Showing posts with label life calling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life calling. Show all posts

Monday, January 24, 2011

Customized war: understanding your life's call

Everybody has a customized war to engage in. Not wars. But War!(singular). There is a war that was designed for you alone to fight. And you cannot shy away from it. Until you understand that. You will not be able to fulfill your call or even walk in purpose on earth. We cannot help you to fight this war. It is yours to fight. Some of us were called to fight against mediocrity. Some of us were called to fight against injustice. Some of us were called to fight against racism.Some of us were called to fight against manipulations. Martin Luther identified his own war. Mother Theressa identified her own war. Barack Obama identified his own war. Have you found yours? Can you truly identify your own war?
All wars are works of the evil one. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil. These works of the devil cannot be destroyed without you understanding your calling. The works of the devil must be destroyed by every believer.  You got to know your own war, and carefully fight on! You cannot choose your war. Rather, the war chooses you. It has a way of coming to you, of its own accord . It has a way of appearing and re-appearing in your life-journey. It keeps re-occurring to you in various shapes and forms. You got to be able to identify it and deal with it!
 It has to be fought by you alone. You were born for this!

The only way to fight this war is by wise counsel. That is what the book of proverbs told us:
For by wise counsel thou shalt make thy war: and in multitude of counsellors [there is] safety (Proverbs 24:6).
So wise counsel is very important…and wise counsel is found in the word of God. The additional weapon of warfare for this customized war is called multitude of counsellors. This could be multitude of great books written by wise people. Not necessarily going from one person to another and getting confused by different opposing view-points. Wrong advice can be brutal! That can influence your destiny forever. A multitude is a multitude. We need to understand that. When God says multitude of counsel. He meant what he said. God wants us to stay in the midst of wise words and right principles.

This is how to win this customized war! You will wage your own war through the word of God!
If the Bible could specifically call us unto wise counsel; it means that there are indeed some foolish counsels out there. There wrong advisers all around us. And how do we get to know the difference? How can we distinguish the foolish counsel from the wise counsels? It is by understanding the word of God personally. This is how to tell which is wise and which is a foolish counsel.
If in the multitude of counsellors there is safety. It means that in the absence of wise counsellors or in the presence of few counsellors, then, there is danger! Any counsel that contradicts the scripture is not from God. If it is not a wise counsel. It is from the evil one. And it does not matter who gave such counsel. The devil can go into anybody to bring out some evil counsel. We dont buy into personalities to wage customized war. We buy into principles of the kingdom. So in order to win your personal war. Get this word into your spirit man! Dig into the scripture! And win your war!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

For the last time!

I'm the epitome of holy misfit.
‘cause I couldn’t fit in,
Not into where I was coming from;
Not into where I was going yet.
I could n’t fit comfortably
into where I am per time.
My heart is always stirring, my spirit yearning .
My mind is continually in motion.
Saying there’s more…
I can only create, and recreate till I die
I am not fulfilled till I see and seek Him.
I can boldly pioneer
Some sort of replica within me!
My soul longs for thee!
Oh! God of the freedom world
from such fanaticism of religion and dogman here.
I am left without afore
I am left an option; but to live
I’m left to die but, yet I’ll reach
and that is to reach for the stars
To gaze till I blink no more
To wait, wail until I see the star!
Until the daystar arise in my heart .
all I’ve is mire, myrrh and mind
all I was told is myth and mirth
All might have gone
but all I am is right here
on the inside of me.
All I have does not matter to me now
all I am is on the line.
I'll yet praise Him, until I see Him.
I’ll yet try and test all these creative things within,
this “creatorial” and creative-oral ability within me.
This what I will yet birth
this "thing" within that is crying to me:
“…for the last time!”

Friday, December 25, 2009

The seasons of greatness

Greatness does not have to be chased; it comes with responsibility and time. As we stick to our divine calling we are going to gradually stand out of the crowd. Although, our lack of character may delay our emergence, our weaknesses may keep delaying God’s great work concerning our life.
However, there is another outworking of God on our inside that is greater than the working on the outside. That is where the work of depth occurs in our spirit man. Our sin and weaknesses are not enough to stop him from taking us there to his destined point for our lives… this is why purpose is inevitable.
Your greatness is tied to your purpose. Your greatness will be discovered in the confines of your core calling. Your greatness is tied to your obedience to God’s word. When you are determined to live and die for a noble cause; you are only being philanthropic but when you are willing to be crucified with the lord Jesus Christ; when you are willing to live for Him alone.
When you are eager to see the fulfillment of His promises, purpose, and the manifestation of His power; daylight will arise in your heart. You will be able to say that it has been worth it all along. You will be certain that you have not come this far in vain because the true greatness in Christ is not seasonal.