it.”Then the LORD said to Satan, “Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil.”“Does Job fear God for nothing?” Satan replied. “Have you not put a hedge around him and his household and everything he has? You have blessed the work of his hands, so that his flocks and herds are spread throughout the land. But stretch out your hand and strike everything he has, and he will surely curse you to your face.”The LORD said to Satan, “Very well, then, everything he has is in your hands, but on the man himself do not lay a finger.” Then Satan went out from the presence of the LORD."(Job 1:6-12).

"On another day the angels came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came with them to present himself before him. And the LORD said to Satan, “Where have you come from?” Satan answered the LORD, “From roaming through the earth and going back and forth in it.” Then the LORD said to Satan, “Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil. And he still maintains his integrity, though you incited me against him to ruin him without any reason.” “Skin for skin!” Satan replied. “A man will give all he has for his own life. But stretch out your hand and strike his flesh and bones, and he will surely curse you to your face.” The LORD said to Satan, “Very well, then, he is in your hands; but you must spare his life.” (Job 2:1-6).

Angels still appear before God till date!
We read how the angels came to present themselves before the Lord in the book of Job. I believe that there are days like that in our age. Although we cannot see them appearing before God. Although we may not be there; but these days are real. And they are actual dates that the calendar of humanity cannot identify.

The bet against your life!
The story of Satan when he appeared before God shows us that there are invisible meetings holding in the supernatural realm. There are mysterious "betting" against us in the invisible realm. The devil is betting against us. He is telling God some negative things concerning us. God is boasting in our behalf because of the work that Christ has done on the cross for our redemption. But Satan is mocking us in the invisible realm. Just as Satan bet with God to get Job to curse God, he will bet against anyone who stands up for Jesus. All that Satan wanted is an excuse to show God that we are serving God because of material benefits that God gives.
Whenever God sees us, He is seeing the work of the cross. God is not seeing our flaws. God sees what Jesus did and completed for our salvation.
Just as Satan sought for access to afflict Job, he will seek for an access to afflict anyone who stands up for Jesus. He would try to prove that you a materialistic believer! He would try to prove that your love for God is driven by what you can get from God. He would try to attack you to prove that your worship towards God are for the wrong reasons! He would try to shipwreck your faith. The story of Job taught us that  When all material wealth is gone, when afflictions besiege us, Faith is the chiefest thing that must be protected! Our relationship with God is the utmost that must be kept intact! We must realize that just as Satan tried and failed in attacking Job; he will try different afflictions against us. He would want to prove that we are just appearing as though we are believers in God. He would try to prove that it is because the going is good. Your faith in God must not stand because its a fair weather. You must not serve God just because the going is good. But even in tough times! We must continue worshiping God. Now, if Satan can appear among the sons of God and bet concerning Job. Be sure that he will bet against you too!

Dealing with the devil among us is one of the most important parts of this study of Satan. The big question is: how should we handle the devil? How should we deal with the Satan amongst us? "And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross."(Colossians 2:15). Evidently, Jesus has overcome the devil and his demons! He has made an open showing of them. He has triumphed over Satan and all his evil spirits. Jesus has brought us the victory for going to the cross to die. And because he rose from the grave on the third day, we are no longer under the influence and domain of Satan. So, if the devil has been overcome, why is it that he is still actively destroying lives today? Why is it that some well intentioned churches are still praying to kill Satan? Why are we still praying faithless prayers? Why are we screaming on top of our voices and crying:"bind the devil! I tie him! God kill the devil?" If we believed that God heard our prayers yesterday when we bound the devil and cast him into the bottomless pit; why are we binding him again today? Did the devil got lose from where we bound him yesterday? Did he broke the ropes overnight when we were sleeping?

An example of faith-filled way of dealing with the devil.
"When evening came, many who were demon-possessed were brought to him, and he drove out the spirits with a word and healed all the sick."(Matthew 8:16).
Jesus drove out demons and evil spirits of sickness with one word. He spoke just a word. I don't know what that word was. But I think it will be a word that sounds like this: "OUT!"  or"BEGONE!". It was a command. There was no vigil over demons. There was no crying and jumping up and down to cast out demons! I read through all the gospels and i did not find any where in the Bible where Jesus screamed to cast out demons. It was the demons that screamed when they were cast out! So why are believers screaming when dealing with devils?
"The evil spirit shook the man violently and came out of him with a shriek."(Mark 1:26).

In points of fact, the evil spirits were begging Jesus! "The demons begged Jesus, "Send us among the pigs; allow us to go into them."He gave them permission, and the evil spirits came out and went into the pigs. The herd, about two thousand in number, rushed down the steep bank into the lake and were drowned." (Mark 5:12-13). So what went wrong us with us? What happened along the line?

"They traveled through the whole island until they came to Paphos. There they met a Jewish sorcerer and false prophet named Bar-Jesus,who was an attendant of the proconsul, Sergius Paulus. The proconsul, an intelligent man, sent for Barnabas and Saul because he wanted to hear the word of God.But Elymas the sorcerer (for that is what his name means) opposed them and tried to turn the proconsul from the faith.Then Saul, who was also called Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, looked straight at Elymas and said,"You are a child of the devil and an enemy of everything that is right! You are full of all kinds of deceit and trickery. Will you never stop perverting the right ways of the Lord?Now the hand of the Lord is against you. You are going to be blind, and for a time you will be unable to see the light of the sun." Immediately mist and darkness came over him, and he groped about, seeking someone to lead him by the hand.When the proconsul saw what had happened, he believed, for he was amazed at the teaching about the Lord" (Acts 13:6-12). We can see how Paul also dealt with the demon in the sorcerer. Paul was not apologetic. He spoke with authority and cast out the devil!

The 3 things that must not be wasted on the devil.
There are three basic things that believers must never waste when dealing with the devil. These are:
Believers are not to waste their words (prayers) on the devil.
Believers are not supposed to waste time (resources)on the devil.
Believers are not to waste their energy on the devil. 

Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Greatest Puzzle of Lucifer. (Book Excerpt).

One fateful day, Lucifer was strolling on the street of gold in the city of heaven. He looked around in wonder of the glory of heaven. He saw how everything God created was so good. They were so good such that God praised His own works! (Genesis 1:31). All things both living and non-living pointed towards God. He wanted to know why? He sought for the flaws of God. But there was none. "Can you fathom the mysteries of God? Can you probe the limits of the Almighty?" (Job 11:7).He sought for the foolishness of God. But he found none because the foolishness of God does not exist. "For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength" (1 Corinthians 1:25). So, Satan could not find any fault in God. He thought of ways to take all the credits for what God has done. He desperately wanted to rule creation which he did not create. When he could not rule the creation, he decided to rebel. He perverted everything created by God. But where is the weak point of God? 

Where is God's vulnerable point? 
Satan wondered why God is never weak?! "Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom." (Isaiah 40:28).  Because God is never weak, Satan sought for God’s errors, at least one? But he could not find any. He said:"Okay! Whatever! Maybe God will be weak during his sleep afterall everyone sleeps? But God does not sleep. "Behold, He (God) who keeps Israel Will neither slumber nor sleep."(Psalm 121:4). Satan imagines the order in heaven, the level of organization of the host, how everyone was at peace.

 All things in heaven and earth point towards God.
Both living and non-living are in serene worship. Lucifer looked at himself and at other angels and marveled at how God was able to form angels differently. "Who makes his angels spirits; his ministers a flaming fire:" (Psalm 104:4)."In speaking of the angels he says, "He makes his angels winds, his servants flames of fire."(Hebrews 1:7). How come the angels does not look like mankind? Yet all creations bow in worship to the one who sits upon the throne. The Cherubs and the Seraphims worship Him. "Praise the LORD, all his heavenly hosts, you his servants who do his will." (Psalm 103:21 ). Praise him, all his angels, praise him, all his heavenly hosts."(Psalm 148:2)." "Attending him were mighty Seraphim, each having six wings. With two wings they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, and with two they flew."(Isaiah 6:2)....the seven spirits before his throne" (Revelation 1:4b). 
There is always high praise going on nonstop! There is overwhelming music from all angels. 

A new song on daily basis?!
There is full instrumentation. The rhythm and the sound effects were in synchronous to new songs. No song ever gets repeated once it is sung! "O sing unto the LORD a new song: sing unto the LORD, all the earth." (Psalm 96:1). How did God made it possible such that composition of new songs goes on, on daily basis! Yet the inspirations never runs dry! The level of His attention to details is overwhelming. How did God sew the clothes of each angel? Yet he did not have a sewing machine! How did God  measure the size of angels without a tape-rule? Where is the factory He got their fabrics manufactured? How did he learn to knit? Who taught Him how to sew the Cherubs' robes? How did He cook the Manna the angels eat? "He rained down manna for the people to eat, he gave them the grain of heaven.Men ate the bread of angels; he sent them all the food they could eat."(Psalm 78:24-25).[John 6:31, Deueronomy 8:16,Joshua 5:12,Exodus 16:34,Joshua 5:12].  What are the ingredients of this manna that it has sustained the angels for zillion of years?  How did those four beasts came into being? How come they never get tired of worshiping? How come the lights before the throne of God never burns out? How is it that each candle never need replacements, yet they keep burning! With what seed did God plant the trees of heaven? How did God genetically insert LIFE into the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God (Revelation 2:7). How did God ensure that no manure or fertilizer would be needed to keep the trees of heaven alive? 

How could this God be so smart? 
Look at all His books! (Revelation 13:8). It means God is a reader and He is really enlightened. But if God reads, who wrote His book? What author does He read? He is too powerful that reads His own works! The awesome God reads Himself! Of course! There is none like Him. None greater than Him! "Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths beyond tracing out!" (Romans 11:33). His understandings are past finding out! "And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Another book was opened, which is the book of life. The dead were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books." (Revelation 20:12). Look at every name of all races written in God’s presence. Look at such up to date register.  How will it feel to take such registration of human race to the bank and take out some money? (John 10:10). How will it feel to take such registration of all human races to the World Bank and just cash out some money in their names? How will it feel to manipulate some figures and be rich in the place of God and in God’s name through impersonation?  Look at who sits over every form of Judgments. Look at the beauty of the one who sits upon the throne Himself. Can you describe the splendor of that magnificent throne He sat on? Behold the Lamb that was slain yet standing! How come He is still alive when He was killed? "Then I saw a Lamb, looking as if it had been slain, standing in the center of the throne, encircled by the four living creatures and the elders. He had seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God sent out into all the earth."(Revelation 5:6, Revelation 5:12 ,Revelation 13:8). 

Where is the boundary of God's reign? 
Look at the I AM THAT I AM as He sits upon His highest throne! Can you describe the splendor of that magnificent throne? Besides the fact that mortal eyes cannot see His glory, the mortal mouths cannot explain it! It seems He is the light of this city of heaven? Because we do not need any Sun or Moon either by day or by night. We are always in the light. There is no power failure. All angels dwell in His presence. We are all visible by the power of His Light. Oh! What a level of glory! How can the glory of God be that strong such that He shone day and night? What is the secret of His beauty Where are the construction companies that paved the streets of gold in heaven? What is the secret behind the power of this Person who sits upon the throne? Where is the switch to the light of this city? "There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells." (Psalm 46:4). Where does this river from His presence flows from? Where does it end? God is in the midst of it. It is so stable! What destination does this city lead to? Where is the boundary of the city of God? Where is the boundary of God's reign? 

No fault can be found in God
If no fault can be found in this God, then who is this God? Who is God?!  All things both living and non-living pointed towards God:
"....I saw a throne in heaven and someone sitting on it. The one sitting on the throne was as brilliant as gemstones—like jasper and carnelian. And the glow of an emerald circled his throne like a rainbow. Twenty-four thrones surrounded him, and twenty-four elders sat on them. They were all clothed in white and had gold crowns on their heads. From the throne came flashes of lightning and the rumble of thunder. And in front of the throne were seven torches with burning flames. This is the sevenfold Spirit of God. In front of the throne was a shiny sea of glass, sparkling like crystal. In the center and around the throne were four living beings, each covered with eyes, front and back. The first of these living beings was like a lion; the second was like an ox; the third had a human face; and the fourth was like an eagle in flight. Each of these living beings had six wings, and their wings were covered all over with eyes, inside and out. Day after day and night after night they keep on saying, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God, the Almighty—the one who always was, who is, and who is still to come.”Whenever the living beings give glory and honor and thanks to the one sitting on the throne (the one who lives forever and ever), the twenty-four elders fall down and worship the one sitting on the throne (the one who lives forever and ever). And they lay their crowns before the throne and say, “You are worthy, O Lord our God, to receive glory and honor and power. For you created all things, and they exist because you created what you pleased.” (Revelation 4:2-11). 

How old is God?
Everything worships God. Satan wanted to know why? How old is God? "How great is God--beyond our understanding! The number of his years is past finding out." (Job 36:26). Where is His certificate of birth? Who is this God that He never grows weary or tired? "Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom." (Isaiah 40:28). He keeps looking younger by the year. Yet he does not sleep or slumber! It seems He is never going to retire from His divine office. And if God does not retire, where is the hope for Lucifer? How can the dream of ruling heaven come true for Lucifer? Why is God growing younger when every living being grow old and die! From age to age, He is just the same! From generation to generations, He is still God! “His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire."(Revelation 1:14). How will someone like Lucifer (Satan) have a chance to reign where God is not dead and He is not going to die? 

Why is it that God can never die? 
How did God create Himself that He can never die? How did God create a warrior's sword for Himself? It seems He is a fighter! A warrior! The Lion of the tribe of Judah!  "He has the sharp, double-edged sword." (Revelation 2:12). And swords are for fighting! In event of war, how can one face this kind of God to fight Him? Oh! What a warrior! Look at the lighting effects. It seems the lights emanated out of God Himself?  Can you describe those lightnings? Imagine the sound of His voice?  "...his voice was like the sound of rushing waters..." (Revelation 1:15). Just look at his face! "His face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance." (Revelation 1:16). He walks among the seven golden lamp-stands". (Revelation 2:1). 

How God dwell in Light yet no eyes can see Him?
He dwells in light, yet no mortal eyes can see Him? "who alone is immortal and who lives in unapproachable light, whom no one has seen or can see. To him be honor and might forever. Amen." (1 Timothy 6:16). Besides the fact that sinful eyes cannot see His glory, the mortal mouths cannot explain it! It seems He (God) is even a "Light-Generator!" Because the light of this city of heaven came from Him. We do not need any Sun or Moon day and night. We are always in the presence of Light Himself. "The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp." (Revelation 21:23). What a level of glory! "Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests." (Luke 2:13-14)."...and the glory of the LORD filled the tabernacle" (Exodus 40:34). 

How can the glory of God be that strong?
God's glory shone daily. Yet He shone differently from one day to another. He shone without fading? Where is the switch to the lights of the city of God? What is the secret of His beauty? How did He build the New Jerusalem without any bricklayer? "I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband." (Revelation 21:2). "Him who overcomes I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. Never again will he leave it. I will write on him the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which is coming down out of heaven from my God; and I will also write on him my new name." (Revelation 3:12). Where are the construction company that paved these streets of gold of heaven? "The twelve gates were twelve pearls, each gate made of a single pearl. The great street of the city was of pure gold, like transparent glass." (Revelation 21:21).

 What is the secret behind the power of this God?
Where does the river that flows from the city of God go to? God is in the midst of it. It is so stable! If no fault can be found in this God, or all He created, then who is this God?"How can someone be a Person and a temple at the same time? "I did not see a temple in the city, because the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple."(Revelation 21:22). 
Lucifer became frustrated at this point. He was puzzled by all these wonderful things about God and he perplexedly asked aloud: Who is this King of Glory ?!

"Lift up your heads, O you gates;
be lifted up, you ancient doors,
that the King of glory may come in.
Who is this King of glory?
The LORD strong and mighty,
the LORD mighty in battle.
Lift up your heads, O you gates;
lift them up, you ancient doors,
that the King of glory may come in.
Who is he, this King of glory?
The LORD Almighty—
he is the King of glory.Selah. (Psalm 24: 7-10).

Who is this GOD?
All sorts of thoughts concerning God's wonderful nature was going on in the mind of Lucifer while he was strolling on the street of gold in the city of heaven. The thoughts became a  question: WHO IS THIS GOD? The moment those thoughts bundled up into a single question; an unexpected answer came! The answer to Lucifer's question was too sudden. He shuddered. Since, in the presence of God (the one who is the ANSWER Himself), there can be no question or puzzle. Nothing can hide from His Light because in Him is Light. "For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light." (Psalm 36:9). The questions that came to the mind of Lucifer got an instant answer. It was a sudden response from no where. 
Lucifer shook with fear. He looked to the right and to the left to see who spoke. Certainly, there was no need to ask who was that. That voice was God. You cannot mistake His voice. It was a thundering voice. The voice was so loud that the whole heaven could hear. God's voice vibrated like echoes. He roared like a mighty rushing winds in answer to Lucifer’s question. "How could God know what was on my mind?" Satan wondered and pondered.  "I was only thinking in my mind. Yet God answered?" God said: "I am the Alpha and the Omega! I am the One who is, the One who was, and the One who is to come, the Almighty." (Revelation 1:8). "I am the First and the Last." (Revelation 1:7). "I am the Living One; I was dead, and behold I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades." (Revelation 1:8). "Have you not heard? Long ago I ordained it. In days of old I planned it; now I have brought it to pass..."( 2 Kings 19:25).
Satan shuddered!