Showing posts with label hardwork. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hardwork. Show all posts

Friday, December 25, 2009

Responsibility of chances

If you don’t fight in a battle you won’t appreciate the victory. Some of us think that because the scripture said that in his time, He makes all things beautiful, that automatically means that when His time comes you will pluck success off trees like Cherry without taking risks or attempting chances. Its a cheap grace mentality to think that you will not need to lift a finger.
Yes you will know when its time because there will be peace but that peace is not cheap. The ultimate measure of peace is discovered in war. You will need to act responsibly when His time comes. You may be surprised at the workings of God that you will be experiencing such that you begin to ask yourself where you’ve been all along and how come you were not seeing certain things before this time. The truth is: When His time comes all things may not be necessarily easier than you wish. You may not necessarily struggle for things but you will have to take responsibility for them.

The true season of greatness is that which comes to us… it is true that it may not be the door we forced open, neither the vision we created out of self-will but through divine direction, outworking of grace, by right positioning, through the power relationships ordained from above, personal preparation through mind engagement, studying of great men and women’s books, we are ushered into new seasons. We enter seasons as though they were unfolded to us although, they’ve always been there all along, and we see and capture opportunities. The truth is we were the ones who shifted; we were the individuals who changed and behold the opportunities? They appear! Just like Hagar, the maid of Sarah, she was close to the well water but she did not see it until God opened her eyes. Genesis 21:19 says: And God opened her eyes, and she saw a well of water; and she went, and filled the bottle with water, and gave the lad drink.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Stumbling into the miraculous...

In stumbling into the miraculous, this unnamed lame had waited on the same spot for four decades minus two years. He never stopped pushing himself though; but he was always pushing wrongly at incorrect time. His approach was altogether wrong yet he praised himself that he was at least doing something. He jump-starts his engine late, missing the rightness in timing. When he sees others moving, then he thinks he should move too. When he sees objects all stirring around him, sticks flying, kettles dropping, water bottles breaking, pans and plates of fellow sick people falling off in haste; then he struggles to beat the movement. He has been competing like this for 38years. He was on the wrong ground for that long. He did not proactively move on his own for once. He did not fail to take his life’s journey one day at a time. He felt that he has not failed to move but he has taken his journey as a failure unknowingly. He did not move early enough to position himself for opportunity. He did not pick each step of the way, one after the other. However weak he was; he was weaker from weariness and so full of excuses. Then gradually he began to be bitter, feeling resentful and vengeful. Of all the people he had struggled with. He was the only one left who has not gotten there at all.

He had waited for just a single dip in a pool where miracles happen once in a year. He had desired a plunge in a place where others commonly ran into. He had tried where strength determines success just about to discover that by strength shall no man prevail. Hence, he had come to resign to fate, since he was never early enough to plunge in for healing. Such a miracle was not meant for everyone. At least for someone like him, it might be his cross to carry. He had come to kiss beauty goodbye while he sits waiting and watching others. He would try to force a smile while watching others making it, getting there, and winning all. Since, he had by now missed too many opportunities; it was very easy to merely recant stories. And rather than being the subject of great story, he was the narrator of other people's stories to new comers at the pool of healing. It was now 38years; with precisely 38 trails, at 38 times out of 38 stirrings at the pool of healing. He had resigned that it was too late to happen. He had concluded that it will never happen again.

At times, God orchestrations of some people’s lives and destinies are unique and mind-blowing. Sometimes, God ensures that such delayed miracles come in extremely different package and in a very unique way. Sometimes they are even larger than their contemporaries’. He was there for 38 years until this physician teacher from Galilee came by with his special package of healing. He was the unknown healer of Old. The unnamed lame had seen others healed. He had experienced raw miracles happened to other people. He had even recounted many stories of healing of others. He never knew that his own miracles would not happen in the same way as others. He did not realize that his own miracle would be different. He did not know his healing would never be from where he was gazing for 38 years.
Alas! You and I might be like this unnamed lame. We may have been looking the same way for years. We may have been expecting the right thing from the wrong place. We may have been expecting from the wrong person. The truth is: God’s ways of doing things are different. God’s ways are not our ways. His thoughts are not our thoughts... His ways are past finding out.

Just like you, the unnamed lame also saw people relocating, changing jobs, leaving base, buying new homes, getting married, putting to bed a new born, moving up the corporate ladder, buying stocks, owning businesses, starting corporations and more. But lo! You have had to stay back mowing lawns year in and out; watching others move. Like the unnamed lame, your life revolves around the same community of lawn mowers. The unnamed lame man’s life has revolved around such things too. The unnamed lame rejoiced with others. He was happy for them but he was still in his own personal struggles and aches. Such inability to own a personal miracle of oneself does not usually leave a long lasting imprint of happiness on people’s faces. We all wanted to know what is it; that is ours. We hardly believe in the Hutterite's principles of communal ownership or in some communism where everyone in the society owns everything and nobody own nothing personally.

Things began to happen, but not necessarily the way this unnamed lame wanted. Firstly, there were few contestants left by the pool. He was thinking someday, may be he would be the last man waiting in line. At least, then he will get the pool to himself alone at last. Sometimes I wonder why he did not push himself enough. He should have moved closer, moving himself, an inch at a time. Moving daily until he will be able to stay there resident for the time of stirring of the water. If he was aiming for actual healing and not for the pool itself, he should have been moving closer. And then stayed immovable until the healing comes; for in that case he can wallow without competition and win a free gift of healing, a cheap grace, so cheaply. Looking for cheap stuff? We’ve all been there.

Surrounding him were weaklings. A helpless man among helpless men; sometimes, it can be so difficult to change your association deliberately even if you want to; it will take the supernatural to achieve that at times. If God does not emerge in the guise of an angel; you may waste away waiting. But alas! Motivation doesn’t come from within all the time. They don’t even come from without sometimes. In such cases, impetus has to come from above! When I asked why Jesus had to appear to the unnamed lame? It was probably because he was trying to get his situation changed even though all his trials were wrong ways of doing things. He however, wanted something to happen. When unexpected help comes to a man who is trying out something. It comes in form of Grace. It’s like a result that provokes thanksgiving. For actual success to be stumbled into, a man who is doing his best must encounter the supernatural. Then he would see the reason to do more…for God rewards diligence.

Some of the fewest comforting gifts of life is the courage to strive responsibly. Sometimes, it's better to "stumble" into surprises and miracles than to sit idly waiting for some free gifts or expecting some things to happen to you freely... Lord! Grant me courage…but let me never sit idly waiting for courage to come in total tranquility. For the true worth of peace is known in war, the measure of true courage is known in the face of fear! Most of us pray those kinds of prayers that even God would question us if we actually understand His workings and His ways? We serve a God of responsibility. He worked for seven days. He rested on a single day. One out of seven means something. We grumble how much we needed a raise when in points of fact; He might be waiting for us to take on some volunteering in order to unlock certain bigger doors of opportunities in our career. He sacrificed all for nothing as one who lives in Nothing Hill. He gave all to reign over all. When we claimed why we are tired? Why we need a break? Why we need a vacation? Sometimes, He wonders if we will only push some more the very way he pushed himself: in how he pushed those logs through the carpentry saw with sweats, hauling through the dusty workshop somewhere down in the plains of Bethlehem.

Could there be a whispering sound from our supernatural Coach that despite all we’ve been through, thinking we’ve done enough; actual diligence might still be beckoning unto us that we can still do better? That we should still do better for there is an undying capacity in human spirit which seems to stretch itself in commensurate with the external goals and challenges. Go onwards; go forward in spites of all odds. For you are more than able to take hold of it. When we think we’ve done enough. Then we may need to recount these things: that we will soon get to such age wherein vacation will actually become boredom; where the term retirement will sound so sickly. Then the moral lessons would have been better phrased and learn thus: It’s better to work now while it’s still day for the reason that the night comes when no man will be able to do any work. There is a kind of responsibility that attracts greatness! There is a kind of Grace that catches the attention of diligence...

Sunday, December 6, 2009

The field of Dreams …

When I saw the North Star!
I set out after it
When I saw that flickering light,
I ran on, holding to my beliefs and briefs
Towards vision like moth to light
Towards dreams like butterfly to grains of pollen
When I saw the dreams,
I pursued with my whole heart.
I called, I turned
To the east and the west, I yelled.
I begged and beckoned
For the Supporters club of life
But Lo! They won’t come
Wary of my daydreaming
Boycotting my rescue
The supporters club failed me
They despised my dreams.
They will not come to my aid.
At a point I began to doubt.
I felt sorry
I pity partied self.
I felt like a loser.
I even considered I was crazy
I was regarded: that unserious fool.
Rejected with the baggage of my dreams
Lonely with the blanket of my ideas
I laid me down to sleep without
In the cold winter of November
I was left in the field of dreams
I held on
I was holding on to the dreams without fail
In my doubts and uncertainties
I started out
I started taking small steps…
Made small and big mistakes
But I kept on moving
Then a bold step…
Then another, after another
I saw crowd gunning for most profitable ventures
Not my kind of silly venture
They’re still chasing another’s field till date.
But then, I stayed in mine, at home alone
And behold! It speaks…
The dreams speak!
It was for an appointed time
Then the traffic shifted
The crowd changed.
They held my way
Into the field of dreams
They came to me
Where I’ve once laid alone
I can now barely rest
I now have more sweet and honey
From the honeycomb of my dreams
Dreams…they don't die. They age like men,
they sprout wings and fly
Don't give up until they come true!

Friday, August 14, 2009

So close to greatness...

“Whatever your hands find to do, do it diligently with all your heart”
Working faithfully and quietly on a job you dislike sometimes may seem discouraging. The length of time you spend there may be like forever. It may look like there is no way out of the rut you got yourself into. I will tell you that when you are faithful there in that place. Promotion is certain…if you are faithful in little, God will make you master of many. You must have come across that scripture that said: “promotion does not come the south or from the east or west. Promotion comes from above.” God is a promoter and a rewarder. He rewards the diligent man and woman come what may.
I was at work going somewhere on bus when I met a certain lady who happens to be the Vice president and a Human resource manager of a reputable company in Manitoba, Canada. Sitting close to me on bus, she smiled like an everyday people. She was not dressing extraordinarily. Only heavens know what she was doing on bus. I would expect her to drive her own car around. Was she trying to conserve gas like me? Did she leave her car at home with her husband as I did with Ken? In a nutshell, we exchanged contacts and I was humbled that God can bring greatness to you right where you are. He knows your address. You need to understand that you are serving God and people… In that tedious job, work whole heartedly as a CEO or a clergy would do. Whether you are sitting on the board or serving God in the pulpit; put up a good attitude. You never know when greatness is closest to you.
Sometimes you never know who you are sitting next to. We come so close to greatness oftentimes than we can ever imagine. You can never know how much of greatness you may have snubbed on a certain day when you are having one of those bad days. You don’t even know who you are talking with or who is listening to you. Sometimes, somewhere close by is a stranger who is actually quiet but more interested in your conversation at times. That is why it is of utmost importance that we try to always show a good attitude. It is good to reflect the best side to people as much as we can. We should leave first timers and outsiders with a smile at any time we are parting from meeting. First impression always lasts longer. We should try to put up a good attitude everywhere we go. Being kind ambassador wherever we find ourselves is very important.
What really left an impression on me concerning my Vice president friend whom I met on bus was that, the humble lady happens to be so simple despite her reputable position in business world. She was just sitting by trying to engage me in a conversation. She already started talking to my company on bus. She was just being friendly, warm and pleasant to us. As she was being kind and friendly through her conversation, I was indifferent on my part. I was just there as though I was not there. I was not present minded as such. I sat tiredly on the bus thinking and reflecting… I was not really interested in talking with any one. I was interrupted by her question. “So how are you enjoying your job?” “It’s okay…it is all about being able to do something meaningful with your hands, investing your time and more. It’s a matter of having the gut to appreciate the dignity of labor.” I said. Sometimes it is not so much as what kind of job you are doing. Rather it is how do you really see what you are doing? Do you see it as an opportunity to pay bills, contribute your quota to the world, serve people and make a mark thereafter? These are what really matter. It is not that job in itself. It is how you see it. It is all about you. It is how you see yourself in that job. It’s about your ego... it is important that you take time to appreciate the opportunity to do, and to give something where some others can’t. When there’s a layoff here and there. It is vital you look beyond the brand of job to getting something to do which will bring in the money you need. As you do so diligently; God will look at your heart and bless you in turn...