I’ve always said it time and again. That action is one indispensable part of success. Any great man you read about took action. They had a drive to pursue their goals and they did. And the rest is history. I can’t overemphasis the essence of putting one leg in front of the other and making your way out of the house each morning towards the place where opportunities are waiting to be plucked. There is need to just put your leg in the door anyhow. Half of the job is done once you show up. It’s vital to show up even when you don’t feel like it. Even when it seems that you’re unqualified for such opportunities. It is vital to hang in there. There is a need to stay put to the threshold for things to happen. There’s need for persistence for results to be birthed. You will be surprised how things will answer for you. The reasons why great people made it were not because they were smarter. Rather, they were able to make it because they took bold steps despite their doubts. They went deliberately after their opportunities and they stayed through thick and thin to pluck it, and they were made. In this same spirit, it’s important for us to walk up to our desires, to move intentionally towards our dreams and areas of interests.
I will remind you how Nelson Mandela got the national victory for South Africa. You remember that the oppressor weren’t planning to leave? Apartheid would have become normal up to now, if he had not stood his ground in the face of imprisonments, intimidation. The hopelessness of the South African situation was enough to discourage anyone. But then, this one man; just stood his ground. He refused to shift. And the rest is history today. What about the Montgomery bus protest? I mean the well known civil right movement? How it began? You remember that the non violence protest, with series of events unfolded after one woman refused to give up her seat on bus to a white passenger? The struggles began, because someone was just fed up of it all. Then, a well positioned Pastor was also around the corner thinking of extraordinary life beyond the four walls of the church. He was thinking of influencing more lives than just clapping hands and singing religiously every Sunday. He decided to break the walls of the religion holding destinies back. And within the four walls of the church came the victory for the American black people. Martin Luther King Jnr. Led an already uncomfortable crowd out of racism. The victory was discovered. It was signed, legally stamped, and delivered. Racism was wiped out of the fabric of the American people because a woman acted, a man also did his part and there was a group and then a whole city, then a state and then a nation was affected. He was just one man. She was just one lady. They decided to act! They acted first separately at the beginning; then later as a team.