Showing posts with label seduction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label seduction. Show all posts

Friday, November 20, 2009

Breaking the power of seduction

Seduction can be seen everywhere ranging from religion, advertisement, marketing world to nook and cranny of the society. If you look logically, examine closely enough you can identify it and avoid being a victim of seduction. If you don’t know how to evaluate the situation most of the time you can lose your money, time, resources, marriages, life, even your soul to seduction. Out of ignorance and carelessness you can become the victim of seduction. Seduction is a process. Some people will identify with it being referred to as a spirit.
Let me quickly define seduction and the seducer in this context that can be more encompassing. In this context, seduction is any situation, anything, anyone, whose appearance, whose words, who by being around, who on encounter, through contact with you makes you feel magnetized. The hold that person or situation have on you may not necessarily be harmful at first but down the line you seem to be losing something. It could be something intangible as your freedom. It could be something more than physical (Odunuga, 2009). The Encarta Dictionary defined Seduction this way. “Seduction something that tempts, persuades, or attracts,” “leading astray of somebody.” “The act of persuading somebody to have sex, especially by using a romantic or deceptive approach”

Seduction can be so strong, appealing and teasing that it makes you feel powerless. Sometimes you just seem to be losing your whole sense of control. It’s like you are unable to control the situation. The power to be in charge seems to be gone. The key to breaking the power of seduction is breaking that magnetism that exists between you and the person or object in the situation. If you want to break free that magnetic field between you and the seducer must be intercepted. That force that is holding you down must be broken. There is a “how to” everything in life. Seduction is like taking up an iron filling or a metallic object with a piece of magnet. The only thing that can free up the iron filling or metallic object is another stronger magnet or force.

It must be noted that an object can seduce. In such situation, someone placed the object in a strategic location in form of advert in order to seduce, attract and appeal to you. For instance the tendencies to steal something, the temptation to buy something, the pressure to grab someone, the feeling to take hold of someone or something; all involve the same thing called a seductive force. When you feel like snatching something or you sense that someone is irresistible for you. Your judgement can be cloudy if you are not aware of all these information. It is easy to rationalize seduction. You will never realize the power you have over seduction if you keep rationalizing it. I understand that seduction and the seducer can be very strong. Your eyes are the first gate that must be shut at the seducer. Rule number one is eyes closed! Rule number two is ear closed! Rule number three is mouth shut! The next is to speak to all other senses to dissociate. You are free when you refuse to engage your entire self in the process.

Who are seducers?
When you first saw the title of this writing I am sure that the first kind of people that readily came to your mind as seducer is a harlot/ prostitute, or a striper? Seducers are more than that. Some sales people seduce you into buying products you don’t want or need. Some investors lure you by offering you a fat money loan with the intent of taking over your business once your idea gets into implementation phase because their share in your business will eventually eliminate you. Some multilevel marketers seduce you into joining their down line, so that they can climb higher on the sales ladder and become a strong up line that generates more points and money. Some sales people just try to sell you any product (sometimes it could be so funny that they have not used that product themselves). Sometimes, some Jehovah witnesses keep reappearing on your doorstep just to sell you another gospel. Some telemarketers keep phoning your home just to convince you of their service. Some websites’ hosts keep sending you spam mails that make your junk mailbox full. If you don’t unsubscribe you keep getting the same thing forever. And the key in seduction which the seducers understand better than you is that persistence wears down any man.

So how do I break seduction? - Good question. Try to do the following:
• Don’t keep in touch
• Don’t return the seducer’s call
• Don’t go back to revisit the seducer
• Avoid where you felt seduced.
• Reduce contact with the seducer
• Break communication deliberately with the seducer.
• Withdraw concentration from the seducer.
• Explain to the person that you cannot, you don’t want to.
• Be sincere, be straight forward that you don’t want to be a part of this. When you lie, you will have to lie again. You need more lie to cover pre-existing lies in order to convince the seducer. When you are blunt, the message will cut through like a sword and you will be freed.
• Give yourself to a cause bigger than you.
• Take the focus from you to other people.
• Sacrifice your idle time for other people’s good. People need help everywhere. Find a way to serve. Freely volunteer.
• Embrace purposeful living

The easiest way is to allow time before you continue relating with the person who seduces you. The temperature of passion that speeds up the process of seduction would have to cool down. Take it slowly when the other person is trying to rush you into a process. If the person is taking it slow, speed up the process disengaging. The key is to alternate the frequency between you. So the actual way to overcome seduction is to Flee! In case of a seduction from a sales person, the key is to learn to say No! In case of a seduction from a striper, the key is to leave the place. In the case of a temptation to sin, the key is to run away and then start praying from afar. I said the last thing is Prayer because the God said so! Many people try to pray before fleeing and they end up as victims. It must be noted that all the aforementioned can only help you if you are really willing to be freed from seduction. Seduction can be overcome no matter how strong it feels. If you are not tired of being a victim of seduction; you will keep ending up as victim and wondering how you got into such mess. Mess will never make you, rather it will mar you. Don’t sit back in a mess and wish it will someday turn into a message. It will require deliberate steps to come out of it and become a better person. Greatness belongs to those who can avoid being a continual victim of seduction. The truth is that in this matter, prayers actually come last. The definition of prayer here means communication. It means communicate with God. It means talk to God about it. It means confess it to God and ask for support. Ask for strength, ask for grace and help.
Seduction can be overcome even though there could be irresistibility kind of force coming from the seducer. To be seduced is a phenomenon. It is normal, it is not new. The fact is that you need to know how to handle the situation because some people seem to have stronger energy level emanating from them. Some individuals tend to have, influence, and charisma. They are stronger with overpowering spirit, sometimes they are domineering and encountering them directly or indirectly can just beat you. Things are just beyond you. So be wise!