Showing posts with label success. Show all posts
Showing posts with label success. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Olympics Lessons 101~ From the fastest man in the world!

There are wisdom in the ongoing London Olympics 2012. My focus here is on the world fastest man- Usain Bolt. I love stories of greatness. Most especially how many great men and women don't usually start out promising. The Jamaican born fastest man in the world today was reported to be a hyperactive child while growing up.  As a child, Usain Bolt was taken to the doctor for diagnoses. Thank God for that Jamaican doctor who did not medicate Usain into slow-motion! The story would have been different today. Considering the case in his hands, the doctor ensured that Usain Bolt's psyche was not dented. That was how we got the fastest male runner in the 100M at the London 2012 Olympics. 

I am flashing back to one critical moments in the world history because a doctor handled his medical practice with wisdom. Many medical decision don't always go that "right". Usain went out of that doctor's office to become a thunderbolt in tracks and fields of the world's sport because of one doctor's decision! Today, Jamaica as a nation can boast of producing the fastest male-runner in the world!

The question is how and when is history made? The answer? Everyday! Every moment! Everywhere! Every time! Your small and big decisions make history. In parts and pieces, we all make history. We are all writing history per second. The actions we take, our inactions, all contribute towards history. Your one minute reaction can make history. My choice to write this piece is part of history. Your choice to read it, is part of history. As difficult as it can sound, history are only understood in hindsight. Before they are ever made, history remain a mystery, unclear. 

However, we can avoid certain negative incidents from going down in history. For example, history has proven how some human assumptions, judgement, criticisms or conclusion end up quite wrong. For Usain, he was assumed to be hyperactive. Behold! His hyperactivity end up justifiable! Your hyperactive child of today may be another Usain Bolt in the making. That child may have been designed for something special like Bolt. Usually such level of greatness are hidden from all of us, until the divinely set time ticked!

This is why i caution that we all strive not to break the spirit of any child. It is dangerous in the name of discipline or correction to break people. Don’t try to contain them. Our individual personalities are all designed differently. Our makeups are based on what our life purpose(s) are meant to be. You don’t know whether or not, you are nursing, teaching, treating, serving, parenting, coaching, feeding, the next Usain Bolt. So, beware how you quickly react. If you break a child down into what you can “manage” and “contain”; you have lost that child! Several people have killed the greatness that was in the brooding stage around them, under their roof, in their very homes!

 Out of ignorance, due to wrong culture, out of parochial viewpoints and sometimes envy, some people have lost what would have catapult them into greatness of a lifetime! You never know what is hidden in any child. That is why it is important to stop the western doctors from medicating children into disability. Just because the teachers cannot contain this child does not mean the child has a problem.

I am neither a Pediatrician, nor a child-psychologist; but i believe it is time to start talking about these things. Let us stop the western teachers from sending hyperactive kids to special needs schools, or special learning classes. Do not cull any child into special learning group just because you cannot understand them or handle them. Those children are your challenge to push the limits. They are your life-tests of tolerance. They are your assignment to be figured out. It is time for the world to learn from the Olympics by picking life lessons that are applicable to what we see around us daily. 

Looking beyond the childhood of Usain to his present victories, we saw a man who won the gold medal in the 100M race for men. He just did it again you will say?! A quick evaluation of his success showed us something worth noting; that his private world was not "normal". Such level of achievement was attained through hard-work, goal setting, a sense of purpose, endless rigorous practices, a regimented life of discipline that is full of sacrifice. 

There were days of injuries when pain would have to be endured. Yes! We watched him play and celebrate in the public, but his hidden life was spent preparing over and over. Surprisingly, Usain did not like to take himself too seriously but he never underrate the place of hard-work, passion, purpose and preparation. He maximized life principles to get to his dreams. His relationships were carefully chosen. He was loyal to his old Jamaican coach even when he made it big! He remained humble in victories.

Through this fastest runner of all time, i strongly believe that life is teaching us many things.
Some of those life-lessons are: just anybody can achieve greatness irrespective of where they are coming from. You don't have to be born with a silver-spoon. You don't have to be born with a supernatural hallow on your head like Jesus Christ. All you need is understand important principles of life. Such as: setting goals, working at them. And once you have achieved those goals, set bigger goals! Be hungry for greatness. Usain Bolt is thirsty for more! He want to be a legend! It is not bad. Avoid settling for small, ordinary life of nothingness. Even,those who live in Nottingham don't settle for nothing!

The fastest man in the 100M of 1996 Olympics was Michael Johnson. According to him, he retired because he ran out of goals! Once he set goals and achieved all; he stopped! Alas! His early retirement was defined by what he could see. Although, he has achieved much; the danger is in running out of goals! So the question is what are your goals? How many are they? What are you seeing? How far are you looking? Are you still gazing into the future? What are your dreams? Do you think you have set enough goals? Are the goal-bars too low? Can you reset them? What can you still add to the list? Where is your book of vision?

Beyond dreaming big, the place of execution is very vital. It is the most important. It is the great gulf that separates us all. It is the gap between failures and success. The margin is not race, discrimination or injustice. It is execution! Bolt could not be stopped from winning. Nobody can stop you! You are the maker of your own destiny! If you can remind yourself that the cutoff point is not what the teacher/lecturer wrote on your scripts; rather it is the implementation of your dreams and vision! Can you work it out? Can you log in those hour? Can you withstand the pressure? Will you keep moving even when no prize is in sight for you? Can you take the lonely journey until the goal is achieved?

There were days Usain and his coach were alone on the track, just pushing at it. There were days they had no one to affirm them. There were days nobody clicked "like" on their Facebook pictures. There were days no one viewed their profiles/status on new social media. If they had stopped because they had no fans, they would not have made history. But they stuck at it. They hung in there. Until that great moment came when everybody wants to be associated with them. "Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I  press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 3:13-14).

Usain's story taught us how and why we need to become be resolute about winning in our own field of endeavor! Especially because it is possible! Winning becomes normal when you see mortal men and women like you doing it. All we have to do is strive for it. Run to win. Work towards it. Achieve that goal. Do whatever it takes! Once you have set your hearts to do it, just do it! Usain's life-goal is to become a legend in tracks and fields. His preparation took him as far as practicing for eleven months in one year! Can you imagine that? I am sure that many of us love to play. How would you quantify and qualify your time with respect to how Usain spend his time? Considering such level of inputs, you can see where success stories emerge from? You can see the single gulf that separates us. It is not racism, it is not discrimination, it is not injustice. It is execution! 

Friday, December 25, 2009

Dancing to your inner drums!

Just because God deals with us individually and not always as group, when it comes to his specific instruction, it is very easy to compare ourselves with other people. Look unto the rock from were you were hewn, look unto Abraham your father, and to Sarah your mother, for I called him alone. An amazing thing I’ve seen when it comes to hearing from God individually is that you can be in the midst of a crowd and still be the only one who hears what you heard. Your ear could actively screen certain rhythms of instruction while others may not. You are so conscious of the instruction of that moment that you lose touch with the activities in your surrounding. Sounds crazily familiar?
You are among multitude but you are the only one hearing whatever kinds of sound you are hearing. You are hearing specifically what others are not hearing. Others may feel you’re mad for a while until they see what you see and hear what you heard.
And this is when it is very important to follow the direction of the spirit. As God beckons on you with His call, obey the divine program .Follow the yield sign.Why react to the anger of onlookers? You are weird to them and that is true. They cannot feel or see what you are experiencing. Stop trying to explain everything to everyone. They can’t understand by mere explanation. It has to be encountered as revelation. It is a divine matter. Spiritual things can only be understood by spiritually inclined. You are a spiritual being, the workmanship of God of heaven. You were never created to be understood all the time. You were not created by some kind of mathematical brains in a laboratory somewhere rather you were God’s divine intention. You cam into being by the very breathe of the almighty. Through the supernatural power of the almighty God, you were preordained unto greatness. Stop living by human analysis. Why? Because you were meant to live life to the full and be all what God wants you to be. You were destined for greatness. You were craft for God’s glory. Be all you were meant to be.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

The field of Dreams …

When I saw the North Star!
I set out after it
When I saw that flickering light,
I ran on, holding to my beliefs and briefs
Towards vision like moth to light
Towards dreams like butterfly to grains of pollen
When I saw the dreams,
I pursued with my whole heart.
I called, I turned
To the east and the west, I yelled.
I begged and beckoned
For the Supporters club of life
But Lo! They won’t come
Wary of my daydreaming
Boycotting my rescue
The supporters club failed me
They despised my dreams.
They will not come to my aid.
At a point I began to doubt.
I felt sorry
I pity partied self.
I felt like a loser.
I even considered I was crazy
I was regarded: that unserious fool.
Rejected with the baggage of my dreams
Lonely with the blanket of my ideas
I laid me down to sleep without
In the cold winter of November
I was left in the field of dreams
I held on
I was holding on to the dreams without fail
In my doubts and uncertainties
I started out
I started taking small steps…
Made small and big mistakes
But I kept on moving
Then a bold step…
Then another, after another
I saw crowd gunning for most profitable ventures
Not my kind of silly venture
They’re still chasing another’s field till date.
But then, I stayed in mine, at home alone
And behold! It speaks…
The dreams speak!
It was for an appointed time
Then the traffic shifted
The crowd changed.
They held my way
Into the field of dreams
They came to me
Where I’ve once laid alone
I can now barely rest
I now have more sweet and honey
From the honeycomb of my dreams
Dreams…they don't die. They age like men,
they sprout wings and fly
Don't give up until they come true!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

What you don’t know about greatness.

Let me shoot straight at you. Don't read this if you don't want to become successful. Very recently,i was inspired by the Holy Spirit to compile some pictures of great and successful people from all walks of life.I added a picture of mine with them. And i printed it out on just one glossy photo paper.I framed it up and hung it in my sitting room. It serves as a reflector of my heart. It represents where i want to be in life. I understand that God is great. Why shouldn't i? I am not the first person to be doing this kind of thing. It's just that this is my own time to reinforce the principle. I must let you know that the discipline of success is taught in an invincible school called: School of greatness. There is an invincible drill going on daily for greatness to be birthed. There is a rigorous training in which very few people participate in. There’s an institution of success that few people who enroll and attend, systematically attain stardom. This is quite different from the normal schools around. It is not the same thing as the ordinary institutions we see around. The curriculum is self evolved. The time table, sessions, class hours are self chosen. Exceptional people attend there. Those few who succeed in life are students of that school. They strive to learn what others don’t care about. These people are busy working day and night, reading hard, thinking through, and pummeling themselves to align with their vision. With Intentionality they press on to become better people in life. You have to know what you need to know to blow off the limitation. And because you don’t know what you don’t know, these are one of the reasons why they read and study.

Success and greatness takes more than self awareness. You need to consciously pursue after success to reach there. You have to keep pedaling forward until you reach the city of greatness. The people who attend this invincible school of greatness are on their way there. These are people who have signed up for the course called success. They have sold out their hearts for development. They have tied their lives up for improvement. Development is their target. They are not afraid of taking calculated risks and making changes. They have surrendered their lives to the discipline of the school of greatness. Working on their character daily, embracing the right school of thought in totality. They follow the same trend of hard work. They give over themselves unto right principles, right relationships, right actions and more. Although, their lives may look boring to some, they may miss temporary fun in the moment; they may look phony, weird to some others. But as they keep looking inwards to grow daily, they are climbing each rung towards greatness. By reading unpressurized books, buying books which nobody has enforced on them, listening to tapes and CDs, watching heroic and educative movies, listening to informative podcasts, going to seminars; they are chatting the course to greatness in the invincible realm. As they keep studying the life of those who have succeeded in the past. They are ingraining their exceptional spirit. By repeating what those successful people did rightly in order to succeed. They are forming a habit which will shape their destiny forever. By asking questions, having mentors and life coaches; they are led to the great path which successful people of old threaded to get to where they reached. It was not an accident. And it will not be accidental. It was through conscious consistent efforts in the right direction. Greatness is not a mistake. You will reap exactly what you sow. Successes don’t just jump on people. The value of small but consistent actions can never be underestimated. Nothing just happen to any man, I don’t believe that there is anyone called a lucky person on earth. He must have been sowing some secret seeds somewhere which no one knew about. So when he reaped the fruits of his heart and he plucked the rewards of his labor; ignorant people merely look and concluded he was lucky.

If I may ask you now, considering the pace at which you are going presently, considering where you want to go in life, are you positioning yourself rightly each day? Considering your age, if we are to compare your age with the age of those successful people you want to be like, were they doing what you are doing now at the same age? If we are to evaluate the lives of those great people we read about. If you were to read in between the lines of their biographies; how did they achieve greatness? Were they doing what you are doing right now? Were they doing things exactly how you are doing it now? Or were they committed to something much more tasking? The stake to greatness is getting higher each day. In terms of what it entails to be successful, more is required of us. And it seems that every generation seems to have their own peculiar big breaking point when those who succeed actually emerge. There is always a momentum prior to that effect. That can not happen without periods of self discipline wherein those great people would have faced their own self. Conquer their fears. Run over their limitations. Fight their individual battles against mediocrity. There is a unique huddle everyone has got to jump. Their huddle to success and greatness may have shaped their life in determining how they succeeded and why we hear so much of them in our day.

Sometimes, some people wonder if those people who lived in the 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, and 20th century actually faced such nerve-racking huddles as we are facing now. And I wonder why not. They were not more fortunate than us. There is no point doubting whether or not they got into greatness of equal standard with our day. Although, it was not all the students of that invincible school of greatness got to be famous and read about. We did not even know so many people. However, people who disciplined themselves to be successful attain it in their own right. They were few. Yet they were true. Such thing called the discipline of success was probably uncommon in their day. Listing out the number of great people in those times; I am not sure whether or not they outnumbered their successors. The population of the successful people in each successive era may have been determined by the rate at which people actually enroll in that school of greatness. And much more, in how they stayed through the process thereof.

I stand to be corrected that reading just one book such as “Think and grow rich” or any exceptional book at all; can make one truly rich or successful. Doing just one thing and expecting huge result hardly works. To suddenly become rich, is to take a short cut. I think we need to understand that. We need to know why must do better and how we can do better. As we study patterns, succession, history and the culture of greatness. We will read of the wealth of principles that was passed down from one generation to another. We will understand the trend. We need the global perspective on how things evolved from generation to generation. We need to know how success and greatness got re-defined over decades until it got to our generation. And we will need to look for, and understand the common patterns in each stage and each age. It is my thought that: the gateway to riches got more challenging because many people already know the same things...the popular old principles which the likes of Napoleon Hills wrote about has become a common knowledge and almost obsolete. You remember the law of demand and supply? That the higher the demand the lower the supply. The universe works with it still. When everyone already knows the same thing, it becomes a common knowledge. And the value of common knowledge is that it’s almost nothing. If something must be valued and appreciated, it has to be rare. This is why fewest people believe that the search for wealth of knowledge has just began. We are starting all over again. It takes those who will search deeper to know something special, some new strategies for winning. I mean after reading all we have read so far. We have come to realized that more is required of us than others. It will take those who will read above others to stand out of the crowd and lead others. We cannot expect to read common books and suddenly lead people. We can't attain stardom cheaply. If we read the same things like everyone, it means we all know the same thing. The question is this: What are those uncommon principles that others are yet to know about? That is what will make us stand out of the park. That is why you don’t become the student of success by just reading of successful people. You have to become a follower of successful principles, successful trends; you have to become an observer of patterns, a lover of greatness, And you must constantly look out for what other people are not looking out for. You must go deeper!

When you enroll in this invincible university of Greatness; everything about your life will change. In this invincible school, sometimes thoughts must be weighed on a scale, thoughts must be inverted, recaptured, bright ideas must be scrutinized for the realization of success. You cannot be thinking like everybody else and expect to be their leader. You have to think ahead of them. You have to go above their ideologies. And sometimes, it means becoming different. It means you are not afraid to stand alone and be called weird by some people. In that school of greatness, you cannot graduate in four years like it is in the common college. Sorry. You have signed up for life! You must resolve in your mind that you will stay through the process. You must determine to wait as long as the journey requires of you. Considering when great people got into stardom, looking at the age they got there and the barrier they went through. Do you think they calculated the time it will take them to get there? No. They simply resolve to wait and win come what may. And that was how they won. I think we need to ask ourselves: was there anything we think they did differently? What was so unique about their lives? What were they doing all along before they got their big break? What were they doing differently from their mates every day? By the time we look at these indices. We will realize that we have serious work to do and the time is short!

We need to keep seeing the big picture. We need to focus on the destination we see? One of the rare beauties of life is hidden in the art of living in the unknown, believing in the possibilities and potentials of human spirit and striving hard to become better each day. What do you want to become? Do you believe that you can reach there? What do you look like in the present? How long do you think it will take you to get there? How much are you giving daily towards reaching there? The point is that our daily walks count. We are supposed to look at destiny. We are to consider the time and understand the season. What time is it? In terms of our life goals how far have we come? What is the clock of purpose saying? Are we conscious of destiny? Are we working on fulfilling purpose? All these require working hard with time daily. Time must be invested, traded, managed and maximized… that means that we are to daily seize opportunities. These things will require serious learning, communication with other successful people, consciously networking with great people, and more. In order to fulfill your vision; there’s need to write out your plans, to set your goals,to act towards it. Implementations of dreams require taking deliberate steps towards it. Team work will help you to attain greatness on time. There is no self made millionaire. We need to trust other people and be trusted to reach there. We need right people around us. Writing down certain things, brainstorming, thinking through them, mind-mapping with intelligent people will make us achieve much more. I know you know all that.

Let me quickly ask you this: What is the dominant thought in your mind? Why do you hold on to it? What can you do right now to make that thought bear fruits? What are simple actions steps that will change that thought from mere thinking into materialization? How are you living to implement that vision? Will the realizations of these thoughts make you fulfilled? Will it keep you focused? Can it make you keep putting things in perspective? Will there be connectivity with grand purpose in days to come? What is that one thing you want to live and die for? Are you cultivating your mind field daily? Based on your life experience, what is that information you have been able to learn and gather personally that will be helpful? Do you have a solitude moment when you think creatively? What have you been able to bring out from your solitude experience that will now be resourceful in your journey to greatness?
Greatness is a culture. We don’t just jump into it. We brood in it…for us to breed it! It takes singleness of purpose, focus and commitment. It takes just one heart to run over this bridge of ordinariness unto greatness...the bridge is burning with fire. Just as two lovers whose heart has merged into one can cross any ocean together. We need you to become one with your vision so that you can cross over despites the fire. We need you on the other side victorious. We can all be great and successful. The question is: Will we all do what it takes? You must strive to cross the bridge of greatness to be there on the other side. It takes a heart. It takes a person of courage. If indeed you want to cross over to fulfillment, you need to be inseparable with God and your dreams. In order to cross this bridge to greatness; you will need commitment to God. Your determination will count but without God; you will miss it. Your choice matters. And decision determines destiny. It is a choice to enroll under a discipline wherein no one is watching you, wherein nobody is rewarding you, in which no one rates you nor expects anything of you, yet you chose to be faithful in it all.

Sunday, May 24, 2009


I’ve always said it time and again. That action is one indispensable part of success. Any great man you read about took action. They had a drive to pursue their goals and they did. And the rest is history. I can’t overemphasis the essence of putting one leg in front of the other and making your way out of the house each morning towards the place where opportunities are waiting to be plucked. There is need to just put your leg in the door anyhow. Half of the job is done once you show up. It’s vital to show up even when you don’t feel like it. Even when it seems that you’re unqualified for such opportunities. It is vital to hang in there. There is a need to stay put to the threshold for things to happen. There’s need for persistence for results to be birthed. You will be surprised how things will answer for you. The reasons why great people made it were not because they were smarter. Rather, they were able to make it because they took bold steps despite their doubts. They went deliberately after their opportunities and they stayed through thick and thin to pluck it, and they were made. In this same spirit, it’s important for us to walk up to our desires, to move intentionally towards our dreams and areas of interests.

I will remind you how Nelson Mandela got the national victory for South Africa. You remember that the oppressor weren’t planning to leave? Apartheid would have become normal up to now, if he had not stood his ground in the face of imprisonments, intimidation. The hopelessness of the South African situation was enough to discourage anyone. But then, this one man; just stood his ground. He refused to shift. And the rest is history today. What about the Montgomery bus protest? I mean the well known civil right movement? How it began? You remember that the non violence protest, with series of events unfolded after one woman refused to give up her seat on bus to a white passenger? The struggles began, because someone was just fed up of it all. Then, a well positioned Pastor was also around the corner thinking of extraordinary life beyond the four walls of the church. He was thinking of influencing more lives than just clapping hands and singing religiously every Sunday. He decided to break the walls of the religion holding destinies back. And within the four walls of the church came the victory for the American black people. Martin Luther King Jnr. Led an already uncomfortable crowd out of racism. The victory was discovered. It was signed, legally stamped, and delivered. Racism was wiped out of the fabric of the American people because a woman acted, a man also did his part and there was a group and then a whole city, then a state and then a nation was affected. He was just one man. She was just one lady. They decided to act! They acted first separately at the beginning; then later as a team.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

How to get things done without spending cash!

This article is about how to get things done without actually spending cash.I am about to share with you one of my life’s top secrets. Being a man from a humble background; in the course of my growing up; I had to eke out with difficulty to spend money on what I wanted for myself. Most of my things were bought for me and my siblings. We never had excess cash flowing around as kids. There was nothing like pocket money. I started thinking of how else to get what I wanted in life without having to be deprived and denied. At a point I would think of doing trade, business with any thing called resources at my disposal. I can sell/market any stuff I can lay my hands on, once it is mine. I love to have cash on me. Much more i love to have assets. I remember once when we were young. I was in the elementary school then. I was eating breakfast with my younger brother. I could not finish my food but my brother had finished his meal hurriedly. I remember turning my piece of bread into a burger snack right there at the breakfast table and selling it to my junior brother for money which he was to pay back on credit. He found it so difficult to reject my offer as I marketed that left over breakfast of mine to him. He was so convinced that he was buying something different from the same piece of bread and omelet we were eating together at the table. Although, he went into perceived debt just to eat that instant “burger snack” I manufactured and sold to him at the breakfast table that morning at home. Sadly, he was unable to pay me back thereafter. And that was the first experience that should have taught me not to sell anything on credit again. My point was that since childhood, I had grown a business mindset. I had been selling things. I advanced into a student- business man when I entered high school such that I bought a certain used toy-game of soccer and rented it out to school mates when I was in high school. They will play my game and pay me some token for it. I will time them on it to make more money.

In a nutshell, my childhood experience with inadequate liquidity or flow of cash, shaped my thinking and forced me into thinking, asking questions, experimenting on how else I could successfully get things done without having to spend money directly. And I remember how I started early in life to trade in things like invisibles, values, trade by barter, exchange services. I tried maximizing my relationships, made more friends, whether they are intimate or not, it does not matter. I realized that I was going to need people to get to where I intend to go in life. I did not want to be misjudged or perceived wrongly as a user or a leach or a parasite on people. So I started thinking of how to trade value for value. I figured how to be resourceful and useful to people’s causes. I had to earn trust with people. I had to develop myself and force myself to learn to grow into someone who will have something so meaningful and edifying to say, something tangible to offer the people I come across. There were points when I had to serve people in order to be assisted, accepted and be paid. I had to volunteer at some points. I have helped some people in order to win friends, network people and thereby winning friends and gaining more influence. I’ve had to read wide in order to create great knowledge base.
I had to read the bible to reach spiritual consciousnesses. I meditated to reach a depth and develop uncommon strategies, ideas that can attract money. I stopped asking for money for whatever reason. And I started asking for a bond, a relationship and trust with people. I knew that if I asked for money; I will only have it once and that is from the transaction we may have together. But after that transaction is over, I will not be able to go to the person to get another cash to meet my needs until I have to get into another transaction again with similar or another set of people entirely. I realized that if I could just focus on building relationships and I am able to make trustworthy friendships. Things will be a little bit different. From my friendship I will build a trust. And if I could build a trust, then I would have access to people's cash at any time. So I focused on something much more important. And that is relationship.
It was with GOD and His inspiration in terms of this idea that I have been able to achieve more. Hence, I was able to network and do much of what I did without having money. For instance, I shot a movie as an undergraduate without a sponsor. I published my book in United States of America without spending my personal money directly. To list a few, I achieved small feats here and there as a young man without having abundance of cash in savings account. I got out of debt after shooting the film which I shot as an undergraduate through the same principle. I worked with an elderly lecturer-friend who recruited me based on his recognition of my potentials and on the relationship we share. The bonding we had together snowballed into being a part of his family life. I traveled out of my country of birth and tried this same principle in another country and it is working. And I am getting discounts, gifts, free tickets, gate pass, and so on without spending my personal cash. This principle of relationship formation works. I call it learning to bond with people rather than just meeting them casually. Encountering people on a deeper ground; require that we listen deeply to them. Appreciate whatever they are doing; whatever they have done in time past and what they still need to get done. Ask for how you can be a part of whatever they are doing so as to help out. Please note that I emphasized that we must think in terms of win-win for the people we are relating with. I tried to use value to achieve value. I tried to use people relational skills to achieve something of great value. This is how to achieve results without virtual money.And you can do the same thing.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Wholesome Restlessness!

Imagine how Esau was replied by his father Isaac after losing his blessing to Jacob, the cheat he had as a brother. He was told that until he becomes restless enough, that is when he will be able to break the oppression off his neck. Until then, he will keep serving his junior brother. His story would lead me into a conclusion i arrived at recently. And that is to live a life of wholesome restlessness. I've realized that the secret lie in the restlessness to succeed! Not allowing anyone to dissuade you from what you see and believe in.Whenever i talk about issues like this; i hear people say that you are sounding desperate. In point of fact, if you are not determined and desperately out to catch the free flying flies of financial freedom, greatness and success you are not going to catch them.

I will like to differentiate between wholesome restlessness and mere desperation.A desperate person is a frustrated fellow who is trying to act from an hopeless standpoint rather than look out for opportunities and take them. Being on the look out for opportunities is a thing we all need to be trained in. Our eyes often see what our heart is seeking. It takes an extraordinary heart to see and pick what is not obvious. And that is the point. A point where you can sense, smell, sniff opportunities and go for it doggedly until you catch up with it. A restless heart keep searching, keeps inquiring, until s/he is able to see, hold what s/he seeks in a tangible state.