Thursday, December 25, 2008

The cost of greatness

Living on the perimeters is like having to live to see others do what you can do well so badly without having the empowerment to change things. In the course of our waiting seasons, we have been face to face with life and death situations. Everywhere we get to; we have made our temporary homes. We have lived in perimeters like Rooks in chess games. We have licked life out of books and songs. Occasionally we have moved to the centre, we have appeared briefly but it had been unnoticed. By compulsion we’ve taken minor roles at most significant events. We have missed more celebrations and events like the shepherd boy. Who was on the backside of the forest somewhere with the sheep while the big boys went to war with the famous king… We have not had a cause to leave here for the centre stage of prominence for some important meetings with some celebrities somewhere in the city…in our backpack like school kids were survival’s items that fit for daily life of brief. We have made dusty boring old books our most companions everywhere as we go. We have learn the art and culture of living alone, of living for others and living for the future…the act of edifying, self motivations, skills acquisitions and personal development everywhere we go. We do not know how long it’s going to last. We do not know what more its going to take. We do not know how long we will wait.
We do not know how more we need to know. What more we need to learn and what relevant study show approval unto God and relevant unto man. If there was a certain end. It was of glory. If there was a vision seen; it was possibilities. We do not know when manifestation will be. Something in me tells me it is now; another said it’s not going to be long anymore.
Something indicates like flickering light that: there may not be another lesson seasons like this. What inter spaced between manifestation and preparation? It’s waiting? We might not be chanced to come back here again to wait. We may never be able to relearn things like these after now.
Living in the perimeters of greatness is like that. It could be just like an eclipsed moon…yes! it has its light but it is hidden for a season.

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