Showing posts with label secrets of happiness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label secrets of happiness. Show all posts

Friday, November 12, 2010

Losing without losing honor: winning over losses.

A man in honor who does not know it, is like a beast that perish. That was the saying of a wise man. When a man is stripped of everything, the last thing you are left with is your integrity and integrity commands honor. Integrity restores honor and many other things. This is not a piece about a smart writer who has never flunked anything. It’s all about sincere expression of the heart. Many times, our losses are due to our own errors, ignorance or incompetence. Without an attempt to externalize several things, there are times; we lose not because we were poor, or evil. Not because we were bad or demonic but we lose because of external factors and interferences. Napoleon Bonaparte once loss a war as a result of an unexpected weather condition; yet he was one of the greatest warfare strategist that ever lived.
I know a man who had gone through a profitable business venture and failed. Rather than taking it against the people who seemingly impacted his chances of winning in this business; he did not. He refused to be bitter. He became better for it. He saw those folks some months after the event. He loved them. He respected them and celebrated them the more. There is an enormous power which flow from you when you do that. This man believed that it was all over with. He cannot change the past. He had to move on with his life. I know another man who failed in a great relationship. Rather than hating the partner who jilted him for another man, he loved her. He still prayed for his ex-lover. He sought for the happiness of the same.
 If we live long enough, times and again, we will get into certain mess. We will be involved in some venture that will not work the way we envisaged. Certain things will not go as planned. You have probably heard of that saying that:  It is better to plan and fail than not to plan at all. I add this that: it is better to act and fail than not to act at all. It is better to be hated for who you are, than to be loved for who you are not. It is better to wake up and see yourself cheated than not to have risked at all. 
So you are wondering: how do I lose without losing my honor?-It’s when I forgive and forget. It is when i count it all loss for the sake of the cross of Christ. Forsaking all that mattered to me so that I may gain the Christ and the essence of His resurrection. It is when i rebuke revenge and vengeful spirit. It is when i refuse to be bitter when I lose. It is when i refuse to go after the winners, struggling over their trophies. It is when i count my losses; accept them and move on. It is when i refuse to cut the jugular of my betrayers. It is when i celebrate those who are still in their own limelight. For life is not all about winning alone. It is as well about losing. It is all about seasons. We will all have our own moments... if we will wait for our own time and chance. The time will change. The tide will turn. And will be more... as we all age, there will be a tilt in the balance of things. Above all, there is no one who is ever forgotten in the very book of life.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Capture the moments…

So life went on…
Our neighbor moved,
Our friends changed.
Somebody graduated
Another friend got married,
Someone bought a home
Another friend got his dream job
Twas party time!
We went over.
We forgot our best friend’s birthday
We could not meet up with the deadline
The new Minister invited us,
He’s been forever busy.
We got a sales call
“When next can we call back?”
Never mind. We’ll call you.
Our classmate lost her loved one
She is not coming for Christmas
We were at the last reunion
She was hail and hearty
She is down with cancer.
We met this new friend
She proved to be loyal
We bonded at once
She became our family friend
We lost our car key
It fell, hidden behind the freezer
We found a parking lot closer to classroom
The Union won!
We got a raise
A staff resigned
A contract came in
Somebody invited us for dinner
An old friend will be coming for a visit
We won a bid
“The bill came in today…”
Our life revolves…
Our days spin in circle;
around events, people, places
Opportunities: they come in pieces
We live in moments
Time will never be enough
We lose; we gain and lose, to gain
We may see disappointments and frustrations
We may also be faced by rejections
When we fail, we groan
When we succeed, we smile
We hardly share the dirty secrets
We’ve loved only once. But when we love we know it.
A gossip will spread; splitting dear friends,
The cycle of life is like a circle
When we get to the place where we started.
Then we’ll begin again
But when we began, we must know the difference
Check out the sign posts,
Look for the spots and landmarks
And remember to always capture the moments
That is the secret of happiness
Because when you look back
All you can truly see are the moments...