Showing posts with label African Culture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label African Culture. Show all posts

Friday, October 22, 2010

Creating Jobs for third world countries:Generational Empowerment.

In 2004, we shot a low budgeted movie:“OBINRIN AJEJI”- The strange Woman; in Olabisi Onabanjo University. At the backside of Ogun Sate in Nigeria, West Africa. It was achieved without an actual start up capital. By bringing  students together from South western universities of learning. We raised a workforce. These bunch of rookies gave their all. They donated whatever they had in cash and kind and hearts towards this noble cause. We had time-delay for lack of capital but we eventually birth a village kind of movie that did not win the Oscar but made it into a microcosm part of history which fueled other dreams and vision today. What are you willing to commit yourself to and what are you dying to do in order to make a difference? 
The "What" question is this: Intentional job creation is one of the 21st century assignment. This is the heritage from hermitage. Is it doable in your record? I know you will agree with me that this is trans-generational and inevitably relevant. Will you be part of it? Oh! you also believe that this will bring empowerment that will  affect economy, reduce crime, corruption and re-shape our race! 
Now mark my words: Wealth creation through Poverty Reduction is The New Wealth Boom that will replace the old Oil Boom mentality! 
Deliberate productivity within the cauldron of increased creativity, will enhance rebuilding of any downtrodden economy. Conceptualization and the art of re-conceptualizing is the key to rise from doldrums of shame.  We can start from the scratch and be restored unto our prestigious state! 
The "Why" question is this: Are you the answer or the problem? Because the questions you ask tells me where you are coming from and where you're headed…
 The "Where" question is answered in these lines:  Where are you right now? This principle can be replicated all over Africa. We can achieve more, where opportunity is inadequate and population is skyrocketing. We are the hope!
The "When" question is answered thus:  Now !  Today!!  This moment!!! for…Faith is now! 
“Any body can gather a mob. It takes vision and action to delineate and differentiate people…” Jesus the Nazarene inserted the kingdom`s vision into some Galilean buddies…who went to replicate Christianity which shaped the world`s civilization even after him.  That Man built no Cathedral ,he had no office and not one building! Cain the murderer built a city… Nimrod became a mighty Hunter before the Lord. He was not a Clergy! How did these folks did it? 
The first world countries survived by adopting this principle. Such things like volunteering to build mutual productive base, value exchange methodology…Creating opportunities through Trade by barter's age-old principles and intentional Networking of skills to birth a communal project. This will Build industry from the scratch!  And wherever there is industry, there is commerce and economy. 
If you are still asking how do you mean? I mean Team work. Together we can achieve more through relationships… United we stand, divided we fall! Servant hood hearts. Re-orientate youths that volunteering their time in noble causes is better and smartest way to overcome redundancy, talent wastage…those years we’ve lost in time past through inactivity cannot be regained any more... Hey! I got to ask you this: what will you do with this information? "…And throughout those days, men were building and working together as one, until production caught up with reproduction; and doubts got swallowed by freedom of expression, then their generation became so free like breathe!"
(Excerpts from : This is relevance! By Babawale Odunuga ).

Saturday, October 9, 2010

To bleed for others...

I thought of writing this for record purpose...perhaps it will change how we all look at our lives, how we all look at our friends, how we all look at our future. It will help us examine our values, our ambitions, and more. This might help us find our good friends and families out there who don’t really have the opportunity to be in the overseas countries like us.
What does it mean to bleed for your loved ones? It is to think of people first before self.
What does it mean to bleed for others? It is to think of a visionary without provisions to fulfill his and her dreams out there in the jungle of corrupt societies of Africa.
What does it mean to bleed for others? It is to go hungry and is to literarily suffer for is like when two desperate needs collide and you choose to help others instead of yourself is to send some few dollars or more; down through the Western Union Money Transfer… to your home country, to your loved ones who are in the cauldron of sufferings in a devastated society.
What does it mean to bleed for others? it is to wake up on such days when you don’t have enough , yet you realized that the exchange rate is higher today and it will really count so much in your home country if this very sum of money can cross the border ahead of you into that home country to help someone out there. It’s like being in the palace of Pharaoh, enjoying your Pizzas but you are old enough to go visit your suffering kinsmen out there in the field of Egyptians’ slavery and ghetto.
It’s like being on a mission field and what you are preaching and fighting against is not just any kind of Cause, but it is against poverty, deprivation, lack , evil and oppression…it is against the same thing Jesus fought against, in how He went about doing good,and healing all those who are oppressed of the devil.
What does it mean to bleed for your others?-it is to close your bank account and business account, just to bring your loved ones in into such haven or experience with you in the land of opportunities.
What does it mean to bleed for your loved ones? Its called delayed gratification… it is to delay your enjoyment. It is to see that "BLING" and to flee with a blink in a twinkling… It is to watch that costly blinking “blingging” wrist watch you saw at the Mall and not buy.
It is to see that designer you’ve been longing badly to get for yourself on sale; yet you blinked and walk away...What does it mean to bleed for your loved ones? Its to go naked to cloth others. It is to walk right pass the MacDonalds and some coffee shops somewhere on a very Sunny day and you just go away right through and down the street corner without even buying for yourself just because you saw a more noble reason ahead. And it is your call to help others who are in need. For this is why we came.
It is not always about you or about your biological family members but it is more about all the folks we are connected with.
It is not just because you want to sustain your extended family but because you are also thinking of that very old friend of yours who went through storms and stuffs…and are still going through stuff... It is not just about you but those who grew up with you and those that were there while you were climbing up that corporate ladder and they have been praying all along for your success. For they knew that, it is in your success lie the fulfillment of their very dreams.
So you can’t just let them down now… so you just want to help them in any way you can, you just want to help any how.
What does it mean to bleed for others? It is to trek... walking long distance when you can’t afford a common Bus ticket to go see some movie somewhere.
What does it mean to bleed for others; it is to help selflessly at all it cost even when it hurts.
It is to groan and moan because it badly hurts but you will never cease to help.
What does it mean to bleed for others? -It is to have no asset, no land, no house in your own name, no Condo or Cabin on the islands of some sort. It is to go without because you’ve been building in the lives of’s to look and see the buildings in the hearts of men… it is to go and bring it forth from the realm of the dreams and into reality!
What does it mean to bleed for others? It is to invest in others whose destiny is tied to you not just by birth order but of divine order.
It is to understand that people are your greatest assets and earning your interest and premium in them is the greatest and most noble life to live.
And as we live, are we remembering others in our life journeys and dreams? Are we cognizant of this thing that we are not alone É That we are more than this É That there are still some less privileged out there and more.
What does it mean to bleed for others? It is to do weird things, going extraordinary miles, breaking your back in doing helpful, crazy, things for others without expecting a return…it to serve in righteousness.
Yes I know it’s crazy!...It is so foolish!! I know it’s so silly of me!!! And it is even more shameful to talk about this…but because if you are crazy enough to help people in birthing their dreams and buying into their future, you would be shaming the devil and the kingdom of hell that kept many bounds. This might sound more tricky and crappy...but if Jesus could go that extraordinary mile of crucifixion for you and me? Then it is your turn to lay down your life for others now.