There’s limitless capacity within.A reachable heights above.Oppose mediocrity,transcend genre,think outside the box,find your voice.Create and redefine culture!Reach your peak potential!We live once. Die empty!
Showing posts with label book excerpt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label book excerpt. Show all posts
Friday, September 23, 2011
So why the study of Satan?
So, why the study of Satan? Why a book about Satan? Why study Satan for crying out loud? This is probably what is going on in the mind of some well intentioned people. Well, i will tell you why. The reason is not far-fetched. I had lived under the ignorance that Satan does not know me. And if he does, he did not have my time. In points of fact, i once told a friend of mine during our undergraduate days that Satan is too busy to have my time, or come after me. I recalled saying that there are great, noble men and women in this world that he would love to go after. So, why will he come after someone like me when his hands are full? Afterall, he is limited and does not have the power or ability to be everywhere at the same time. Unlike God, Satan is not omnipresent (he is not everywhere at once). Although, Satan is not omnipresent, that is why he has agents all around us. That is why his name is called the prince of the power of the air. "You used to live in sin, just like the rest of the world, obeying the devil--the commander of the powers in the unseen world. He is the spirit at work in the hearts of those who refuse to obey God" (Ephesians 2:2). So, I was wrong! As i grew in Grace and Faith, i came to understand that the first trick or weapon of Satan is deception. He makes you think that he does not exist. He makes you trivialize his abilities, he makes you underate his extents of operations. He makes you ignore his promptness to steal, to kill and to destroy. The devil wants you to misunderstand his craftiness. That is why i wrote this book.
I wrote this book for several other reasons. One of those reasons is to let you know who is after your life. It is to let you know who is fighting you. If you do not know who your enemy is, and what are his strategies to destroy you; then you are his easiest prey! I wrote this book to deliberately expose Satan and his works. I also wrote this book in order to swim against the statusquo, against religion, against ignorance and more. I remember several years ago, how a certain pastor once warned me to stop talking against the devil because he (Satan) will hear. He said Satan might launch an attack against me for talking about him. He was scared for me that Satan would come after me. That experience made me realize that it was not just those who are young in the faith that is afraid of Satan. There are many pastors who are afraid of Satan as well.
This is why I wrote this book. I wrote this book to break that fear. It is for freedom that Christ has set you free! This book will set your heart free from all forms of satanic fear. It is my intentions and prayers that this book will also show you the victory that Christ has already won for you through his death and resurrection on the cross.
Friend! You can no longer continue to live your life under the fear of the evil one and his hosts of darkness. Let's not shy away from this teachings at all. The 21st century church need to hear this. We do not have to be "spooky".But we must expose the devil! Even Jesus danced and rejoiced greatly in the spirit after watching Satan fall like lightning from heaven. (Luke 10: 17-22).
In this book, I am going to show you how Satan is amongst us! I will walk you from the beginning of time, right unto the old testament, and through the new testament. By the Spirit of God and His plethora Grace, every operations of the devil shall be revealed in your life!
I am sure that by now, some well-intentioned people will be expecting me to prove this teachings from the new testament angle? I will do so by the grace of God. I want you to open your mind as we travel the scripture together. If i could not justify my teachings from the bible, please do not believe me or accept whatever you read here. However, if i can prove it to you through the bible? It will be wise to believe what you read here. I want you to understand that this book is about the victory of Jesus. It is all about what Jesus did to deliver you from the works of darkness. It is about the greatest Gift that God gave. It is about the defeat that Satan experienced at the death and resurrection of Jesus. This is what this book is all about. It is not intended to give recognition to the devil at all. This book was written to bring the glory to God. He is the one who influences all things. He is the one who effects His will. He is the Father of all lights. He is the Jehovah who created that little boy called Satan.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
The study of Satan
As promised, I am giving away this book free of charge. I am giving you the privilege of a foretaste here. Follow my Blog posts to read and download the complete version of the book. Happy reading!
Operations of Satan via the heart.
"Then Peter said, “Ananias, how is it that Satan has so filled your heart that you have lied to the Holy Spirit and have kept for yourself some of the money you received for the land? Didn’t it belong to you before it was sold? And after it was sold, wasn’t the money at your disposal? What made you think of doing such a thing? You have not lied to men but to God.” When Ananias heard this, he fell down and died...“Now after an interval of about three hours his wife came in, not having learned of what had happened. And Peter said to her, Tell me; did you sell the land for so much? Yes, she said, for so much. Then Peter said to her, How could you two have agreed and conspired together to try to deceive the Spirit of the Lord? Listen! The feet of those who have buried your husband are at the door, and they will carry you out [also]. And instantly she fell down at his feet and died; and the young men entering found her dead, and they carried her out and buried her beside her husband”( Acts 5: 3-5, and 7-10).
Matthew 12:43-45 reads: "When an evil spirit comes out of a man, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says, 'I will return to the house I left.' When it arrives, it finds the house unoccupied, swept clean and put in order. Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that man is worse than the first. That is how it will be with this wicked generation."
There are countless stories in the Bible where Satan influenced people. He filled the hearts of good people, bad people, ordinary people and great people. It is good that the scripture did not leave us in doubts as concerning the operations of Satan and how it is possible for human being to be used by Satan in carrying out evil deeds. We have numerous examples in both the old and new testaments of where Satan influenced people's decisions and actions. Some examples are: the account of Ananias and Sapphira when they lied concerning the price of a plot of land sold (Acts 5: 1-11) , when Satan moved King David to take a Census of Israel (1 Chronicles 21:1), when Satan filled the hearts of Judas Iscariot to betray Jesus (Matthew 27:3), when an evil Spirit from the Lord torment King Saul (1 Samuel 16:14), when a seducing and lying spirit from the Lord went out through the mouths of the 400 puppet Prophets of king Ahab in the days of Micaiah son of Imlah (1 Kings 22:1- 38), and so on.
How can i know a person whose heart has been filled by Satan?
It is through a gift of the Spirit called discernment that we can know. We can also know through the actions of the person. Every word has a spirit behind them. So when people speak. We must learn to listen to their hearts more than we swallow their cherry words.
Taking a cue from the story of Ananias and Sapphira, these are some of the attributes of the person who Satan has filled their hearts:
They tell lies, (See Acts 5:3 Amplified)
They deceive, (See Acts 5:3 Amplified)
They conspire, (See Acts 5:9 Amplified)
They violate their promise, (See Acts 5:3 Amplified)
They withdraw from covenant secretly,(See Acts 5:3 Amplified)
They betray in their relationships. (See Matthew 26: 14-16, Acts 5:3 Amplified)
It is important to understand that there are spirits behind every word. People can say lovely words with evil intentions. And it is possible to hear people speak in strict tones out of tough love. "An open rebuke is better than secret love."
Upon hearing the words of Peter, Ananias fell down and died. Why will such words kill a man? And then, his wife also died for hearing similar words? Truly there must be power in words! Much more, the secret to the death of Ananias and Sapphira is hidden behind their hearts. In conversation, both the heart from which word was spoken and the heart that received that word, go through invisible transactions. A weak and deceptive heart will likely rupture in the presence of "stronger" heart. That is why we experience conviction.
The words of Peter cut through, searing Ananias' heart asunder. Needless to add, those words caused laceration of Sapphira's heart. The openings created by the word caused a penetration of light that revealed the deception of the couple. "The entrance of thy word, giveth Light and understanding to the simple." But in this case, the Satan who has filled these couple's hearts was exposed. There was no time for repentance. It was a plot. And the deception was unexpectedly uncovered. Immediately that happened, the devil in these hearts fled. He had to run because he has been exposed! But it is sad to say that the devil ran out of Ananias' heart and from Sapphira's heart with the substance of their hearts. The spirit of deception fled with the content of their hearts. This was substance that cannot be bought with money. This was the content the writer of Proverbs called "wellspring of life".
Remember that according to John 10:10, Satan is a thief. "The thief comes to steal, to kill and to destroy." As the thief fled the pricked hearts of Ananias and Sapphira, he fled with their hearts' arteries. Now, with stolen arteries, their hearts cannot function. Hence, death! Although, I am not a heart surgeon, but I know that Ananias and Sapphira died for allowing Satan fill their hearts. The state of the heart is so crucial in everything of life. That is why the scripture said: "Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life." (Proverbs 4:23). It is because the heart is so vulnerable that we were warned to guard it. Light can fill it and darkness can fill it as well. It takes either light or darkness of the heart to initiate action per time. And the heart can be judged by the fruits that proceed out of it. That is why Matthew 7:18 says: "A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit". When darkness fills any heart, the fruits that come from such life will be evil.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Losing without losing honor: winning over losses.
A man in honor who does not know it, is like a beast that perish. That was the saying of a wise man. When a man is stripped of everything, the last thing you are left with is your integrity and integrity commands honor. Integrity restores honor and many other things. This is not a piece about a smart writer who has never flunked anything. It’s all about sincere expression of the heart. Many times, our losses are due to our own errors, ignorance or incompetence. Without an attempt to externalize several things, there are times; we lose not because we were poor, or evil. Not because we were bad or demonic but we lose because of external factors and interferences. Napoleon Bonaparte once loss a war as a result of an unexpected weather condition; yet he was one of the greatest warfare strategist that ever lived.
I know a man who had gone through a profitable business venture and failed. Rather than taking it against the people who seemingly impacted his chances of winning in this business; he did not. He refused to be bitter. He became better for it. He saw those folks some months after the event. He loved them. He respected them and celebrated them the more. There is an enormous power which flow from you when you do that. This man believed that it was all over with. He cannot change the past. He had to move on with his life. I know another man who failed in a great relationship. Rather than hating the partner who jilted him for another man, he loved her. He still prayed for his ex-lover. He sought for the happiness of the same.
If we live long enough, times and again, we will get into certain mess. We will be involved in some venture that will not work the way we envisaged. Certain things will not go as planned. You have probably heard of that saying that: It is better to plan and fail than not to plan at all. I add this that: it is better to act and fail than not to act at all. It is better to be hated for who you are, than to be loved for who you are not. It is better to wake up and see yourself cheated than not to have risked at all.
So you are wondering: how do I lose without losing my honor?-It’s when I forgive and forget. It is when i count it all loss for the sake of the cross of Christ. Forsaking all that mattered to me so that I may gain the Christ and the essence of His resurrection. It is when i rebuke revenge and vengeful spirit. It is when i refuse to be bitter when I lose. It is when i refuse to go after the winners, struggling over their trophies. It is when i count my losses; accept them and move on. It is when i refuse to cut the jugular of my betrayers. It is when i celebrate those who are still in their own limelight. For life is not all about winning alone. It is as well about losing. It is all about seasons. We will all have our own moments... if we will wait for our own time and chance. The time will change. The tide will turn. And will be more... as we all age, there will be a tilt in the balance of things. Above all, there is no one who is ever forgotten in the very book of life.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Excerpts from my book: “Innovation edge”
Let me tell you a story. In a little town of plantings, blossom a Mushroom. A Butterfly came by to see it and then an Ant and a Bee. Each was asking the Mushroom one question. Same question from different beings at different time. The new Mushroom was puzzled. “Young plant, how are you going to make it amidst big trees? How are you ever going to survive amidst competition?” they’d asked. So, he answered the same way every time: “All I need is a chance”. He’d say. But the Bee stung it. The Ant beat at it. Even the Butterfly sucked its tiny body sap. They all said it was impossible for the Mushroom to make it in the jungle. No way! No chance! It was the wilting point for the Mushroom. It was its withering state. Somehow, there was a dark cloud. The weather changed. There were tiny droplets from the big trees. Change has come. Change will always happen, come what may. The rain fell. The Ant ran into hiding. The Butterfly flew away. And the Bee; It buzzed off. Only the Mushroom remained. The Mushroom bloom and survived as a result of the rain. It got picked up to the Palace after the rain. It was cooked by the King’s chef. It was served on chinaware. The king and his noblemen ate some tasty Mushroom soup.
Destiny does not depend on size. You don’t have to be very big. Sometimes, size simply doesn’t count as such. Small is also beautiful. Greatness doesn’t cry for chances. It creates its own chances... It lays hold of whatever nature brings its way…twisting its own self, changing its own self and flexibly maximizing the opportunities surrounding it to reach its destiny. Rather than whining and complaining, greatness takes initiative to grow. Being small, weak or poor is no excuse at all. If you don’t have a weak mind, if you don’t have a small mind; if you don’t have a poverty-stricken mind; you will reach over the top. You will reach your goal.
I need to ask you what you are doing with that breathes of your nostrils. What are you doing with the gift of life? That is a chance you’ve got to make a mark! That is an opportunity to live a life of meaning. That is a privilege to live to the fullest. Although we were born yesterday; but we can definitely make a mark today. We have a chance to live in such a way that today doesn’t slip off from our hands. We have the privilege to make it count. What is the moral of the story of the young Mushroom? They are more. But one of them is this: “God will send the rain. But are you ready to grow?”
One of the things that life will never give to you is: your growth. One of the things people hardly give on a platter is opportunity. You’ve got to find these two for yourself. You’ve got to create an environment that will foster your growth. Sometimes you have to look for it in order to find it. You’ve got to search longer and deeper enough for you to see it…that’s an adventure which may take a life time for some of us. Truth be told, people love growth. Even the animals smell the greens for greener pastures. Everybody revolves around greatness. Everyone wants to be associated with progress and progressive causes. Noble people want to eat some Mushroom soup at the Palace square. Laudable visions don’t lack people. Success is only sweet, it is not cheap. There is a price to pay in guise of stings from the Bees and bites from the Ants of our society.
As I was rushing to work from work; I scribbled these lines on my phone as a note: success is “bleeding”. Sometimes you’ve got to bleed! Jesus Christ bled on the cross for you and me. He shed his precious blood to save you and me. He was showing us the truest way to victory, success and greatness. They lie in sacrifices. Jesus demonstrated it to us all that sacrifice is the only key to triumph. The route to the top is through the blood. The art of bleeding is the art of leading. The blood we shed today is the ladder to the top tomorrow. They are no longer lymphoid tissue or our raw red blood cell… The blood is the art of believing, giving and living... Faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the key with which we can maximize our lives. Once you’ve known Him, then you need to move on to diligence and consistency. That is the secret.
Destiny does not depend on size. You don’t have to be very big. Sometimes, size simply doesn’t count as such. Small is also beautiful. Greatness doesn’t cry for chances. It creates its own chances... It lays hold of whatever nature brings its way…twisting its own self, changing its own self and flexibly maximizing the opportunities surrounding it to reach its destiny. Rather than whining and complaining, greatness takes initiative to grow. Being small, weak or poor is no excuse at all. If you don’t have a weak mind, if you don’t have a small mind; if you don’t have a poverty-stricken mind; you will reach over the top. You will reach your goal.
I need to ask you what you are doing with that breathes of your nostrils. What are you doing with the gift of life? That is a chance you’ve got to make a mark! That is an opportunity to live a life of meaning. That is a privilege to live to the fullest. Although we were born yesterday; but we can definitely make a mark today. We have a chance to live in such a way that today doesn’t slip off from our hands. We have the privilege to make it count. What is the moral of the story of the young Mushroom? They are more. But one of them is this: “God will send the rain. But are you ready to grow?”
One of the things that life will never give to you is: your growth. One of the things people hardly give on a platter is opportunity. You’ve got to find these two for yourself. You’ve got to create an environment that will foster your growth. Sometimes you have to look for it in order to find it. You’ve got to search longer and deeper enough for you to see it…that’s an adventure which may take a life time for some of us. Truth be told, people love growth. Even the animals smell the greens for greener pastures. Everybody revolves around greatness. Everyone wants to be associated with progress and progressive causes. Noble people want to eat some Mushroom soup at the Palace square. Laudable visions don’t lack people. Success is only sweet, it is not cheap. There is a price to pay in guise of stings from the Bees and bites from the Ants of our society.
As I was rushing to work from work; I scribbled these lines on my phone as a note: success is “bleeding”. Sometimes you’ve got to bleed! Jesus Christ bled on the cross for you and me. He shed his precious blood to save you and me. He was showing us the truest way to victory, success and greatness. They lie in sacrifices. Jesus demonstrated it to us all that sacrifice is the only key to triumph. The route to the top is through the blood. The art of bleeding is the art of leading. The blood we shed today is the ladder to the top tomorrow. They are no longer lymphoid tissue or our raw red blood cell… The blood is the art of believing, giving and living... Faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the key with which we can maximize our lives. Once you’ve known Him, then you need to move on to diligence and consistency. That is the secret.
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