Showing posts with label how to become successful. Show all posts
Showing posts with label how to become successful. Show all posts

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Awakening the Pen!

"Whatever happens on the dance-floor, keep dancing." ...that was the words of my dance coach (Raydel). On that fateful day when I missed my steps, tripped and fell right on the dance floor. It was so depressing because we were in the public. I was too embarrassed that I fell. A fear almost crept in. I went away learning a new lesson not just about dancing, but about life itself. Do you know that life is all about movements? Dynamism is of the essence. And the essentials, the basics and the molecules of all forms of dance is movement. So you cannot afford to get stuck.

Allegorically, life and dance are synonymous. The symbolism is movement. If you cannot appreciate movement, you cannot succeed with life. We are called into movements. We must never "settle". The moment you start feeling cool that you have arrived, you start going down! Sometimes, downward-spiral can be very subtle. You may not even realize that you are becoming gradually immobile. You may feel that you are just taking it easy. Inspiration and intentionality are inseparables. You cannot be truly inspired and not be proactive. The art of taking deliberate action in the direction of your compelling vision is the key. It is important to dream continuously and work towards those dreams. I have heard certain people boast of flagrant dreams. Talk about building castles in the air. The difference is in the action! It is important to always remember that if you are not moving you will get stuck. Being static is the first phase of getting stinking and rotten.

I remember the wise words of ancient sage: "To be truly productive in life; you got to be able to handle pressures that comes naturally, as well as pressures that come unexpectedly" . The real you is revealed to you through crisis. It is in moments of adversity that you understands who you really are, and what you were called to do in life. You cannot realize your fullest potentials without adversity. That is why adversity can be a gift sometimes. Why? because adversity makes you fully matured. You are not prepared for greatness until you have faced trials and tests. Some of these are unannounced. Some adversities come like an ambushment. Nonetheless, it is important to know that: nothing can hit God by surprise.Nobody can stop His purpose.Even the plots and schemes of the enemy are ingredients and condiments of divine plan.He will do what He said. He is too jealous over you than you can ever imagine!

Every pressure is meant to shape you. That is how you learn mastery. You got to learn to defuse "bombs of misdemeanors" that life throws at you. Although, it was meant to destroy you; your detonation capacity and defusing tacts count. Your reflex lies in how much you prepare your mind to handle the worst of all that could ever happen to you. Your ability to keep progressing in spite of oppositions is one of the prerequisites of finishing strong. In order to end well, keep moving! Know that your success is within your whiskers when you face the worst of all adversities. Do not waste your sufferings in static-ism. It is time to move on towards the mark! This is my wise-shot at you. Take this and run! Press towards your destiny. Achieve greatness! You were born for this! And you are almost there! It shall be well!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

To bleed for others...

I thought of writing this for record purpose...perhaps it will change how we all look at our lives, how we all look at our friends, how we all look at our future. It will help us examine our values, our ambitions, and more. This might help us find our good friends and families out there who don’t really have the opportunity to be in the overseas countries like us.
What does it mean to bleed for your loved ones? It is to think of people first before self.
What does it mean to bleed for others? It is to think of a visionary without provisions to fulfill his and her dreams out there in the jungle of corrupt societies of Africa.
What does it mean to bleed for others? It is to go hungry and is to literarily suffer for is like when two desperate needs collide and you choose to help others instead of yourself is to send some few dollars or more; down through the Western Union Money Transfer… to your home country, to your loved ones who are in the cauldron of sufferings in a devastated society.
What does it mean to bleed for others? it is to wake up on such days when you don’t have enough , yet you realized that the exchange rate is higher today and it will really count so much in your home country if this very sum of money can cross the border ahead of you into that home country to help someone out there. It’s like being in the palace of Pharaoh, enjoying your Pizzas but you are old enough to go visit your suffering kinsmen out there in the field of Egyptians’ slavery and ghetto.
It’s like being on a mission field and what you are preaching and fighting against is not just any kind of Cause, but it is against poverty, deprivation, lack , evil and oppression…it is against the same thing Jesus fought against, in how He went about doing good,and healing all those who are oppressed of the devil.
What does it mean to bleed for your others?-it is to close your bank account and business account, just to bring your loved ones in into such haven or experience with you in the land of opportunities.
What does it mean to bleed for your loved ones? Its called delayed gratification… it is to delay your enjoyment. It is to see that "BLING" and to flee with a blink in a twinkling… It is to watch that costly blinking “blingging” wrist watch you saw at the Mall and not buy.
It is to see that designer you’ve been longing badly to get for yourself on sale; yet you blinked and walk away...What does it mean to bleed for your loved ones? Its to go naked to cloth others. It is to walk right pass the MacDonalds and some coffee shops somewhere on a very Sunny day and you just go away right through and down the street corner without even buying for yourself just because you saw a more noble reason ahead. And it is your call to help others who are in need. For this is why we came.
It is not always about you or about your biological family members but it is more about all the folks we are connected with.
It is not just because you want to sustain your extended family but because you are also thinking of that very old friend of yours who went through storms and stuffs…and are still going through stuff... It is not just about you but those who grew up with you and those that were there while you were climbing up that corporate ladder and they have been praying all along for your success. For they knew that, it is in your success lie the fulfillment of their very dreams.
So you can’t just let them down now… so you just want to help them in any way you can, you just want to help any how.
What does it mean to bleed for others? It is to trek... walking long distance when you can’t afford a common Bus ticket to go see some movie somewhere.
What does it mean to bleed for others; it is to help selflessly at all it cost even when it hurts.
It is to groan and moan because it badly hurts but you will never cease to help.
What does it mean to bleed for others? -It is to have no asset, no land, no house in your own name, no Condo or Cabin on the islands of some sort. It is to go without because you’ve been building in the lives of’s to look and see the buildings in the hearts of men… it is to go and bring it forth from the realm of the dreams and into reality!
What does it mean to bleed for others? It is to invest in others whose destiny is tied to you not just by birth order but of divine order.
It is to understand that people are your greatest assets and earning your interest and premium in them is the greatest and most noble life to live.
And as we live, are we remembering others in our life journeys and dreams? Are we cognizant of this thing that we are not alone É That we are more than this É That there are still some less privileged out there and more.
What does it mean to bleed for others? It is to do weird things, going extraordinary miles, breaking your back in doing helpful, crazy, things for others without expecting a return…it to serve in righteousness.
Yes I know it’s crazy!...It is so foolish!! I know it’s so silly of me!!! And it is even more shameful to talk about this…but because if you are crazy enough to help people in birthing their dreams and buying into their future, you would be shaming the devil and the kingdom of hell that kept many bounds. This might sound more tricky and crappy...but if Jesus could go that extraordinary mile of crucifixion for you and me? Then it is your turn to lay down your life for others now.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Specificity of instruction

Let me tell you a true story about instruction. This is my true life story. A long time ago, when I was new in elementary school, I was in primary/ elementary one or two then. I was involved in a sporting competition which as at then was called “inter-house sport”. Usually different class of pupil get grouped into “houses” of sport contestants with some teachers who will be sport coordinators over each group. Grouping was done according to age, class, height, weight and some other demography. We were hardly grouped as a result of our athletic abilities because would be determined at the end of the season which usually lasts for weeks.

I was chosen to run in a one hundred meter dash for my group/house that very year. Before you start out any race, there was brief time of pep talk from your housemasters. They encourage you to run as fast as you can. There were some three or four boys competing from other house with me that year. I was the shortest and the less sporty contestant on set for that race. I watched the tall boys jumping excitedly and getting ready to run that day. As I bent at the starting point; I heard my Aunt whispering to me to run as fast as I could. She had accompanied me to this competition because my parents were not around. I cannot remember having run ever before that time in any track event.
To edit the story, I started out following every instruction of the umpire which was given to us before the race began: “You must not cross each other’s path; you must run on your own lane all the way through, you must run to the end of the race. You must not jump off the track at any point in time, until you reach the end, you must not stop. You don’t start running off until you’ve heard the umpire’s whistle blown”. I did follow all instruction that day. Although I finished last, I concentrated on the instructions such that I forgot that I was in a real competition. I kept the instructions in my mind, preoccupied with them until I finished the race. At the end of the race, I discovered that I had been so preoccupied with those instructions that I had made them an end in themselves. I was too afraid of being punished or beaten up by the instructor. As I strictly adhered to the instructions, the other athletes outran me. They crossed each others’ lane, broke every given rules and still finished ahead of me in that race that year.

We were about four or more who ran in that race. I got to the finish line thinking that I would be chosen nonetheless. I was thinking that because I had obeyed all the instructions, I may be chosen. But it was more than mere obedience, timing was of the essence and speed was paramount. I was expecting that any of the other three athletes who crossed each other’s tracks during the race would be disqualified for me because I ran according to instruction. Although I did not have adequate speed, I tried my best. But lo! It was more than mere instruction. It also mattered when you obeyed and how you obeyed. The urgency of instruction given is one aspect of instruction that we cannot wink at.

What eventually mattered to the coordinators of the track and field competition that day was more than mere obedience. It was important that we adhere strictly through timing. This is where the law and principles of timing comes inevitable. As far as the race was concerned, it was more than mere finesse. It was important that you finish early on the track if you are to be declared a winner. It was much more than being obedient to the rules. It was important that you complete obedience through urgency and accuracy. It was important that you applied some measure of force, drive, ruggedness and character in order to win. Time is of the essence. Speed was valuable and accuracy was inevitable.

As I got to the finish line late trying to move in with the rest of the winners; I was pulled backwards fro behind by my Aunt, then I saw one of the coordinators at the finish line sorting me out of the winners of the race. Then another coordinator whipped the boys who won the race for crisscrossing the tracks while running. My Aunt tried to save me from my obvious embarrassment as she pulled me to her side while we waited and watched from the sideline the trophy presentation before we went home that day. I let them down for finishing last in the race. She did not mock me but I learnt a lesson or two from that experience. I was in a race to win. My people were watching because they expected me to win. They were cheering me on from the sideline asking me to run!!! As I scuttled as fast as my leg could carry me; I came to realize that I could not carry myself as fast as the other boys. I finished last in the race behind all others panting heavily.

As I flashback on that event, I recollect how certain things mattered most. The first is the instruction, the second: preparation, the third is speed. The fourth is accuracy; the fifth is finesse which I had embraced at the expense of all others. I will never forget how timing was the basis of final judgement at the end of the race. At the finish line, instruction became only a guide to a destination but not the destination in itself. You may ask: what is the correlation of this. What are the moral of this story? In life and business, timing and instruction are very important that you cannot assume. You cannot expect everything to wait on a standstill for you. The significance of life is imbedded in how we approach all events, how we see and take opportunities. Life is altruistically a result of the chances we take as well as the ones we loose. Opportunities will not always be there for you. Don’t believe in the fallacy that once an opportunity is lost, another one will come. They don’t always come like that. When they do come, they are extras, not precisely what you lost but what you would have gained additionally if you had taken the initial chance when it came.

King H erod understood the meaning of the wise men’s visit to Bethlehem when Jesus was born. He was the reigning king and having another king in the same kingdom means his dethronement. He did not want to take chances; he wiped out all the children within that age bracket. If the enemy was that wise to understand the importance of timing, the age range of children born in that period, the statistics and information surrounding the birthplace of Jesus; what is happening to the children of the kingdom? An impending dethronement for Herod was the motive behind the homicide. He understood that we live in a competitive world. He was not deceiving himself. He was not going to share his throne. If we are awakened to the realities surrounding us, we will maximize opportunities surrounding us. We will wipe off our tears and run steadily in other to win the prize. We will no longer fight like someone who is beating the winds; we will fight with focus and accuracy.

Some lethargic and indolent people coined such saying like: “we are not competing” it was because we don’t want to be cutting one another’s throat. In the actual sense of it, life is all about competition! Too sad to say that in the grand scheme of things we are unconsciously competing. Paul said that be careful lest no man take thy crown. There is a tendency to lose your crown. Why? Because it is competitive... the race of heaven and earth is competitive. And if you will be sincere enough, you will face it head on. Look sincerely and long enough and you will see the marks and evidence of contest in your school grades, workplace, sales’ raise, promotions, achievements, awards and more; to mention few. There must be losers and winners. And the winner takes all in this modern world. The best person you will better compete with may be truly yourself but you still have to compete to break the power of mediocrity. You must conquer the enemy within you who is called average. Yes! You can get frustrated trying to compete with other people. However, in not competing against self, we don’t just fail but we fail to reach our maximum potential. There must be that desire to be better of than where we used to be yesterday. There must be passion to grow and develop. We must keep rising, advancing continually from within! Your success will be measured by your willingness to keep on persevering. Your success does not have less to do with how lightly you handle scarce opportunities. It has more to do with speed, timing and direction

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

How to become extraordinary person.

I am going to be sharing with you what it means to stand out of the crowd. You can stand tall amongst several. It is beyond your stature, what you wear, the brand of your costume and colors of your make ups. It is the size of your soul. It depends on the largeness of your heart. There is "how" to almost everything in life.If you want to be an extraordinary person in life, you've got to learn the how.You must know the principles to becoming a person of influence. An influence can be said to be an authourity,a tangible effect, some unusual power, an impact which some people have over others. It can be a reverence for someone, such respect that makes them more valued in the life of people than everybody else.Influence can be reduced to a question of how many lives we have meaningfully touched, affected, and impacted. Who can we say that your life have actually touched? Who made it through,by associating with you? who got it right by watching your lifestyle? How do people see you? How do they talk about you? What do they think of you? When your name is mentioned, what ring in people's hearts? How comfortable do people feel in your presence? These questions and more determine the extent of your influence. Although there are no insignificant people; basically, there are two types of people in life. There are influential people and un-influential people. People who make you feel great when you enter into their presence and people who make you feel inferior and intimidated when you enter their presence. People who make you leave their presence feeling filled and fulfilled and those who make you leave their presence feeling empty and worthless.

Now I must quickly say that influence can become so contagious. Depending on who you associate with, you can be a good influence or a bad influence.I have classified influence into sweet influence and sour influence. You can be energetic, charismatic and still not be a sweet influence on others. An example was Adolf Hitler. You can be oppressive of people, dragging everybody to suit your selfish plans and stampeding everyone to win. Your negative attitude will only be tolerated rather than celebrated. In order to be a sweet influence on people, you must be human, be natural, be sincere, selfless, giving up certain things for people, helping people, celebrating people. When considering influence, i like to think of Nelson Mandela. Although, he already handed over power in South Africa. He is still influential till date. Several Presidents have gone to him for counsel. They went to learn and tap from his wisdom. When it comes to knowing what makes someone sweet and the other sour. It depends on you as an individual. It also depends on the people you are serving, your area of influence and what you are doing there. If you are lording it over people, using people to climb, dragging them into suiting your programs and exploiting people. You can bet it that your influence will not last. It will soon fade. You will count for nothing in their record later on. They may pretend to be inspired by you, but they are actually scared of you and when you turn your back, they will mock you. Being a sweet influence require that you lead people rightly with integrity. You can be so good at mobilizing people and leading them yet you are untrustworthy. People want to be able to trust their leader. If you are a terrible follower, it will be difficult to be a sweet influence even among the crowd of followers. There are certain people whose lifestyle command great respect anywhere, yet they have no position or title. Their oppinion count always with people. That is influence. This thing is greater than any prefix of nomenclature. It is a matter of the heart, a question of impact, input and contributions made to other people’s lives.

It is important to make sure that people leave our presence feeling great. It is vital they leave us, feeling motivated, feeling elated, and ready to capture their world. This is determined by how we behave, how we listen, how we speak what we speak to them and with them. It is when your life begins to make a meaning to others; that is when you are actually living. People need to be comfortable around us. People who make you feel uncomfortable whenever you are around them are the ones with problems. They should be tactfully avoided. They suffer low self esteem. That is why they will try to put you down to feel good with themselves. Some cover it up with material things. They use their toys to tease you. They are covering up that vacuum in their hearts. There is a wound that has refused to heal in their empty hearts. It takes a person who is secured in himself/herself to see greatness in others and celebrate it. It takes such people with a good heart to extend praise and grace to others. It does not cost a thing to give compliments to others, a smile is a gift. These and more are what sweet and influential people do because they are full of life. When people extend a warm handshake it does not mean that they are welcoming. The heart determines the person beyond all his charms. Do they reflect authenticity in their gestures? How open-minded are they? How do they feel around you? What do they say about you? Does it appear as though they really want to hear from you? Does your struggles and success mean something to them? Does your story interests them? Do they just care about their own stories of endless conquests without listening to yours? Again it all depends on how secured they feel firstly in themselves...Insecure people hardly become truly influential.

Through business, whether profit oriented or non profit, you serve people. It is a matter of stooping to lift others up. You are either doing this or you are oppressing people. Basically how you do whatever you do will determine how much of influence you command. If you are concerned about having a positive impact and leaving a good legacy, it is important you serve. Hence, it is through service or by service! There is no other option. When you are concerned about people’s lives, you will easily influence them. When you are not greedy for gain, you will impact people. When you start thinking of how to give back, and what to give to others; you will gradually become influential in their world. Some people just want to be influential. They think being influential is an end in itself. A successful person knows that it is in being able to serve other people, that s/he earns the people's trust. And it is important we earn people's trust. It is in earning that trust from people that they are able to take us serious. It is in that we become their role models. It is in their acceptance of us that our success is partly measured. It is in earning their trust that they choose us as their leader . If you don’t want to serve people; there is a very little chance of being successful or being influential at all.

Michael Jackson was so influential during his life time. He influenced both young and old through his Pop music such that when he died, the entire world knew and felt it. What was so remarkable about this legend? He has been influential from childhood. He kept at what he knew how to do best. He was focused. His fame spread like wildfire. He was doubtlessly attacked. He was lied against but the truth remain that, he brought the whole world to a stand still in his death. Wait a second. Was he insecure in himself or not? That is not my focus right now. What I am driving at here, is that you can learn certain things from his life. You can learn his principles by using what you have to take the world. With your consistency, in being focused, you will influence the world. Did Michael Jackson serve people. I think so. through his songs. You will need to use whatever gift you have to serve people. You will need to work on your gift as well as on your attitude. I am still working on mine too. So you aren’t alone.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

What you don’t know about greatness.

Let me shoot straight at you. Don't read this if you don't want to become successful. Very recently,i was inspired by the Holy Spirit to compile some pictures of great and successful people from all walks of life.I added a picture of mine with them. And i printed it out on just one glossy photo paper.I framed it up and hung it in my sitting room. It serves as a reflector of my heart. It represents where i want to be in life. I understand that God is great. Why shouldn't i? I am not the first person to be doing this kind of thing. It's just that this is my own time to reinforce the principle. I must let you know that the discipline of success is taught in an invincible school called: School of greatness. There is an invincible drill going on daily for greatness to be birthed. There is a rigorous training in which very few people participate in. There’s an institution of success that few people who enroll and attend, systematically attain stardom. This is quite different from the normal schools around. It is not the same thing as the ordinary institutions we see around. The curriculum is self evolved. The time table, sessions, class hours are self chosen. Exceptional people attend there. Those few who succeed in life are students of that school. They strive to learn what others don’t care about. These people are busy working day and night, reading hard, thinking through, and pummeling themselves to align with their vision. With Intentionality they press on to become better people in life. You have to know what you need to know to blow off the limitation. And because you don’t know what you don’t know, these are one of the reasons why they read and study.

Success and greatness takes more than self awareness. You need to consciously pursue after success to reach there. You have to keep pedaling forward until you reach the city of greatness. The people who attend this invincible school of greatness are on their way there. These are people who have signed up for the course called success. They have sold out their hearts for development. They have tied their lives up for improvement. Development is their target. They are not afraid of taking calculated risks and making changes. They have surrendered their lives to the discipline of the school of greatness. Working on their character daily, embracing the right school of thought in totality. They follow the same trend of hard work. They give over themselves unto right principles, right relationships, right actions and more. Although, their lives may look boring to some, they may miss temporary fun in the moment; they may look phony, weird to some others. But as they keep looking inwards to grow daily, they are climbing each rung towards greatness. By reading unpressurized books, buying books which nobody has enforced on them, listening to tapes and CDs, watching heroic and educative movies, listening to informative podcasts, going to seminars; they are chatting the course to greatness in the invincible realm. As they keep studying the life of those who have succeeded in the past. They are ingraining their exceptional spirit. By repeating what those successful people did rightly in order to succeed. They are forming a habit which will shape their destiny forever. By asking questions, having mentors and life coaches; they are led to the great path which successful people of old threaded to get to where they reached. It was not an accident. And it will not be accidental. It was through conscious consistent efforts in the right direction. Greatness is not a mistake. You will reap exactly what you sow. Successes don’t just jump on people. The value of small but consistent actions can never be underestimated. Nothing just happen to any man, I don’t believe that there is anyone called a lucky person on earth. He must have been sowing some secret seeds somewhere which no one knew about. So when he reaped the fruits of his heart and he plucked the rewards of his labor; ignorant people merely look and concluded he was lucky.

If I may ask you now, considering the pace at which you are going presently, considering where you want to go in life, are you positioning yourself rightly each day? Considering your age, if we are to compare your age with the age of those successful people you want to be like, were they doing what you are doing now at the same age? If we are to evaluate the lives of those great people we read about. If you were to read in between the lines of their biographies; how did they achieve greatness? Were they doing what you are doing right now? Were they doing things exactly how you are doing it now? Or were they committed to something much more tasking? The stake to greatness is getting higher each day. In terms of what it entails to be successful, more is required of us. And it seems that every generation seems to have their own peculiar big breaking point when those who succeed actually emerge. There is always a momentum prior to that effect. That can not happen without periods of self discipline wherein those great people would have faced their own self. Conquer their fears. Run over their limitations. Fight their individual battles against mediocrity. There is a unique huddle everyone has got to jump. Their huddle to success and greatness may have shaped their life in determining how they succeeded and why we hear so much of them in our day.

Sometimes, some people wonder if those people who lived in the 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, and 20th century actually faced such nerve-racking huddles as we are facing now. And I wonder why not. They were not more fortunate than us. There is no point doubting whether or not they got into greatness of equal standard with our day. Although, it was not all the students of that invincible school of greatness got to be famous and read about. We did not even know so many people. However, people who disciplined themselves to be successful attain it in their own right. They were few. Yet they were true. Such thing called the discipline of success was probably uncommon in their day. Listing out the number of great people in those times; I am not sure whether or not they outnumbered their successors. The population of the successful people in each successive era may have been determined by the rate at which people actually enroll in that school of greatness. And much more, in how they stayed through the process thereof.

I stand to be corrected that reading just one book such as “Think and grow rich” or any exceptional book at all; can make one truly rich or successful. Doing just one thing and expecting huge result hardly works. To suddenly become rich, is to take a short cut. I think we need to understand that. We need to know why must do better and how we can do better. As we study patterns, succession, history and the culture of greatness. We will read of the wealth of principles that was passed down from one generation to another. We will understand the trend. We need the global perspective on how things evolved from generation to generation. We need to know how success and greatness got re-defined over decades until it got to our generation. And we will need to look for, and understand the common patterns in each stage and each age. It is my thought that: the gateway to riches got more challenging because many people already know the same things...the popular old principles which the likes of Napoleon Hills wrote about has become a common knowledge and almost obsolete. You remember the law of demand and supply? That the higher the demand the lower the supply. The universe works with it still. When everyone already knows the same thing, it becomes a common knowledge. And the value of common knowledge is that it’s almost nothing. If something must be valued and appreciated, it has to be rare. This is why fewest people believe that the search for wealth of knowledge has just began. We are starting all over again. It takes those who will search deeper to know something special, some new strategies for winning. I mean after reading all we have read so far. We have come to realized that more is required of us than others. It will take those who will read above others to stand out of the crowd and lead others. We cannot expect to read common books and suddenly lead people. We can't attain stardom cheaply. If we read the same things like everyone, it means we all know the same thing. The question is this: What are those uncommon principles that others are yet to know about? That is what will make us stand out of the park. That is why you don’t become the student of success by just reading of successful people. You have to become a follower of successful principles, successful trends; you have to become an observer of patterns, a lover of greatness, And you must constantly look out for what other people are not looking out for. You must go deeper!

When you enroll in this invincible university of Greatness; everything about your life will change. In this invincible school, sometimes thoughts must be weighed on a scale, thoughts must be inverted, recaptured, bright ideas must be scrutinized for the realization of success. You cannot be thinking like everybody else and expect to be their leader. You have to think ahead of them. You have to go above their ideologies. And sometimes, it means becoming different. It means you are not afraid to stand alone and be called weird by some people. In that school of greatness, you cannot graduate in four years like it is in the common college. Sorry. You have signed up for life! You must resolve in your mind that you will stay through the process. You must determine to wait as long as the journey requires of you. Considering when great people got into stardom, looking at the age they got there and the barrier they went through. Do you think they calculated the time it will take them to get there? No. They simply resolve to wait and win come what may. And that was how they won. I think we need to ask ourselves: was there anything we think they did differently? What was so unique about their lives? What were they doing all along before they got their big break? What were they doing differently from their mates every day? By the time we look at these indices. We will realize that we have serious work to do and the time is short!

We need to keep seeing the big picture. We need to focus on the destination we see? One of the rare beauties of life is hidden in the art of living in the unknown, believing in the possibilities and potentials of human spirit and striving hard to become better each day. What do you want to become? Do you believe that you can reach there? What do you look like in the present? How long do you think it will take you to get there? How much are you giving daily towards reaching there? The point is that our daily walks count. We are supposed to look at destiny. We are to consider the time and understand the season. What time is it? In terms of our life goals how far have we come? What is the clock of purpose saying? Are we conscious of destiny? Are we working on fulfilling purpose? All these require working hard with time daily. Time must be invested, traded, managed and maximized… that means that we are to daily seize opportunities. These things will require serious learning, communication with other successful people, consciously networking with great people, and more. In order to fulfill your vision; there’s need to write out your plans, to set your goals,to act towards it. Implementations of dreams require taking deliberate steps towards it. Team work will help you to attain greatness on time. There is no self made millionaire. We need to trust other people and be trusted to reach there. We need right people around us. Writing down certain things, brainstorming, thinking through them, mind-mapping with intelligent people will make us achieve much more. I know you know all that.

Let me quickly ask you this: What is the dominant thought in your mind? Why do you hold on to it? What can you do right now to make that thought bear fruits? What are simple actions steps that will change that thought from mere thinking into materialization? How are you living to implement that vision? Will the realizations of these thoughts make you fulfilled? Will it keep you focused? Can it make you keep putting things in perspective? Will there be connectivity with grand purpose in days to come? What is that one thing you want to live and die for? Are you cultivating your mind field daily? Based on your life experience, what is that information you have been able to learn and gather personally that will be helpful? Do you have a solitude moment when you think creatively? What have you been able to bring out from your solitude experience that will now be resourceful in your journey to greatness?
Greatness is a culture. We don’t just jump into it. We brood in it…for us to breed it! It takes singleness of purpose, focus and commitment. It takes just one heart to run over this bridge of ordinariness unto greatness...the bridge is burning with fire. Just as two lovers whose heart has merged into one can cross any ocean together. We need you to become one with your vision so that you can cross over despites the fire. We need you on the other side victorious. We can all be great and successful. The question is: Will we all do what it takes? You must strive to cross the bridge of greatness to be there on the other side. It takes a heart. It takes a person of courage. If indeed you want to cross over to fulfillment, you need to be inseparable with God and your dreams. In order to cross this bridge to greatness; you will need commitment to God. Your determination will count but without God; you will miss it. Your choice matters. And decision determines destiny. It is a choice to enroll under a discipline wherein no one is watching you, wherein nobody is rewarding you, in which no one rates you nor expects anything of you, yet you chose to be faithful in it all.