Showing posts with label employment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label employment. Show all posts

Friday, March 30, 2012

The Central Laws of Productivity (Book excerpt)

A very poor young man desperately wanted to become rich. He set out to consult with the oracle regarding the possibilities of making some money rituals. The witch doctor told him there was no problem, that it is achievable. “In order to get rich quickly, you will need to follow some basic instructions”. He was eager and attentive. "The instructions surround certain rituals which you shall observe daily in other to go through a rite of passage unto riches". He was happy and ready to follow through. The witch doctor said the process will take twelve full moon (equivalent of one year).He was to wake up every day at 4:00am to make some incantations.  He left excited, knowing that in about a year's time, he would have become very rich.
"Here is the sacred horn of the gods, wrapped with red cloth; you must henceforth, feed this horn daily.If you don't, the red piece of cloth shall turn out as your very blood flowing on the highway! Your head shall turn out as the detached horn of the animal which you are holding right here!” The young man was afraid at that warning and determined to follow every instruction. Each morning, he wakes up to consult the oracle as instructed. After a period of twelve months, he returned to the witch doctor to report for final rite of passage into riches.
Upon removal of the red piece of cloth, there was some money.
The young man was asked:  “did you follow every instruction given?”
 “Yes I did”. He replied.
“Did you make those incantations each morning for the last twelve months?”
 “Yes I did.” He replied.
Both went out into a thick jungle wherein the witch doctor asked the last question.“Before we proceed into the final ritual, can you explain how you did each morning? I just want to be sure you did not offend the oracle”. Narrating his rituals, he replied: “I woke up at 4:00am to consult the oracle, touched my head with the sacred horn. I fed the horn with $20 bill each morning. I put away the sacred horn with the red cloth for the next day.” The witch doctor nodded. “Oh! I can see how you have the ability to become rich because you can follow basic instructions. How much do you have in total right now?” The witch doctor asked.
The young man quickly calculated the money that was fed into the sacred horn for twelve months, and announced: "$240 in total sir.”
The witch doctor nodded again. He looked up and down. Then, suddenly, laughed in scorn of the young man. Then, he became angry and sternly, announced: “Young man! You have succeeded in leasing for yourself a piece of land, at the rate of $240 per Annum; for the next twelve months.You must wake up as early as 4:00am according to how you have done from the beginning. Do not break that ritual! You must consult the oracle briefly, run down to this farmland and start planting yam-seeds. Your wealth has been hidden in this soil. The gods has commanded that you start farming on this piece of land. In the usage of your muscles lies your passage to riches. This shall be your next ritual. Now, you must be careful to obey the voice of the oracle! Because failure to bring out bountiful harvest from this land in twelve months means you shall surely die! That young man worked so hard. He became a successful farmer. He was able to feed himself, his family and his task master.
The moral? -Productivity births economic freedom! Do not wait for anyone to rescue you. There are no dream-sponsors around any more, unlike in the olden days. Your dreams is in your hands. It is your responsibility. And if you have any vision, just go out and pursue it with tenacity, because there is no magic in crossing from poverty to riches.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Creating Jobs for third world countries:Generational Empowerment.

In 2004, we shot a low budgeted movie:“OBINRIN AJEJI”- The strange Woman; in Olabisi Onabanjo University. At the backside of Ogun Sate in Nigeria, West Africa. It was achieved without an actual start up capital. By bringing  students together from South western universities of learning. We raised a workforce. These bunch of rookies gave their all. They donated whatever they had in cash and kind and hearts towards this noble cause. We had time-delay for lack of capital but we eventually birth a village kind of movie that did not win the Oscar but made it into a microcosm part of history which fueled other dreams and vision today. What are you willing to commit yourself to and what are you dying to do in order to make a difference? 
The "What" question is this: Intentional job creation is one of the 21st century assignment. This is the heritage from hermitage. Is it doable in your record? I know you will agree with me that this is trans-generational and inevitably relevant. Will you be part of it? Oh! you also believe that this will bring empowerment that will  affect economy, reduce crime, corruption and re-shape our race! 
Now mark my words: Wealth creation through Poverty Reduction is The New Wealth Boom that will replace the old Oil Boom mentality! 
Deliberate productivity within the cauldron of increased creativity, will enhance rebuilding of any downtrodden economy. Conceptualization and the art of re-conceptualizing is the key to rise from doldrums of shame.  We can start from the scratch and be restored unto our prestigious state! 
The "Why" question is this: Are you the answer or the problem? Because the questions you ask tells me where you are coming from and where you're headed…
 The "Where" question is answered in these lines:  Where are you right now? This principle can be replicated all over Africa. We can achieve more, where opportunity is inadequate and population is skyrocketing. We are the hope!
The "When" question is answered thus:  Now !  Today!!  This moment!!! for…Faith is now! 
“Any body can gather a mob. It takes vision and action to delineate and differentiate people…” Jesus the Nazarene inserted the kingdom`s vision into some Galilean buddies…who went to replicate Christianity which shaped the world`s civilization even after him.  That Man built no Cathedral ,he had no office and not one building! Cain the murderer built a city… Nimrod became a mighty Hunter before the Lord. He was not a Clergy! How did these folks did it? 
The first world countries survived by adopting this principle. Such things like volunteering to build mutual productive base, value exchange methodology…Creating opportunities through Trade by barter's age-old principles and intentional Networking of skills to birth a communal project. This will Build industry from the scratch!  And wherever there is industry, there is commerce and economy. 
If you are still asking how do you mean? I mean Team work. Together we can achieve more through relationships… United we stand, divided we fall! Servant hood hearts. Re-orientate youths that volunteering their time in noble causes is better and smartest way to overcome redundancy, talent wastage…those years we’ve lost in time past through inactivity cannot be regained any more... Hey! I got to ask you this: what will you do with this information? "…And throughout those days, men were building and working together as one, until production caught up with reproduction; and doubts got swallowed by freedom of expression, then their generation became so free like breathe!"
(Excerpts from : This is relevance! By Babawale Odunuga ).

Friday, August 14, 2009

So close to greatness...

“Whatever your hands find to do, do it diligently with all your heart”
Working faithfully and quietly on a job you dislike sometimes may seem discouraging. The length of time you spend there may be like forever. It may look like there is no way out of the rut you got yourself into. I will tell you that when you are faithful there in that place. Promotion is certain…if you are faithful in little, God will make you master of many. You must have come across that scripture that said: “promotion does not come the south or from the east or west. Promotion comes from above.” God is a promoter and a rewarder. He rewards the diligent man and woman come what may.
I was at work going somewhere on bus when I met a certain lady who happens to be the Vice president and a Human resource manager of a reputable company in Manitoba, Canada. Sitting close to me on bus, she smiled like an everyday people. She was not dressing extraordinarily. Only heavens know what she was doing on bus. I would expect her to drive her own car around. Was she trying to conserve gas like me? Did she leave her car at home with her husband as I did with Ken? In a nutshell, we exchanged contacts and I was humbled that God can bring greatness to you right where you are. He knows your address. You need to understand that you are serving God and people… In that tedious job, work whole heartedly as a CEO or a clergy would do. Whether you are sitting on the board or serving God in the pulpit; put up a good attitude. You never know when greatness is closest to you.
Sometimes you never know who you are sitting next to. We come so close to greatness oftentimes than we can ever imagine. You can never know how much of greatness you may have snubbed on a certain day when you are having one of those bad days. You don’t even know who you are talking with or who is listening to you. Sometimes, somewhere close by is a stranger who is actually quiet but more interested in your conversation at times. That is why it is of utmost importance that we try to always show a good attitude. It is good to reflect the best side to people as much as we can. We should leave first timers and outsiders with a smile at any time we are parting from meeting. First impression always lasts longer. We should try to put up a good attitude everywhere we go. Being kind ambassador wherever we find ourselves is very important.
What really left an impression on me concerning my Vice president friend whom I met on bus was that, the humble lady happens to be so simple despite her reputable position in business world. She was just sitting by trying to engage me in a conversation. She already started talking to my company on bus. She was just being friendly, warm and pleasant to us. As she was being kind and friendly through her conversation, I was indifferent on my part. I was just there as though I was not there. I was not present minded as such. I sat tiredly on the bus thinking and reflecting… I was not really interested in talking with any one. I was interrupted by her question. “So how are you enjoying your job?” “It’s okay…it is all about being able to do something meaningful with your hands, investing your time and more. It’s a matter of having the gut to appreciate the dignity of labor.” I said. Sometimes it is not so much as what kind of job you are doing. Rather it is how do you really see what you are doing? Do you see it as an opportunity to pay bills, contribute your quota to the world, serve people and make a mark thereafter? These are what really matter. It is not that job in itself. It is how you see it. It is all about you. It is how you see yourself in that job. It’s about your ego... it is important that you take time to appreciate the opportunity to do, and to give something where some others can’t. When there’s a layoff here and there. It is vital you look beyond the brand of job to getting something to do which will bring in the money you need. As you do so diligently; God will look at your heart and bless you in turn...