This is how to live to tell the positive tale of recession. Let me shoot straight at you. Recession means scarcity. It is the same thing as famine. In my book: The Jawbone of an Ass, I discussed the secrets to gaining financial freedom and getting out of life’s messy situations. I outlined the steps to getting out of debt. In order to save your time here, I will quickly state certain facts concerning recession which you may need to remember. These are not new principles or some recent truth from Mars. These are all about how to survive recession. They are age old facts about recession:
• Recession is a generational phenomenon. Check out every generation that experienced recession. They are generation of great men and women. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob faced recession. Mother Theresa sought for ways to feed the poor, outcasts, strangers in India. Those helpless and hopeless people that she fed back then could define better what recession mean. You and I must be great to be alive in a time like this because recession happens not for our misfortune but for our star to shine.
• There is a place called there which has been divinely arranged for you to stay in time of famine/ recession. During recession, God told Isaac to stay in Geraar, and not to go down to Egypt. God told Elijah to stay by the brook called Cherith during recession. God sent Elijah to the house of a Widow in Zarephat. God allowed information to filter into the hearing of Jacob in Canaan that there is corn in Egypt. So, he could send his sons there to buy corn. Joseph was positioned in Egypt to invite his father and brothers to come over to Egypt because the famine will still be around for several years to come. There is a right place to position yourself during recession. Have you found yours?
• The supernatural power of God is not limited even in recession. There are prophets assigned to lead men out of recession. The power of the almighty does not wane. He commanded the red sea to part in two through the hand of his prophet. Through the mouth of his prophet a widow of a late Prophet who was in a bad debt was told to borrow several empty vessels with which she poured a bottle of some oil and what became of the empty vessel and a small jar of oil was a miracle of endless oil flow. She became a dealer in oil. She sold the tank of oil and cleared off her bad debt without having to file for bankruptcy. There’s a supernatural happening called miracle. It still happens today in many forms if we believe.
• There is something called the knowledge of the land. Every land, city, state, country has some mysteries. These are certain hidden information without which we cannot fully access that land. Many people suffer today because they don’t know such mystery behind the place where they live or trade at. God gave Jacob the secrets of the Panda Aram’s Livestock Farm which was owned by his greedy uncle. When Jacob did what he was told in a dream. He became richer than the farm owner! We operate in the same grace today. If we believe we will see the glory of God. God gave unto the man called Isaac the knowledge of the city called Gerar. In Genesis 26:2, he planted in famine in a drought land yet he reaped a hundred fold that same year. What crop did he plant? It was must have been an Annual crop which most farmers of that time and of that city never believed in. They had probably thought: “that would never yield anything in a time like this”. “It’s a recession time, such business can never work…” you know such statements? You might have even been told that. But lo! Just as at the time someone said it’s not possible. Somebody is already reaping from it. Beyond the geographical, geological, topographical information; the knowledge of a land are like revelations and mysteries that are usually uncovered supernaturally for the benefits of those who believe and trust in God.
• There is a divine way out of every dead-end. God told Jacob to use a certain stick with markings. He was to dip the stick in the water trough when the flocks comes to mate; they gave birth to offspring that looked just like the image in the stick placed in front of them when they were drinking or mating. The divinely revealed breeding pattern sold greatly such that while uncle Laban was busy thinking up a ploy to cheat Jacob, he has been reaped off himself. There was a time when a borrowed axe-head fell into the water during lumbering and the sons of the prophet cried to Elisha for help: Alas! It was borrowed! But the man of God cut a wood and threw it into the spot the axe-head fell. The sunken Axe-head which probably had sunk for several minutes or even an hour floated. That was a miracle. That was by the hand of a prophet. That was a divine way out of shame and embarrassment.
• There is a divine instruction during every recession. Obedience is the secret to over abundance. Moses was told to stretch out his rod over the red sea. He was told to throw the rod into Mara-the bitter water the Israelites met in their journey through wilderness. The remarkable aspect of all these was that Moses was told to use the rod when Israel was in recession. They had no homes. No jobs. They were mere wilderness wanderers. Jesus told the multitude to sit on the grass. The crowd of over 5000 was fed with a left over of twelve baskets of bread and fishes. They ate till they could not stand or walk home. What was so remarkable was that this crowd had been listening to Jesus’ parables for three days without food. The people sat down on the grass and they ate more than enough. Obedience is the key. So Abraham went out not knowing where he was going, but he headed out to the place where God would show him. The remarkable thing was that what he got on his journey became too much than what he had when he was still in his father’s house. So, Isaac stayed in Gerar even when it was tough. I can see people moving out of Gerar. I can see people vacating their own country. I can imagine people selling their homes and moving but not Isaac. When he was probably asked: won’t you also leave this God forsaken place? He said to them: “God said to stay here”. They laughed, scorned him but Isaac was not moved because God has spoken to him and His word was final.
• Even though big corporations are laying their employees off. It is possible not to downsize in recession. Those who walk in the supernatural power of God won’t have to downsize in recession. Their business are never affected by recession. Isaac did not downsize during recession. The book of Genesis 26 verse 14 said that he has a great number of servants. Abraham and Lot had too many livestock and cattle such that the land was too small to contain their belongings.
• And lastly you must be envied in recession. You must be prepared to be envied. You are not blessed until you are envied. You are not great enough until you are chased away by intimidated people. Until you are rejected by leaders and backbiters, you are not there yet. Genesis 26:16. We are supposed to be a blessing to the whole world. Our kindness should not be to church goers only. (See Genesis 26:4) “I will make your seed like the stars of heaven in number, and will give them all these lands, and your seed will be a blessing to all the nations of the earth;”
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