Showing posts with label Jesus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jesus. Show all posts

Friday, December 3, 2010

What is this weird secret about the potency of a mere name?

Let me quickly shoot a question at you. What is the biggest problem in your life right now? Okay. You don’t have to tell me. I know you are so secretive anyway (Laughs). I want you to know that there is a solution to that problem. And that answer is in the power behind a name that is not a mere name. You know that when i call your name, you will look in my direction. Am i right? Great! if you a mere man will look in the direction of your caller. There is a name that once you call on that name, that biggest problem you have can be erased as if it has never been in existence all along. That means that a smile will show up on your face. Imagine this for a second...if the name of Barack Obama will open any door on this side of the universe because he is the President of United States. That name of Jesus is even greater than the name of Obama. The President of United states of America himself really need to be protected under this name of Jesus irrespective of all the FBIs, CIAs around him. If the covering of this name of Jesus is gone from any life. That life is gone into oblivion. It becomes a mere waste. 
The name of Jesus is special because this Jesus himself is not a Man but God transformed into flesh. The account of John Chapter 1 said that: ...and the word became flesh and have His dwelling amongst us." So, He is not a man that He should lie or repent of His words. His promises are yes and Amen! Meaning that they are true, certain, unchangeable and immutable. There is much power in that name called Jesus. You see, even the Psalmist once encountered this power in the name of Jesus and he said that: “I will call upon the LORD, [who is worthy] to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies” (Psalm 18:3-4). So, whenever we are so overwhelmed, there is a name that can set us free! There is still hope in His name.
So you are saying that i know all that? You better be mindful when calling the name of JESUS. There’s power in that name. He's not "Nurudeeni", "Taibatu", "Tawakalitu", “Ogidan”, “Ojibwe”, “Odunuga” or “Animashaun”. He is the God of all flesh and there is nothing too hard for Him to do!  For instance, that name can raise the dead and heal HIV/Aids, Cancer or any kind of disease at all. For, there is only one name that has been given to us all under this Heaven and it is at the mention of that name: Jesus Christ, that every kneel must bow down and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is the Lord.
So what is the big deal behind that name? You may ask. Jesus Christ shed his innocent blood on the cross of Calvary at Golgotha over two thousand years ago just to save the whole world. He was the only one who could die for us when we lost it. He had to die because we broke our covenant with God. We lost all hope of eternal and abundant life. This is the kind of life that transcend this planet earth. So at that point mankind was heading for destruction. The peril was sealed because our first representative as Homo sapient messed up at the world conference that occurred in the beginning of all things. So it was so sad that we all were heading for doom. But because of God's love for us all. God organized a way of escape for us and came through in form of a Saviour. He did that because He really loved His creation and He did not want to let go of us, just like that. So, He had to come through, just for our redemption. This redemption happened through the death and the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  That was how the name of Jesus became a greater name than every other names. So, the key point is this: You cannot access the potency of that name of Jesus without acknowledging this Jesus as the Lord of your life.  You are now asking me what that mean? To be the Lord means that you are no longer going to live your life for yourself. Rather, you will begin to live for Him. How do i live for Him? You may ask. You will need to seek His Kingdom and His righteousness. This will be easy through the reading of His word called the Holy Bible. In that age old book, the divine plan has been revealed for mankind. As you begin to read through that Bible, you will begin to understand why you were born? What you were created for? And what you were meant to be doing right now? This is what we call Purpose.
You cannot acknowledge Jesus as the Lord of your life without surrendering to Him. It is in your total submission to Him that you will have true fulfillment. If you don’t recognize that you were born in sin and that you have the need for forgiveness and restoration to God, you will keep going in cycle of an unfulfilled life. It is through Jesus that fulfillment is achieved and restoration is made complete. 
Do you still remember that on the day Jesus was crucified, he replaced a sinner called Barabbas. The crowd were asking for the freedom of Barabbas, rather than for the freedom of Jesus. The divine intent of God that day was to give a second chance. Not only to Barabbas but for every one of us who acknowledge that we are sinners and we need a second chance to be restored. The key then is a heart of repentance. Without a broken spirit, there is no peace. If we are willing to stretch to God for mercy, He is willing to take us back unto Him. This exchanged criminal could not have saved himself or the whole world; if he had died in place of Jesus that day. Yet, a lot of us are trying hard to play the Macho! We are pretending that we don't need forgiveness. We are acting that our actions were justified and justifiable.  But you know there is a sickening feeling on the inside which nobody sees but us. So why not call on that name: Jesus Christ. Call him today and now. Allow Him to help you overcome your pride of self-sufficiency. This is an evil of self-destruct. Thank you for doing that already.

Friday, April 2, 2010

There's a more constant light...

There's a more constant light that everyone can rely upon. Unlike the light of the pedestrian crossing which goes on and off as the traffic progresses. This light of heaven in our hearts can be depended upon because it is as constant as its reliable maker. The Walker does not have to be stopped from progressing. The Hiker can depend upon it day and night...This Light can be found in Jesus Christ... For the path of the just is as the shining light that shines ever brighter unto a perfect day… Unto the righteous will light shine in the darkness...

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The wine festival

Somebody spilled wine,
Another broke a wine glass
-Tasting etiquette
Tasting time
Rinse glass with water if desired
A sign reads beside a stand:
-Help reduce congestion at wine tables
Receive wine. Step back.

Tasters’ addiction, tasters’ greed
Swirl. Sniff. Sip
Gulp. Spit and dump in buckets
Some more wine elsewhere
Sour wine drunken
Aches in belly, throw up. Sick.
More unwanted into filled belly
Will the best be kept for the last?

Sour wines, sweet wines…
Guess and taste.
Taste any, many
Then, the wine drought!
No winery in view
Galilean teacher hanging out at a corner

A gaze at the wine pots in wine famine
A turning in seat, a turning of water
Behold an heavenly wine!
at his sight, things can still turn
Wine came without will power
No visit, no story. No history
No swiping of credit, debit
miracle wine still exists

Perform your timely rescue missions
Prevent embarrassment,
save someone off their mess!
Is there an impending social disgrace?
Offer to give and kill the greed
Don’t be a Judas who thought:
after this wedding, our winery will be opening
Coming soon! Our winery...
It means more money!
It means more silver!

Friday, December 25, 2009

The seasons of greatness

Greatness does not have to be chased; it comes with responsibility and time. As we stick to our divine calling we are going to gradually stand out of the crowd. Although, our lack of character may delay our emergence, our weaknesses may keep delaying God’s great work concerning our life.
However, there is another outworking of God on our inside that is greater than the working on the outside. That is where the work of depth occurs in our spirit man. Our sin and weaknesses are not enough to stop him from taking us there to his destined point for our lives… this is why purpose is inevitable.
Your greatness is tied to your purpose. Your greatness will be discovered in the confines of your core calling. Your greatness is tied to your obedience to God’s word. When you are determined to live and die for a noble cause; you are only being philanthropic but when you are willing to be crucified with the lord Jesus Christ; when you are willing to live for Him alone.
When you are eager to see the fulfillment of His promises, purpose, and the manifestation of His power; daylight will arise in your heart. You will be able to say that it has been worth it all along. You will be certain that you have not come this far in vain because the true greatness in Christ is not seasonal.

"Until I bring you word…" Homicide of Proactivity (Part two)

Matthew 2:13 says: "behold, the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt, and be thou there until I bring thee word..."
Until I bring thee word, don’t move! Until I bring thee word don’t act on your own, until I bring thee word, don’t change your job. Until I bring thee word, don’t marry in haste. Until I bring thee word, don’t travel on your own. Until I bring thee word, don’t take any rash step. Until I bring thee word, don’t change your routine. Until I bring you word, don’t act smart in the name of pro-activity.

A lot of time we try to be smarter than God, because we have been taught the importance of pro-activity in the school of management. So, we usually go all out on so many projects without consulting God. Forget about your management technique when it comes to God’s specific instructions and timing. Don’t try to persuade God. Don’t organize your own programs. Don’t step out on your own. Don’t do anything without instruction. Joseph was warned in a dream. That was instruction. He woke up and obeyed immediately what the Angel of God told him in the dream. When we wake up, do we rationalize our God given instructions?

Matthew 2:13b says: "...and be thou there until I bring thee word"
This verse shows that instruction must be followed by another instruction in the school of the spirit if we are to be shielded to fulfill our divine calling and purpose. For line must be upon line, precepts upon precepts… Instruction must precede action and reaction for every child of God. Instruction is the utmost. I came to appreciate time and also value instruction more as a result of what I have encountered in dealing with God’s specific words. You got to wait until you catch a revelation. Until a Rhema-word comes alive, until a specific word jumps out of the reading of the word of God, don’t go out on a limb.

Homicide of pro-activity! (Part One)

This is a narrative of true event that will shape your life forever. You will appreciate the place of speed and accuracy in destiny. You will value instruction and timing based on divine direction. Your making it in life will be dependent on timing, instruction and direction. Timing actually informs speediness while instruction actualizes accuracy. We need both to be what God wants us to be. The earthly father of Jesus was warned in a dream to take the son-Jesus out of Bethlehem to Egypt. If he had lingered some months longer in Bethlehem, if he had waited for a year or two more; what do you think would have become of the baby-Jesus? Needless to say, King Herod would have killed him along with the multitude of children that were massacred from two years down. And the essence of Christmas would have become short circuited in history by now.

The place of instruction and timing gives birth to accuracy and speed obtainable in destiny. There are some things that cannot be overemphasised in the school of the spirit. When you hear from God, you will be sure, accurate and correct. You cannot go wrong if you heard directly from God. Just because you knew you heard Him precisely, you will have confidence. However, many people take God’s word and instruction slowly and inactively. The passivity they demonstrate aborts the process to their blessings and they question God over His "unfulfilled" promises. The truth is: when you hear Him, there is always a timeline within which His instruction is to be expedited. Sometimes, you are expected to carry out the instruction within a certain period of time. This is why speed is very important. It is by instruction through God's word that we stay ahead of the enemy's plans. It is by instruction-divine instruction- that we outwit the devil.

Matthew 2:12-15, says: "…And being warned of God in a dream that they should not return to Herod, they departed into their own country another way. And when they were departed, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt, and be thou there until I bring thee word: for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.”
These were clear instructions given to the wise men that came to worship Jesus when He was born. Joseph the earthly father of Jesus was also instructed at the same time to run away into exile with the child in order to hide him for a season.
Matthew 2:14 says: “…When he arose, he took the young child and his mother by night, and departed into Egypt: And was there until the death of Herod... Then Herod, when he saw that he was mocked of the wise men, was exceeding wroth, and sent forth, and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem, and in all the coasts thereof, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had diligently enquired of the wise men."

The obedience of Joseph to instruction led to the preservation of the Messiah from infanthood so that He could fulfill His mission. Simple instruction through a mere dream saved the life of the baby-Jesus from being killed along with other children that Herod killed. Let me quickly tell you these that: the enemy is always time conscious, even if you are not. The enemy is always angry at the seed of greatness in you and he is ready to destroy as many just for him to get hold of just one target. If you doubt that, you can quickly recall 9-11 at the world trade centre in USA. The enemy has come to kill, to steal and to destroy. You will wonder why I am talking to you about the enemy. The scripture says we are not ignorant of the devices of the enemy. Matthew 2:12 says: "And being warned of God in a dream that they should not return to Herod, they departed into their own country another way."
God's instruction does not always come in repetitive forms. So don’t wait till God speak the second or third time before you act on His instructions. His instruction doesn’t have to be repeated over and again before we obey. The wise men were warned in just one dream. Joseph was warned in just one dream. And they all obeyed.