Boredom is a hunger for something that you can not place your finger on. You are in search of something you can not fully descibe in words? There are doors that were never meant to be shut. They were never closed until you get there and you wondered why it has to shut up on you.
There was a lonely, lame man who sat continually bored beside a pool called Bethsaida. He has been in that same spot for thirty eight years. The people he had never met before had heard about the story of a certain pool wherein an Angel of the Lord stirs the water once in a year. They have lined up their relatives and body guards and they had visited this pool. They have met him there and left him there. They have received their healing from the same place. Several seasons have past over him.
The Galilean teacher had visited the pool asking him a silly question: "Do you want to be made whole?" Here was his thought: Of course why won’t I want to be made whole? The issue is that I have no man. My families and friends have forsaken me. if you will be kind enough to stay here with me till the next season. If you will be here by the time of the stirring of this healing water, I will be made whole. Because I have no man to help me to the water once the Angel appears. All I need is a friend to stay with me all through my seasons.
But alas the teacher proved him wrong that we were never created to be stayed with all through our seasons. There are seasons we will have to stand alone. We will have to fight our own battles alone. The victory may be jointly shared but we will never be able to truly shed or share our struggles. The only one who can stay with us all through our seasons is the Holy Spirit of God. If Jesus had to go through his Gethsemane experience alone; praying and crying to the Father who is able to save him. If he had to kneel alone in prayers, sweating as if in a flow of blood. If despites all his twelve disciples and those several multitudes of followers, he still had to stand alone to face the agony until Angel came to comfort him. We will have our own share of lonely moments. And we will need such ministration of the supernatural like him. He said that: "I will never leave you nor forsake you..." He said that: "I will not leave you as an orphan, i will come to you."...He said that when my father and my mother forsake me, that is when God will take me up".
I don’t think anyone can play His role better than him. You may be crying for a friendship. You may be in dire need of a relationship. You may be lurking on facebook, Myspace and Twitter, all in search of a company. You may be chatting people up from the chat room in the name of searching for friendship. You may have been imprisoned in the mane of loneliness. If you have been through any of these or you are even going through this right now. All you need to do in order to break that mold of loneliness off, is to search for God... All you need is to create a time to pray and seek God through the Bible. All you need is a relationship with the Holy Spirit of God. All you need is to ask Jesus to come into your heart through His Holy Spirit.
There is a fellowship that is beyond the fellowship of the ring [movie]. There is a relationship that is authentic than the online chat rooms. There is a life that is so real and more potent than what you have ever experienced so far. There is nothing that you can create to replace that life which only the Master of the universe can give you. No one is meant to be there in your heart than the Holy Spirit of God. He created that space for himself in your heart in the first place.He is the life that you are searching for. He is the person that you are looking for. You may have screamed. You may have cried and nothing may have changed. But I came to tell you this that: its time to wake up and smell the coffee. It’s time for the realization of your season of fellowship.