I lay silently in the dark night; thinking of my pain. I looked up at the clock on the wall; the time was 4:00am. It’s another day. It’s been over six hours. I have labored, pondered and worried all night. Although I lay in one spot, my heart has been all around the world. I’ve moaned, groaned and cowed. I’ve been brooding for hours over nothing! I could not bring out anything tangible from that sleeplessness.
Have you ever had a sleepless night? Have you ever had a sleepless night?
Ever wondered what could keep one awake all night?
A king once lie awoke all night because of one man. He could not understand why until he asked for the books of remembrance. There in the book was this man's name.It was recorded that he(Mordecai) at a time in history had saved the life of the king from a coup plotted against him. He did a good work for the king but it went unrewarded. I know you know the story.It's in the account of Queen Esther in the Bible. You remember that the king had to figure out how to reward Mordecai at daybreak. He made him ride on the king’s horse which is the Limousine of that time. He was so honored that his enemy was made to be his chauffeur in his limousine ride that the king gave him.
I will remind you of another scenario where there was a sleepless night.It happened somewhere in Israel. There was a community garden called Gethsemane. There Jesus went with his disciples. They all slept except Jesus. He could not sleep even when his disciples were sleeping. He prayed all night to decide on his mission. Should he die for the world indeed? Why can't he dodge it? Should he really save mankind according to the divine plan drawn before the foundations of the world or should he decline? Should he go to the cross or take a detour now? Should he settle as a motivational speaker, as a teacher or even go back into carpentry? Or he should be the very savior he was meant to be?
I think we've all reached that point in our life when we feel pressured. Should we be ourselves or try to be what people want us to be? Should we live to fulfill the expectations of the crowd or retreat to the solitude of our life and continue living real as we've always been? Jesus thought whether or not to remain a teacher, or accept the invitation to be the king who can provide food for all his subject. He could succeed in whichever he decide on. He decided to take a corresponding action on the kingdom message he has been preaching about and here we are today. We were saved because of that single decision he took when he was in a tight spot concerning his dream.
If you have ever lain awake all night, you will appreciate sleep. You will understand what I am describing. When you think of what could make you lie awake all night. You will prefer to avoid it in the first place. I know of some few things that can bring sleep disorder to people: Death of loved one, debt, pain and plague. But then there is dream! And that is where I am going. Your dream can make you have a sleep disorder. It can make lying down to close your eyes elude you. And it should do just that! If your dream is not keeping you awake enough; its time to throw it out and get another dream.
There are people who believe that tough situations often kill people’s dream. I disagree. Dreams don’t die. Dreams often outlive us. We don’t die, if our dream is still speaking even after we have gone out of this world. Dreams, like men age. They sprout wings and fly into fulfillment. If they don’t get acted upon; they change state. They vaporize into the hearts of someone else. Such as the neighbor down the street, the bus driver, the Groceries store's salesgirl. Someone takes up a cause. And you wonder who told her about your plans? The truth is: we are all united in the grand picture. There is something called "dream seepage"...it is the transfer of ideas from heart to hearts, across the universe. As we travel through this planet, it continues to happen. If we are unwilling to make the move, someone else will. It may have died in your heart but in actual sense, it did not. Someone somewhere is working on it. It only died in you because you refused to make a move concerning it.
There are some people who live with strong will, drive, passion. These people pops up where you try to get rid of them. They often achieve their goals. Just like them. We should be. We should act strong willed. Every one of us has the capacity we need to reach that height we see. Just determine where you want to go as far as your dream is concerned. You can decide to settle for the less or lead a life of extraordinaire. See the juicy part of the dream and act on it.Once you can see it. It gives you hope during silent nights of sleeplessness. During the debt, during the pains; you will know that there’s a silver lining waiting you at the end of the dark tunnel. You will hold on until you reach there. You stay awake until you are knighted in success.