Friday, December 25, 2009

The seasons of greatness

Greatness does not have to be chased; it comes with responsibility and time. As we stick to our divine calling we are going to gradually stand out of the crowd. Although, our lack of character may delay our emergence, our weaknesses may keep delaying God’s great work concerning our life.
However, there is another outworking of God on our inside that is greater than the working on the outside. That is where the work of depth occurs in our spirit man. Our sin and weaknesses are not enough to stop him from taking us there to his destined point for our lives… this is why purpose is inevitable.
Your greatness is tied to your purpose. Your greatness will be discovered in the confines of your core calling. Your greatness is tied to your obedience to God’s word. When you are determined to live and die for a noble cause; you are only being philanthropic but when you are willing to be crucified with the lord Jesus Christ; when you are willing to live for Him alone.
When you are eager to see the fulfillment of His promises, purpose, and the manifestation of His power; daylight will arise in your heart. You will be able to say that it has been worth it all along. You will be certain that you have not come this far in vain because the true greatness in Christ is not seasonal.

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